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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Only men that I know that have been called pedos in the UK have been called so by their ex wives to get custody of their children due to a court system that will stop the father seeing them for years whilst it is investigated ! If only the mother's could be locked up for false accusations !
  2. Someone rewriting the story of the three little pigs ?
  3. Seriously, I mean how do you remove a junta ?
  4. Serious rubbish - the £ gained 0.25 baht yesterday and lost it all this morning to be back in the 43's where its been wandering about forever it seems - the world is not the $$$$$$$
  5. I'd look at who owns all the photocopying shops near the offices you need to provide them too before making a decision !
  6. I dare say the autopsy will reveal he was hit by a pick up or something
  7. Funny , people moan about people buying a lottery tickets as a waste of money - even though you 'could' win something - yet spend the same money drinking a couple beers and weeing it against the wall
  8. Beggars belief they even let this piece of detritus back into politics. I guess money talks
  9. Would you ? Potentially drive 200km to give a bag back that a tourist had forgotten about ?
  10. Picture is pretty damning of current thai tourism !
  11. Think you will find that that is the lot that never have to travel anywhere
  12. If I was a share holder, I vote they were out with the pick and shovel to finish on time - not taking money from my dividend payout for compensation !
  13. Tourist should have claimed their was 50,000 in it and evened up the scams a little
  14. If every tourist moaned about 5 hours wait there would have to be 30 hours in the day and the service running through the night
  15. I'm quite sure - like the pharmacy companies - many people do not want covid to end as its constant employment
  16. I imagine fixing the actual paving to allow you not to trip over the slabs with your food after purchase a low priority
  17. Looks like the indoor plumbing from an old episode of Steptoe and Son
  18. Think there should be a new law, every construction project that falls behind means every employee of the company must be out with a pick and shovel until its finish - office staff, management and all
  19. I'm far more interested in where he got the billions than the 500,000 baht for 52 meetings. Publish that
  20. I feel a new fleece extension available for 300 baht again on 30 day extension coming !
  21. Exactly why you should NEVER have shut the world down in the first place and should NEVER do it again
  22. Assuming the war is over, Putin tried for war crimes or assassinated, then I fully expect a tariff on all Russian goods being exported to pay for it. You may even find the war extended though simply to stop having to pay Ukraine reparations !
  23. please explain the bit about let the baht sink more - its still way higher than it was 6 months ago against most other currencies than the $ ! Can't see European companies buying into it knowing the baht is still way too strong. If it dropped say 6 baht to the £ more, I'd agree with you investment may come - as it is, not a flaming chance
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