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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. Increased Investments? Who? Most people I know in Thailand have been reduced to rolling their own cigerettes rather than buy packaged cigerettes. I know country people without 20 baht in their pockets. This lady in nuts or smoking her own brand of tobacco..

    Ah, I'd have been SO disappointed if any member of the Gloom And Doom brigade failed to show.

    Always funny. smile.png

    so ,whats your take on things ? anything to add from your fount of knowledge

  2. why you need parsnips dude, thailand has array of different vegs that are way better that parsnips,

    except if you use them for a hemmeroid relief, than I understand

    No they havnt ,if i thought they did i would buy them ,and how do you use parsnips to cure hemroids ,i wont repeat the way i thought you did last time as some meanie took my suggestion down.

  3. A middle aged woman in a shop used the phrase when my wife was looking at some shirts yesterday and i said "its not for papa" to her later i was talking to my wife about the phrase and she reckons it is more than likely a respectfull thing as Thai people do not want to use your first name and they cant use khun to you , that was the only thing she could think of.

    Do you believe everything she tells you?

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

    Actually yes i do ,we have been married 20 years and have a son in uni ,we have lived here and in the UK where we were married and where she was a stepmother to my daughter ,i have never ever had any doubts about her and trust her immplicitly ,she has had access to my bank accounts most of that time and has never touched a penny without first consulting me she has looked after me in sickness and in health ,does that answer your question?

    ps the woman in question has seen us many times over the years and knows we live here and are married and has always been polite.

    Yes, it does answer my question, thanks but a simple yes would suffice.

    I've been married for a similar time and would answer 'no' to the same question, although in serious matters I would definitely trust my wife.

    My wife has lied to me for different reasons, but they really are only little white lies, maybe to avoid confrontation/embarrassment etc or maybe as she knows me so well she knows that I would't understand something or it would make me angry or depressed etc.

    Let's look at the facts - Thai people use my first name all the time and I've never heard anyone say that Thais don't like using foreigners' first names.

    Thais can use khun to you. Why would you/she think they couldn't. It is like saying 'mister'.

    In your situation I don't think it was rude, but ignorant, unless you look Chinese.

    Actually any Thai that knows me and my familly do call me by my first name ,but women working in shops dont know what it is ,i spoke again about this to the wife again today and she says all she can think is that its become so common around Pattaya s bars that now everyone is starting to use it but again she does not think its meant as an insult ,but to be honest she just didnt think it was that big a deal ,women just dont know what to call customers so they use papa ,,and judging by what thehappyfarang just said i am tending to agree with him.

  4. A middle aged woman in a shop used the phrase when my wife was looking at some shirts yesterday and i said "its not for papa" to her later i was talking to my wife about the phrase and she reckons it is more than likely a respectfull thing as Thai people do not want to use your first name and they cant use khun to you , that was the only thing she could think of.

    Do you believe everything she tells you?

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

    Actually yes i do ,we have been married 20 years and have a son in uni ,we have lived here and in the UK where we were married and where she was a stepmother to my daughter ,i have never ever had any doubts about her and trust her immplicitly ,she has had access to my bank accounts most of that time and has never touched a penny without first consulting me she has looked after me in sickness and in health ,does that answer your question?

    ps the woman in question has seen us many times over the years and knows we live here and are married and has always been polite.

  5. A middle aged woman in a shop used the phrase when my wife was looking at some shirts yesterday and i said "its not for papa" to her later i was talking to my wife about the phrase and she reckons it is more than likely a respectfull thing as Thai people do not want to use your first name and they cant use khun to you , that was the only thing she could think of.

  6. The one in Tesco is the best to use (queuse only at the beginning of the month) personally i would never use the one outside home pro as it is not overseen and there are to many scams going on here at the moment . about a year ago the one in Tesco did not pay out and while the stafff both there and at the HO PHONE number i was given were polite they would do nothing ,it was left to my bank in the UK to resolve it ,they put the money back into my account within two days but warned me that it could take up to 10 months to resolve with aeon and if unresolved they would take the cash back . they never did .

  7. IF someone is capable of killing a living animal, it is only the matter of time for them to kill a human being, because clearly murder is not a problem for them

    most dangerous are those who murder... mosquitos or cockroaches. then think of all the butchers who murder all kinds of animals or the old lady murderers in rural Thailand who murder a chicken for a tasty curry.

    are you for real man? crazy.gif

    I think lemoncake needs to be renamed fruitcake after a remark like that. never read anything so stupid before.

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