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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. There's an animal rescue centre on Koh Lanta.


    Also, SCAD in Bangkok.


    You can do something locally too. We have two rescued kittens. One was about to be killed by a dog that had already broken one of its legs and the other was found starving. Seeing them recover and flourish has been a joy.

    Its one thing rescuing a couple of kittens and another wanting to save the mangy curs around where we live that are always attacking the m/cycle riders and walkers,i like animals but these are better put down

  2. We went there when it first opened for the sunday lunch and must admit was very disapointed,overpriced and not very good quality,we only ever went back once ,to meet friends ,but i remember posting a long time ago how i thought that the ave would be a disaster ,who wants to walk around in the heat when you can walk around in comfort in an indoor mall?

  3. nervoussurgeon said:


    you have a very nasty way of poo-pooing anything that

    does not gell with what you say ,its not nice and its not clever ,many

    of us are not financial wizards ,but just write on here what we read

    ,its not us having wet dreams ,i suggest you modify your posts a little

    ,you really do come over as a bit of a a prat ,just saying ,its not

    meant to be rude.sad.png

    if you think my sarcastic way to put things in perspective is poo-pooing

    i can't help it. from my point of view it's a much nicer way than a blunt

    "that's bullshit!"

    Old Chinese proverb.

    when you have nothing to say ,best say nothingthumbsup.gif

  4. Sorry to be a wet blanket ,buti have a friend who is an agent ,been here years ,expensive houses just do not sell well second hand ,i personally live not far from where you are ,houses in the 5 to 11 million range have been for sale for the seven years i have been here ,1 sold last year after 5 years after the price was reduced 2 million ,that was less than they paid for it new ,and the couple had installed a swimming pool and left all their furniture. as far as houses are concerned ,it seems only the cheap ones sell second hand and even then not quickly.

  5. i have just realized that when i get my next 90 day the one after will come due while we are out of the country and we will not be back untill 14 days after i should report again ,anyone know the drill as this has never happened before.

    You only have to report when you are 90 days in the Country, so when you are not here you don't have to (and can't thumbsup.gif )

    But please note that the day when you come back into Thailand will be Day 1 so you have to report your address 90 Days after the day you come back !

    Ps: Don't forget your re-entry permit wai.gif

    Thanks for that ,and the re entry will be done thanks again.thumbsup.gif

  6. shopplifting ,making out on the beaches in front of everybody ,going berserk in shops ,good to see Pattaya is getting so many "quality" tourists from Russia,

    Yes the Brits don't shoplift do they ?

    Trash people everywhere not just Russians.

    Well i seem to be reading quite a lot of stories about Russian shoplifters and none about Brits ,do you think its a news blackout on British shoplifters?

    whoops double post.

    I also hear almost nothing about Dutch criminals are we better as English higher quality or just lower in volume.

    Think before you bash

    Perhaps there is a news blackout on Dutch ones as well , it just seems like its Russians all the time, think before you post.

  7. shopplifting ,making out on the beaches in front of everybody ,going berserk in shops ,good to see Pattaya is getting so many "quality" tourists from Russia,

    Yes the Brits don't shoplift do they ?

    Trash people everywhere not just Russians.

    Well i seem to be reading quite a lot of stories about Russian shoplifters and none about Brits ,do you think its a news blackout on British shoplifters?

    whoops double post.

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