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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Excellent. Please take all the Russians with you. Guessing, however, these are higher end tourists. No issue with them. It’s the aggressive groups that shout, push n shove and gob everywhere.
  2. Yep, high time it was abolished. It achieves nothing but make the powers that be appear puerile and idiotic when unsuspecting tourists cannot have a nip. Personally doesn’t impact me and while few restaurants or bars play ball, not being able to buy a beer or wine at 7 or while grocery shopping during this narrow window is just bizarre. Shades of the old dopey UK licensing hours.
  3. Hmm, tobacco industry protecting itself? How’s about protecting kids from cigs? Oh yes, they are taxable.
  4. ^^^ Well, this is a Thai forum after all. Hardly relative. Thais probably care as much about what happens in Cajun country as the latter do Thais. Not a biggie, many places have tiny nominal capitals... just shift government house and irrelevant politicians (all of them), albeit Bkk will still need saving. It was always a lost cause when what's his name relocated to a river delta from Ayuthaya in the 1700s. Guess they never envisaged such expansion.
  5. The current factory of the world shouldn’t be ignored, yes, but it does not make them any sort of powerhouse. They are where they are at through machinations of the west. No balls paper tigers. Folk have little inkling just how powerful the US really is, and along with the above—which you have flippantly quoted—are the reason the world is in any sort of advancement.
  6. Tat. Money (from the exploited) can’t fight your way out of a bean bag. Zero creativity.
  7. That, or wow Thaksin has taken good care of himself, he looks younger and fitter than ever.
  8. Could be worse. How about a Dr. Richard Shufflebottom?
  9. Great place, esp Pub (and adjacent) Street though not sure could live there, if anywhere in Cam. Seemed a bit rough n ready. Op seems UK orientated; pretty sure yanks don’t/didn’t have O levels. Unless perhaps some geezer from Stoke-on-Trent fetched up in Tupelo of all places.
  10. Got to be a joke on their part, surely... a farang working in public risking arrest for couple hundred baht an hour? Next you'll see a farang with a pair of shorts with the Thai flag on. Guaranteed to get the natives' backs up. He'd be deported too, of course. Absolutely cannot have that. However, a Thai could wear a foreign flag on their shorts no prompem. 🙃
  11. You guys really know how to endear yourselves to others. The most baffling thing for non-americas is that they consistently have just a few poor candidates to choose from to run their country, and then continually whine. Op really needs to move on with their life, or perhaps run for office themselves. Couldn't do a worse job than the last wishy-washy warmongering muppets.
  12. He’s a donkey but this move to protect women is healthy. Also keep men out of women’s toilets and prisons. Someone can be whatever they want, who cares, but a bloke in a dress going into a female toilet to look at a girl is just wrong!
  13. That won't help, Donald. They hate one another and essentially want the other off the map. Perhaps offer to rehouse all the Palestinians in Florida and all the Israelis in New York... a bit of separation. Maybe then that region of the ME can find some sort of peace after our various countries have stuck their nose in and made this mess.
  14. They want ever more people to visit and right on cue make entry more awkward. Gotta loves the Thais and their ‘right’ way of doing things. 😂
  15. CCP absolutely hates anyone shedding light on their inhumane regime. Deny deny deny, misdirect etc. Our countries have done bad things in history, everyone has, but we have mostly moved on. China and the other undesirables are firmly rooted in the past and are utterly ruled by ego.
  16. Or drivel even 😋 Dunno about that. Some of the coolest women I have met / had 'relations' with while on my travels, both in the US and overseas, were American. Western women, in general, have become emboldened because meek, browbeaten men have made them that way through the modern, guilt-ridden system. This will affect some delicate flowers, but women must be controlled lest you foster a monster. The guy (that's the one with the dick) is the boss, end of story. Let them wear the pants and somewhere along the line you will get a right old savaging. The silverback does not concern himself with the whims of the lady gorilla. Be a silverback, don't be a poodle!
  17. ^^^ Don’t particularly like him, but he’s certainly not stupid and Thailand would do well to move in this direction.
  18. Perhaps move there, you’d be in hog’s heaven. Never really got why they want to travel here en masse to celebrate their new year. Please stay home, Thailand is already way too busy.
  19. Could you please do this in the UK too? Oh wait, too late!
  20. Not read most answers, heard it a thousand times, but I’d go with Brit’s assessment… 20k a month is doable, but best to double that as a base. You’ll get the ‘I couldn’t live on 100k’ blah blah, but these mommy’s boys are typically supporting families, while wife-beater-wearing alcoholic mongerers are also x5. Have a blow out then get in your niche. Avoid getting too deep with loose women. ‘Semi’ retired early 30s. 😉
  21. Until you find yourself in there too for some trivial reason, right.
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