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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. What a fantastic thread! Special thanks to diznax and helbob for some jaw-dropping images. Never have I given out so many likes. After one spends a certain amount of time here, standard folk (like me) typically become blind to these places, sort of like ads on a webpage... my moobaan in CM was right opposite one, for instance; a 1997 jobby. Was always curious but never ventured in there. Massive place. Perhaps I'll take a look next time I'm nearby and post here.
  2. Hypocrisy knows no bounds with this group. Here's the thing, if you don't like it don't F do it! But let the other many millions in this country make their own choice. Sounds good, keep the prattle amongst yourselves.
  3. Not a patch on Guinness, but a shame don't see more of Malaysian Royal Stout in Thailand.
  4. Anywhere from 100-200 baht equivalent in my town. Lots of places sell a good pint at ~ £3 / 130 baht. London around a fiver, 220 baht ish.
  5. I agree. How about on the setting up of more quality cannabis farms? ????
  6. The op image doesn't do it justice. Sunseeker great for knocking about in but would basically be a toy for these people compared to this beaut. Mind you, I still prefer the Gertrude from Superman Returns.
  7. Doubtless many of those 851 would have been obliged/pressured into signing.
  8. Bearing in mind Thai bank accounts can be tricky to get nowadays without a work permit, or non o visa at the least. Would be inclined to get a non O from London to save hassles.
  9. Been to Sukhothai a few times (both when single and attached), and although the ruins are great, it seems to have a weird vibe going on with the locals.
  10. Been up and down numerous times over the years, including Songkhla-CM in one 20-hour hit. Never had an issue when looking for a place to crash, some really good deals on the highways, albeit would typically bypass Bkk on the 340 through Suphanburi and Chainat (great road) and stop somewhere around there. Can also vouch for the Sukhothai/Si Satchanalai option mentioned above, especially if you've never been... the latter is stunning and has few tourists. Can then head right up and catch highway 11.
  11. For a moment there I thought you were being unpolitically correct. ????
  12. Thai doctors that push dangerous pharmaceutics and advocate liberal/unneeded use of antibiotics are a danger to society!
  13. Fun years ago, but today? CM-Hat Yai, eg: two days of wearing a mask vs two hours for about same price…
  14. Nowhere in public. People light up in late night bars all the time of course and guessing Khao San Rd is fun, and riding around one can pick it up any time of the day in whatever city. As a cautious tourist at this time, I’d be inclined to frequent lonely beaches and remote jungles. Going forward and to attract the stoner tourist, I’m sure Dutch-style brown cafes will pop up. In the meantime, just avoid being obvious, like hanging out at Seven with a big fat doobie lol.
  15. Lol at UK. Good one. You’d never get a majority in the Commons (just look at them, they do not represent society), then, even worse, you have to get through the bloated anachronism that is the House of Lords. UK is so far behind the curve on many counts. But FYI medical use is legal.
  16. Discussion and debate is always good, but sad to see the usual suspects harping on and doing their darnedest to not let people have choice and enjoy life. ????
  17. 10-1 he was already mentally compromised. Wrong! You have typically confused extracts with naturally available marijuana. Aside from under 20s and pregnant women, there is no law in Thailand that says people cannot smoke whatever THC level. Get with it!
  18. Sadly typical in threads like these, as with the guy getting overcharged at Makro then shot down for pointing it out. Many of you sound like you’ve just stepped off the boat. A can of coke in a glass of ice at a typically ordinary, non touristy restaurant in a somewhat backward area of a rough part of Thailand is not 55 baht. They were taking the P and have likely lost a customer. The op was merely pointing it out and hadn’t made a big deal. Some of the reactions are priceless.
  19. I dunno, I certainly prefer to watch a bunch of fit birds running around the park than a bunch of overpaid namby pambie menchildren. ????
  20. What ever are you on about! Reread the op again, then come back and tell us it wouldn’t bother you to get overcharged by almost 2000 baht on a relatively small purchase. Worry about some of you lot. The topic is as good as any other. The girl messed up by not spotting the error and never said anything because she’d already lost face… let’s not get all gushy and dive to her rescue. Strewth.
  21. When it grows a big pair of bo***cks. ????
  22. Just use onwardticket in that scenario. You'll have the booking (with pnr) within couple minutes, $10-12.
  23. Prachuap Kiri Khan, though might be a big slow for you. Ao Manao beach is nice. If you want fun, just nip up to Hua Hin.
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