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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Three’s enough for me, thank you.
  2. This! Also had this happen many moons ago with a nice girl and immediately said impossible for me to have kids, after which she said she wasn’t pregnant. Many will try to trap you. If indeed she is pregnant, suggest DNA test if and when the time comes. In any case, just chill out a bit; if she’s as nice as you say and it is all true, divorce yourself cheating skank of a wife, take the kids and marry this one. All the best.
  3. What a bunch of doomsayers. Most of that stuff is doable. Who cares if there were issues back in the day; anything is better than the current corrupt crop.
  4. Most of them will refuse unless you have a work permit, or at least non-O and another form of ID (like license and/or name on tabien bahn). Traipse around all the banks or get agent/lawyer to sort it.
  5. Understandable to have the ‘scientists’, scaremongers and fuddie duddies voice their ill-found opinion to enact their agenda onto everybody else. It’ll all blow over, but in the meantime, if you don’t like it don’t do it. Let people decide, eh! Dangerous. Lol
  6. Of course, though it doesn’t take an expert to realise that not wearing a mask while driving alone or sitting on the beach alone is not going to affect anyone. Common sense required = outdoors: up to you.
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