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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Indeed, what a short sighted, self righteous so n so. Do what you will, prime minister (????????); just stop foisting your irrelevant ideals onto others. Most of the rest of society is trying to get by in the real world. No one respects you. You’re an anachronism.
  2. Could be a lot worse for Thailand. Some western countries’ utilities are x2, x3. The gov could do more on fuel and lower its ridiculous tax figures on alcohol for one.
  3. Whatever. New deadly strains of flu hardly make the news. People die. We all do. Let’s all get busy living while we still can, shall we.
  4. Kratom is all over Shopee… saw other day a kilo for few hundred baht. Green Lab also does it, dried leaves.
  5. Suspect you were ripped off, brit. There's at lest 7g of wrapping there. ????
  6. For sure. One I had up earlier disappeared. @redwood1: you could also try searching for 'Thai stick'.
  7. Good idea. Actually considered that a while back but put it out of my mind for some reason ????
  8. Have you got a link and do they do cod? Could of course search, but if others verify a source it makes things easier. ????
  9. Just tried ordering from Bloom and Greenlab. Neither offer COD, with Bloom also charging for shipping. Prikpot is quite slow (ime) but works well. Just wish they had more products, including kratom.
  10. Thailand ceased to be cheap a long time ago. You can make it as expensive as you want--and lose massively in the process to neighbouring countries and kill off many locals--but you can't put lipstick on a pig and call it high class.
  11. Thailand, you don't deserve any visitors. I hope people bypass the country if this is how they plan to roll.
  12. Dancing with the devil eh? Mind you, Thailand has always collaborated with what works best for them. Careful what you wish for. ????
  13. No you don’t! These individuals who think they know what’s best for people and take away choice and freedom make me puke.
  14. That’s not really what they wanted. What they’re most interested in is revenue and getting people off of alcohol and hard drugs.
  15. Suspect this law, if one were enacted, might prevent every Tom, Dick and Harry from selling but it wouldn’t necessarily wind back recreational use wholesale. The genie is out of the bottle, folk can grow there own. There would be ramifications if that were changed. There’ll be crackdowns on rogue sellers in the future and those openly smoking on the street, but as long as one is sensible and keeps it to themselves, there won’t be an issue. Legal weed is here to stay.
  16. One doth think too mutt. It was legal at the time one ordered. ????
  17. Thai beer is already grossly overpriced and is very poor to boot. That is not thai bashing as it would be poor if it were Outer Mongolian. And when one lives in a place where you have little choice other than the ‘BIG’ three (????????????????????), paying more for dishwater makes it taste that much worse.
  18. Should be a given in aircraft at this time, and I’m not anti, but when outside it should be completely up to the individual. Thankfully the Thai authorities finalllly agree. Of course there will be those fragile creatures...that will never give up the perceived security of a mask and will ‘wear’ for time immemorial.. ????
  19. Masks have typically been worn here because of pollution—or by those working in textiles—disease being a distant second. By all means continue to wear one, but please avoid foisting the act onto others. May help to keep numbers down initially in busy areas, but essentially it just prolongs the agony, as evidenced by the many poor people in the world now.
  20. Charlotte’s Mix sounds good. Less chance of having one’s head blown off like some of the others. ????
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