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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. Bloody Luxury, when I was a lad me mam used t' send us down t' butcher shop wi' a slice o'bread to rub on the butchers counter.

    You young uns got it easy nowadays

    You had bread? You were lucky. When I was a lad, my mum gave me a sheet of glass dipped in rat poison to gnaw on every morning for breakfast & I was glad to have it.

    not to forget walking daily barefoot through 25cm snow to school laugh.png

    We only went once a week as we only had one pair of shoes between 5 of us.sad.png

    • Like 2
  2. I switched to the 9Mb option for 900 baht that was offered by 3bb a couple months ago. They seem to have upgraded me as I get about 20 Mb. I'm happy. There are times when traffic is heavy and I don't get full speed, but in general I get some fast downloads. Several GB per hour.

    Thanks for the reply.

  3. When i first went to my wifes home many years ago her mum had a few of her old lady friends around and when they were talking to each other not realizing that i understood one old lady turned to another one and said something along the lines of "i wouldnt mind his shoes under my bed" ,these things happen just take it with a pinch of salt and as for foreigners being forward with Thai women ,its usually tourists in areas like Pattaya that do it,thinking all Thai women are the same ,it does not happen among polite people who live here.

  4. at the moment i have a "premium" line sharing with 10 others and download quite a bit ,its ok and 3mb but i was wondering if i should change to the cheaper 10 or 13 mb internet sharing with 20 others ,asking at the offices is a waste of time different answer from every member of staff.any help appreciated

  5. Yes, you can drive motobyke to Khao Khew zoo. Entrance fee for 1 person = 100 baht, and for motobyke = 10baht. You can drive slow inside zoo without helmets, stop at any park place and feed any anymals, except small wild monkeys. There is a lot of fun.

    100 baht?? When did you last visit? Thai or 'foreigner'?

    Price for foreigner

    Price for Thai

    Bad taste. I don't want to be forced to pay to see a 'free show'.

    They are very good there last time i visited with my wife and son ,we took my daughter her husband and our grandaughter,they were on holiday staying with us ,i got Thai price with my d.l and as they were our familly members they were given Thai price as well ,well worth a day out its signposted off sukhumvit after sri racha ,enjoy the trip.

  6. You cant drink alcohol but you can take a drug to give yourself the same effect ,a little like muslim finance ,you cant take any interest but there are ways around it to make a profit ,-hypocritical or what?

    Why single out Muslims, same as Christians who don't adhere to the ten commandments or followers of other faiths etc, etc, etc...

    We dont tend to go around bombing people who dont agree with us in the name of religion

  7. I see no problem with Pattaya's image. It is a shit hole dedicated to perverts and deviants of all faiths colour and nationality. Truly an international destination of global reknown as the worlds biggest brothel and formulated by the local government to facilitate the transfer of foreign exchange for service rendered.

    Unless it is the Adams Family there is no way that Pattaya can or will be considered as "family friendly"

    Trouble with armchair travelers like you is that you only know about one small area of Pattaya,for the most part it is a nice town where we have lived and brought up our son as have thousand of other decent people.

    • Like 2
  8. Went to Tesco in South Pattaya this morning. I would have spent about 2,000 baht if they had the things they used to have. In the event I only spent 500 baht. Now if I had wanted 500 litres of cooking oil that wouldn't have been a problem. They have a whole aisle full of that.

    We are the same ,i now find that the shelves are full of repeat items that they have loads off just to fill the gaps ,whoever does their ordering must be a moron.

    my wife constantly fills in those forms at the enquieres desk complaining ,but no one has ever contacted her

    • Like 1
  9. Former Belgian Police Officer assaults Thai Police Corporal at Pattaya Police Station


    PATTAYA:--Just before 1.45am on Saturday, Police were called to the Lucky Star Beer Bar on Pattaya Beach in front of Soi 8 to deal with a Belgian patron who was accused of stealing money from a tip-box situated at the front of a sound stage.

    Mr. Jos De Smet aged 52, a former Police Officer from Belgium, was accused of stealing 800 Baht from the Tip Box and is further accused of using 400 Baht of the money to pay for his drinks before he left the bar. As he left he was stopped by the Bar Manager Khun Pisan aged 32 and the female singer Khun Gidapar aged 40 and was asked to accompany them the short distance to Pattaya Police Station at the front of Soi 9 on Pattaya Beach. He refused and when Police arrived, he decided to go.

    When he arrived at the Police Station, he was taken to the 2nd Floor investigation room where he was subjected to a search. A Police Corporal wanted to search Mr. De Smet’s trouser pockets but was prevented from doing so by Mr. De Smet who was in a heavily intoxicated state.

    Full story:http://www.pattayaon...police-station/


    -- Pattaya One 2013-01-05


    Gotta love this photo: looks like he is dancing to the Abba song 'Money Money Money'.

    No its definitely gangnam style.

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