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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Sounds like you’re in a routine. It is easily done. For one, may I suggest getting out and exercising rather than hanging out in bars. Do you get in the bars every night in your home country? Sounds like you’re addicted.
  2. Had fast delivery too. They’re also good on the phone
  3. I’m glad Ron got hold of this and not some underhand filmmaker bastardising another U-571 into all-American, America saves the day movie.
  4. What a load of old cobblers. A handful of people would buy land under that one sided scheme. They come out with the same tired old drivel over and over. Truth is, most Thais will not entertain the concept of ‘selling their country out’ but are happy to take in huge profits from foreigners and also buy lands in their countries unhindered. Double surprised at this however, in that Thaksin is being a dinosaur and Prayut is becoming progressive.
  5. I’d be upset too if my great grandfather was a simpleton bread thief. About the ruffians, hope you at least complained at the desk.
  6. They never really did. As for masks, as long as you’ve got yours on, what’s your problem?
  7. Science? That's alright then; for a moment I thought you said English. ???? Curb holidays, but any restrictions for this thing again will not end well for Thailand.
  8. Looks like the intercepted your order, Brit. What you gonna do now? ????
  9. Who cares? I’d dance naked in front of some skirt… so long as it gets me laid. ????
  10. The point is it being obligatory and also discriminatory. It’s pathetic. Some people will avoid the place because of this and the average Thai will lose, but it doesn’t matter because the t’wat that came up with the scam will be quids in.
  11. People are surprised? THIS is the reason why this character is prime minister. If he’s not a billionaire (baht), he’s stupid.
  12. Lol. Me too. In fact, most of us probably are on this site by our own admission. Then again, you do realise those online tests are junk, right. Einstein and Newton were geniuses... Traditionally, you would typically want a girl at or approaching your level of intelligence, but would need to be able to communicate effectively. But I think most blokes come here to get away from all that and like em thick and cute. ????
  13. That's great for colds and such until your immune system is so ill-equipped to deal with a proper threat because it has not has exposure. The human did not evolve with a F mask on its face! Jeez! At least these learned folk are not talking about wholesale mask wearing.
  14. I'm too stoned to unlock my phone... it doesn't recognise my face. ????
  15. PrikPot seem to be improving. First delivery: Kerry, pretty slow. Second: Thai Post, only couple days to other end of the country. Smaller package, well sealed.
  16. They've likely hired an seo 'specialist' to produce a bunch of tat to embellish their site a bit. No biggie. Most sites do it.
  17. Expect a lot more of this. Indians in Thailand are the in thing. ????
  18. Looks like a money grab. Having said that, at least they say they provide something as opposed to nothing, albeit most tourists will already have proper insurance. Will they pay though? Also think for every 300 baht they make off of unsuspecting tourists, they’ll lose on the next one who was going to drop 100k in the kingdom but decides to go elsewhere.
  19. Out of hundreds of thousands likely; a drop in the ocean Meanwhile, THOUSANDS were hospitalised through alcoholism and numerous more died on the roads, alcohol related. Give it a rest. ????????????
  20. Would you buy from this guy (shopee)?: Like his style.
  21. It's not so much ignoring as getting on with one's life. This thing has wrecked the world through governmental overreaction and controlling agendas much more than the virus itself. People can be cautious, but if governments are talking about lockdowns and school closures again then we may as well as just pack it all in and let the monkeys takeover because it ain't going anywhere. There will always be stories of death and hardship--it happens with or without this virus. S happens.
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