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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Hmm, intense heat ,a need to save water and they extend songkran , country run by idiots
  2. Yes, but only if the UK does not tax it when sold and the money paid direct to Thailand bank account. If it hits a UK bank account first and CGT paid in the UK, it becomes savings and not taxable for CGT a second time. Any 'income' paid direct to thailand from a business transaction od work I think is the aim of this new law. It hits savings it will effect too much of previously taxed money and destroy the housing market.
  3. Anyone know the difference in temperature between Thailand and Siberia ?
  4. Mum has been watching too many Thai soap operas, kid should be taken into care and mother banned from seeing any of her kids
  5. Anyone that thinks Joe Biden's handlers will allow him to debate Trump pre-election live is totally deluded !
  6. I totally disagree - the sale of an asset is the transference of an asset into cash - it is not an income. If the Thai declare ALL income to Thailand is taxable, along with the transfering of your savings(of which tax has already been paid on in your home country potentially) the entire foreign housing market will collapse. Personally I think the only people that they will be going after are people that live in thailand but have money paid direct into a thai bank account by a company that cannot be shown to have paid tax on the income. Otherwise it is just a 10% tax raid on everybody's savings and transfers. I am in the position of having a house in the UK that I can go back to, this effects me, my plan has always been to sell my house and bring the family to the UK ,I will just do it sooner rather than later. As for those on low UK state pensions, you may as well move into that prison cell size room now if the thai government want some of your already low pension
  7. Again - totally unclear - Foreign EARENED income. I'm sending savings, so far as I am concerned I am giving them nothing
  8. amazing none of these parents and relatives volunteer to sell their house for the sons benefit but file a go fund me page !
  9. Romanian ? stealing the balcony metal or climbing back from next door ?
  10. And this decades positive nigerian stories in Thailand are ....................
  11. he stayed with a man identified only as Mr. Ozeias, 46 Tobias & Ozeias ? Sounds like a couple of dodgy foreigners on even dodgier UK passports to me
  12. Entire nation of immature and idiotic politicians, chasing the $ whilst issuing a nationwide drought a month later
  13. You would think the ongoing awful and pathetic Thai driving would keep the thai car production at a constant high
  14. Think I'd check the legality of that American passports - might be good enough to get into Thailand but not elsewhere !"
  15. I take my hat off to any pickpocket that can steal a man's shoes when he's stood in them !
  16. Certainly Thailand is safer than any current democrat led city in the USA - SF, NY, Chicago, Portland must now be new desirable locations for Exit International. Its a lefty thing - just look at my UK London with its idiot left wing mayor ruling over black gangland murders and stabbings. True Hellhole.
  17. yeah yeah Adjusted Feb 2.7%, march 2.6%, april 2.5%, until adjusted to 1.7% so they have the correct figure and keep their jobs in December. That said, if the baht keeps dropping they may well hit their export figures and more
  18. Really do not fancy this guys chances of living through his 10 years of prison time
  19. I think looking at his skinny body he is well into lots of other drugs already apart from weed
  20. One thing for sure , he wont volunteer to do the ten years in prison in Thailand !
  21. I've been in queues like that even when it was working - usually due to unstaggered staff change overs and them sat laughing at the people waiting for them to do something in their shift !
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