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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Be honest I fully expect him to be impeached at some point and then claim he is unfit to stand trial due to dementia
  2. Let's just hope we have not either nuked ourselves, diseased ourselves, religious war ourselves, or polluted ourselves to death before we can explore it !
  3. Drinking and Swimming in rough sea = Severe Darwinism risk. sad but true
  4. "...and I'd like to thank this amulet....... "
  5. I've yet to see an Arabian woman sunbathing, swimming , driving a jetski , parasailing or even exercising.
  6. Think if i was a runner i'd want the barriers kept in place lest I fall down a big hole !
  7. Don't think they will need it for that, with ever changing covid likely to be here forever and extending SOE for covid until after next election and beyond, monkey pox would not get a look in
  8. I can't see why the dollar is so strong - weak president - soon to be lame duck, debt to the eyeballs, printing money like nobodies business, high inflation problems, work shy workforce. Fed raises the rates 0.01% and boom its up against all currencies. Since the £ is stable against the baht - sort of even if slightly lower than was - and down against the $, it quite clearly is a mad strong dollar now.
  9. Look , I am all for taking Covid seriously and taking a 'few' precautions BUT this thing is being treated like one of us will end up like Mr Price. Note to self : The human race gained population and still is gaining population during covid !
  10. Sat waiting for how the markets will react to sleepy Joe losing control of the US house and senate in November and being a lame duck and getting impeached with his prostitute loving, drug sniffing , gun totting, chinese money taking son
  11. Thank you for highlighting the exact reason I am living 2 retirements. Firstly my active retirement - call it 55 to 75 which i am happy to spend in Thailand health permitting with the wife, and then later my second, slow down retirement 77-death, which will be spent back in my own UK wit the wife (then of 20+ years marriage), where I will not have to worry about the hospital bills. What I cannot understand from the poster, is why going back home and getting potentially hospital care either free or more cheap, is less attractive then death ? No reason the wife cannot go. I'd also ask are Thais equally being chivalrous in committing suicide to lessen the financial burden on the farang in the family ? I doubt it.
  12. If Scotland ever left my UK, would we be highlighting Scotish deaths as foreigners ? even though they are next door ?
  13. Seems a bit forwards to me - unless trying to scare someone into withdrawing something. I was always told to sue after the facts are out and dealt with - not before - but hey this is suit loving hi-so business Thailand
  14. Be very interested to know a cheap answer to this, I have so much stuff to get back to the UK in the next 10 years or so, that putting a little bit in my suitcase every 9 months makes little difference to
  15. 'High class' does not always translate into 'high intelligence '
  16. My wife has told me never pick up a wallet or a credit card in Thailand = just way too risky - told me that when i first married her 7 years ago. That said, she carried my card and money everywhere now !
  17. Just another war crime to add to vile Putin's list
  18. Sounds like Soweto is getting as bad as London
  19. Kids need interaction with other kids - not computer screens. Get on with it, live with it.
  20. Translation : We fear foreigners posting pictures of an empty market
  21. be a good committee to get on - job for 20 years
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