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Everything posted by actonion

  1. Cause of the crash is still under investigation ?, Are those investigating qualified to know the difference between a Brake pedal, and a Whiskey bottle, doubtful,....Licence taken away doubtful........... fine minimal, dont do it again .. and back to work to injure some more people
  2. A Thai man stopped to let Pedestrians cross the road ? thats gotta be a first
  3. They're all stupid enough without a gun in their hands
  4. What is that Yellow stuff, supposed to be Cheese, but its not ... some Restaurants sell a dish 'Cordon Bleu" that has it wrapped in Chicken or Pork,........no taste
  5. Yes the threshold as i understand it is, ..........0 to 150,000 pa is exempt from Tax
  6. My( Thai ) Mrs has a few Cogs missing too
  7. Boracay Island ( @ White beach) I'm told is one of the best locations to holiday within the Philippines, I will try it this year
  8. There is a couple, if u google it
  9. As a Thai Teenager told me, .....to wear a helmet, or show a Red light at the back of your Bike "you're chicken"," "Thai's not afraid to die same Farang"... Hearing this, his parents smiled
  10. The SUV driving "Without due care and attention", he drove across the path of several cars, and that motorbike without checking the oncoming traffic, so whats to investigate, if u have any sort of road traffic knowledge !! Both of those girls were of legal age to be riding a motorbike at 15 years of age, which imo is far too young, Licence or no licence, it doesnt alter the stupid way they all drive, kids, adults, police, they all drive without thinking
  11. My Thai Mrs regularly calls a number that she once said can help with heavy smoke in the area, always the answer is "we investigated your complaint but we could not find the location..too lazy to go and look is more like the right answer
  12. These hospital should get asked Why do they charge foreigners extra, I ask everytime & just get a smile, especially now foreigners are being told u to pay tax when millions of their own workers pay no income tax
  13. I wanted to send a Faulty Hearing Aid to the UK for repair until i found out it would be subject to import Tax on its return to Thailand. Using DHL (Naklua) it would have cost 950b, I went next door into FED EX who quoted 3000b both companies quoting same delivery times, both stated, No Batteries to be sent.. , Wonder why so much price difference..
  14. A Surgeon asked a Farang friend of mine, if he was paying himself, or was it an insurance company paying, he replied he was paying himself, the doctor said ....."ok we'll have you out of here A.S.A.P"...... presumably an insurance job takes a more leisurely pace..
  15. I'd like them to post the reasons why foreigners have to pay more, i know we know why, I'd just like to ask them why, with Thai logic be interesting to see their answer
  16. On top of this foreigners are now being told to pay Tax
  17. Although my Mrs works at one of Pattaya's Ladyboy shows, (Management) , she is /was a Woman, last time I checked !!..What hospital are you both using?... Just to add, that the Ladyboy Theatres, X 3 also charge double price for Foreign customers, any Asian is asked to produce their I.D. when buying a ticket as many Chinese that speak Thai try it on....
  18. I have just sent an e mail to Management to ask......... why, no doubt will remain unanswered
  19. No dual price list shown at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, but today i went for my annual 4 Blood tests, this time my Thai wife asked to join me, and yes there was a price difference in the 2 Bills, we both used the same Doctor i had 4 Blood tests she had 1, the price difference was 150b in the Blood tests and 150b in the Doctors fee, i asked the staff, why, and was told its Hospital policy, so now i will ask the Hospital management why to see if they admit to dual pricing.......no shame' im sure they will
  20. My Mrs went for an Annual smear test with the Gynie doctor while i was having the prostate procedure, they found stage 2 cancer which is why they said she needed a full hysterectomy, she is now on hormone replacement, they have now suggested she has a follow up Scan, these annual checks apparently go on for 5 years following her operation..she is gaining weight very fast,despite her dieting
  21. I had a Prostate ( Rezum) procedure done in Bangkok Pattaya Hospital 2 year ago at a cost of 200,000 Baht...It was the advertised price so presumably the same cost for Thai's and Farangs. the procedure took 20 minutes followed by 4 or 5 Hours in the recovery room after which i was allowed Home , Two months later my Thai Wife had a Histerectomy operation in the same hospital, the operation was 4 to 5 hours long, & then a 4 days stay in the Hospital, total cost 300,000 B, it seems to me my Wife had a better deal, cost wise
  22. Not enough Water in Summer, not enough Gas in Winter, not enough Drainage when it Rains...
  23. As I said on another post about "Stabbing over a fried Egg" ,.. and the same applies to this post = Thailand needs more Hospitals the Mentally disturbed people there, of which there are a growing number
  24. Fried Eggs = Stabbing = More Hospital's needed for the Mentally disturbed Thai's
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