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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. I wrote a tongue in cheek piece the other day about our son playing video games upstairs while his girlfriend watched soaps downstairs while we were out,instead of chasing her around the house as i would have done in my younger days if my parents left us alone ,but after reading the op and many posts here i am so glad that in comparison he is a good lad ,speaks reads and writes very good english and has just started uni ,although he was about middle of his class he seems to work hard ,we must be one of the lucky ones .

  2. The empty shelve syndrome is something every store in Thailand suffers from these days. The shop owners have the luxury that Thai people have the mai pen rai attitude, hence they don't give a fck about.

    I have discussed this to lenght with a major supplier to Global house. He has a complete department at every Global house branch only for his products, yet half of the shelves are empty. When you would ask for a missing product they would look in the computer base and tell you there were 128 pieces in stock, yet they couldn't find any or if you were lucky they could locate some an hour later somewhere in a box hidden at the other side of the store.How this is possible is a question to me since every item you buy is scanned. Either people are stealing like rats or the stock management program is worthless, I think it's the latter.

    I'm sure stores like Big C, Tesco, Global House or name any must be losing massive amounts of money on a daily base because of this.But they maybe don't care becasue they are spoiled because they have semi monopoly and are making money like dirtr anyway.

    I posted a few months ago that one of the big wigs of big c extra visited the shop and went furious when he saw all the empty shelves while all the products were in the Bangkok warehouses waiting to be ordered.Then things changed within a few days.

    That was about 2 months ago, I challenge you to go take a look at that shop today smile.png

    Funny the thing that prompted my post was the fact that we had just been to the big c extra store and i said to my wife how full the shelves were and how fresh everything looked compared to tesco and that i thought we ought to start doing our weekly shop there insead , we also use the smaller stores like friendship and find them to be good as well,another thing i noticed about tesco was that there were piles of boxes all over the floors but no one there to put out the merchandise.

  3. We have done our shopping at Tesco for years here in Pattaya ,but to be honest the N Pattaya one especially has been going down and down ,the shelves are never full ,products are never in stock especially import stuff ,i do realize much has to come from abroad ,but they seem to order enough to last a week and then you have to wait weeks untill there is another delivery ,why not order more? and dont get me started on their fresh fruit and veg ,sorry Tesco but your off our shopping list from now on.

  4. I have met many Thai ladies who are 21 or under and have never had a boyfriend, from what I deduce, nothing gets in the way of the Thai education when its finished thn extra curricular activites come to the front anf tonights homework is Legover, a popular pastimes in all corner's of the world, just comes a bit later in life here.

    Yes judging by his girlfriend and her familly i would think that education is forefront in their minds

  5. Familiar with the term -- beard?

    yes ,but i'me pretty certain that he doesnt need one ,judging by his friends and the amount of girls he seems to know ,one good thing is they are all rich and i must say the presents his girlfriend keeps buying for us are very much appreciated as his education has cost and is costing a bloomin fortune tongue.png

    but as Pormax said ,i think its the way we braught him up ,and in my case it was dont do as i did ,but the way your mum tells you.

    • Like 1
  6. It might help if you give yiur location, that is imprtant to give and get better and more appropriate help.

    Location can effect services dramatically.

    we live in nongpralai ,north Pattaya ,just off sukhumvit, up near the outlet mall. i share with 10 others i believe and a speed test showed just under 3mb

  7. I am a bit of a novice even though i have used a computer for years so can you help ,at present i am using 3bb and paying 1166 baht a month ,but my son keeps on saying i should change to 13 mb for 900 baht a month as its better ,but when i ask the staff on the different counters i get different answers ,like if you use foreign websites stay with what you have ,or change over much better ,but if you dont like it you cant go back to your old system ,help what's best ,oh and i am running windows xp and he keeps telling me to upgrade to windows 7 should i?


    an idiot at the keyboard

  8. at 58 where else would you get a 22 year old to live with you ? go for it ,but try not to fall in love with her ,you will get hurt and when she does walk out just remember the good times ,but on the other hand if you want someone to look after you as you get older ,go for one in her mid thirties, they tend to stick around. .

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  9. MOst places you can get humous ,but who would want to be a veggie ,

    animals belong on our plates along with vegatables and gravy.


    Listening to Morrissey is murder ,the guy is an idiot in the first degree and his music is ,well it rymes with pap.

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