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Everything posted by actonion

  1. I think more importantly is why was nothing done about those who started Covid
  2. Some just don't like being told they can't buy a Beer by a load of Corrupt Officials
  3. Why no possible death sentence like most drug smuggler to bali
  4. Problem is,.. the Police Farce being Thai they drive the same as the rest of these idiots, My Thai brother inlaw a Policman, listens to me complaining about traffic laws, and accidents, & cant understand why...So, no hope...
  5. Beauty is as Shiny as my Flip Flop
  6. With Sea Water as Polluted as can be, and Sand that stinks of Urine, that s come from a local Builders Merchants until the next pattaya flooding , they;re full of B.S
  7. The biggest punishment for this GO-lightly person is too with hold food for a week at least, meanwhile, Fart and Givvus a clue
  8. A Taxi driver told me exactly that, especially if riding a Motorbike home in the early hours, Do not stop at A Red traffic light, if you do, chances are very high u will be rear ended...
  9. Unaware of Pedestrian Crossings??.... huge Red and White Stripes painted on the Road and they 're still unaware?, go get your eyes tested, put your Telephone away, and import some Qualified Driving Instuctors / Driving Test Examiners, this will never happen because Thai's know everything, and cant be told, because the people doing the job now have not got a clue as to what they are doing
  10. Pattaya Klang ,very close to Big C extra the footpath is deadly, .............Slum City
  11. A Thai man with excellent English language has a Second hand Motorbike sales shop on Third Road very close to the Pattaya Klang Junction, I have bought many Bikes from him over several Years ... Travelling down Klang towards the Beach from Sukhumvit rd. turn Left onto Third Rd, his shop is a few meters past the very first 7/11 on the left hand side, u can see many bikes out the front, his shop is easily missed
  12. Back in the days of Smoking rooms at Airports, I was a very heavy Smoker then, I entered into a Smoking room at an Airport, I could'nt believe how those in there could Breathe, a Yellow Fog, that was one of the reasons I stopped Smoking,
  13. "Park and Ride" is the best idea, Park your car in a Field around Sukhumvit Rd area for free, where Minibuses wait to drive you into Town for a modest fee, especially when its Festival time
  14. Traffic Wardens & Parking Meters could be an answer, but with these short tempered Thai's many would be Wardens would be shot dead if given a Ticket or Clamped, & Meters stolen and sold for scrap
  15. My (Thai) Mrs.. thinks that when they Paint anything on the Roads here its to make the roads more beautiful...she does'nt agree with it being for Road signs, as her thinking is Thai people would'nt understand what those signs meant...she's probably right there....Thick or what !!!
  16. What about these Shopkeepers who line the Road outside thier shop with Plastic Chairs etc to keep the front of their shop clear, and dont forget Beach Rd. with the Kerbside full of Rental Motorbikes and Cars, been like this for many years ........Brown Envelopes no doubt
  17. Do something about the Brakes, and the kid while your at it
  18. Wow, whatever next, someone will be handing in 1 Million Baht Cash found on the back seat of a Bangkok Taxi next
  19. Thai's and their "Me First" attitude... Pedestrian crossing or not, doubtful she even recognise a Pedestrian crossing
  20. would she know what a pedestrian crossing looked like
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