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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. The problem described here relates to the necessary reorganization of structural programs for "weak" regions in the UK.

    In the EC Treaty, the Member States have set themselves the objective of "reducing the differences in the development of the various regions and the backwardness of the most disadvantaged areas".

    There are a lot of EU funding and structural programs that have also taken place in selected areas within the UK. And these regions have benefited greatly from EU membership.
    The aids now fall with a Brexit away and must be reorganized.
    There will surely be tensions and distribution battles.

    A Brexit is not only the checkout from the EU, but also implies a reorganization of these subsidies within the UK.
    This problem is currently still not seen or underestimated.

    How does the UK intend to continue the following existing EU programs?:


    EU programs for education and youth

    Lifelong learning, youth programs and worldwide cooperation

    Europe for citizens

    Support for civil society

    Structural funds

    Funding programs for EU regional policy

    Research and technological development: Horizon 2020

    Information and contacts for the promotion of science in the EU

    Media and culture

    EU funding for film, culture and creative industries

    Business and innovation

    Promotion programs for businesses and innovation

    Employment, social affairs, equality

    Promotion opportunities for a social Europe

    Agriculture and fisheries

    Subsidies for farmers, rural areas and fisheries

    Subsidies for the transport sector

    Marco Polo II and other funding options

    Funding in the field of environment

    LIFE - Program for the Environment and Climate Policy (2014-2020)



  2. 700 years ago a young, pretty woman was worth a fortune.
    She could easily be exchanged for 20-50 camels.
    Because of the fear of robbers and thieves, they have completely concealed their treasures under full-length robes.
    This ancient way of thinking still characterizes their society until today.
    Without the wealth through the oil, this cult would have disappeared in insignificance,

    because of their total inability to changes and their powerlessness to create any progress.

  3. 26 minutes ago, bushmill said:

    2. Farming including looking after livestock, forestry and fisheries (exception: farm manager).


    Please let me get this right: I'm married to a Thai. She owns 10 rai of land, She start a pig-farm and growing foreign vegetables. All for sale or own use including making Ham and Sausages. So I'm not allowed to help my wife, not even get paid ( working for free )  , feeding, harvesting and and and Right, or I break the law. BUT by the Thai Family Law a married couple has to help each other. How does it work.  How is it when I help my friend cutting his gras in his garden or help him out with my truck ( I'm driving ) when he moves to another location. I do it for free noy even charge for fuell ?


    You are not allowed to do all these activities under the law.

    I think in your village, that's no problem.
    The majority of the ordinary thai population do not even know that there are existing such ..$%$§.. laws.
    Is also totally incomprehensible for them, if one looks at it from the family perspective.
    But if so half-bored officials see you working / helping, there is the possibility of extortion or prosecution.

  4. I find it a nonsense that foreigners who are married to Thai, can not work normally here to contribute to the common family income.
    It is only possible with complicated company structures, accountants and a very high imagination salary statement.
    There is no other country in the world with this anti-foreigner legislation, for those living and married with native people.
    Inhuman and repulsive.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

    Who in their right mind would even think of dipping their wick in any of those unlovelies :shock1:


    7 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

    I think I recognise one or two of them....but to be fair I may not have been in my right mind at the time.

    Very business like as I recall and nowhere near as much fun as a Thai girl to be honest.


    And to be completely honest on of the Ugandan (I think) girls was one of the best looking woman I have ever seen (apart from the dreadlocks). She could easily have been a supermodel. Tall and with the body and face of a goddess. Skin like silk.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
    There are already beautiful gazelles out there, but they are rare.
    Some have a rack that can only be found in african or south american women.
    With very few, when they stand, you can actually put a coffee cup on their buttocks without it falling down.:post-4641-1156694572:

  6. 1 minute ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    He's probably married to a Brit and she's out on the piss so he's now got to write his own posts....now I understand why he's hating on us.

    hey no way.
    No hating here please.
    I go now out for some fun.
    I wish everybody a long and healty life.
    I feel as a European and will meet hopefully a nice girl from france.
    I hope all Brexiteers keep there fingers crossed. 555

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    Harsh? I'm not commenting on his grasp of the English language. History covers all languages..esp one where millions died, to not know those dates has nothing to do with it. I guessed he was from the continent from his name.  Oh and he was being nasty to begin with.....so there. ?

    I am fully with you on this:
    one where millions died.
    This should never happen again.
    What can be better if all countries work together.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Flustered said:

    I think you find that English is his native tongue.


    All of his posts on other threads are in grammatically perfect English.


    Only these few are in broken English as if trying to look like a Johnny Foreigner.

    When i see you on the next fullmoon Party, a beer for you is on my tap.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    Trenches in the 20s??..extra sausage  ? and we are all punks ? . Oh come on. Just like the other unhelpful comments from the continent. I take it tomach that's where your from.  I honestly can't believe the hatred at times.  



    I am sorry about this.
    But this Brexit whining hurts.
    Like there are some s
    teal the money from UK people.
    Here some EU programms for all europe countrys:
    The money that is paid by the EU members, and how it is used is policy of all states.
    The UK government has also approved it.
    It is annoying for me to pretend that there is an over-governed power that determines everything.
    This is bull shit.


    • Like 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    We want nothing more.


    It is the EU states and Frau Merkel in particular who are making all of the noise.


    TH UK has never threatened the EU with punishment. The UK has not placed stupid financial demands that cannot be justified on the EU. For 40+ years we have been a net contributor to the EU paying our way for projects that do not help us one bit. Go to Spain and see how the EU money is wasted on motorways and airports that no one uses.


    Noise? It's all coming from the EU. And of course, no one forced you to read or post on this thread, that was your choice just as leaving the EU is ours.

    It is all good.
    Bye bye with a tear in the eye from good friends.
    So good luck.
    Hope you can get your better deal.

    • Like 1
  11. 39 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    We had a referendum. We voted to leave the EU together with all that this implied.


    If you accept the remain beliefs (which the majority do not) then we are led to believe that information regarding what happens afterwards was withheld. Whose fault is that? If the remain campaign was lacking in information, remainers only have themselves to blame.


    Now think of what else could have happened.


    Had Labour won the election, we would have given just about everything including the 100 billion euros and the kitchen sink to the EU just to be able to trade and also be under EU law. The UK would have been reduced to a vassal state. A fate worse than staying in the EU.


    So before all of you remain voters continue to criticise TM and run down the UK, just remember that we could have been the first subservient colony of a super state called the EU on it's way to world domination by Brussels under German leadership.

    Yes, there are the old hatreds from the trenches from the 1920s.
    Totally ignoring the fact that the Uk has been involved in EU policy for more than 40 years.
    The English have always got their extra sausage.
    Own currency, British discount and no Schengen member .
    The punk is an invention of the islanders.
    So go for it, nobody cares.
    The idea of a united Europe does not taste anybody.
    So please go, and make not so much noise.
    Thank you..

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Grouse said:

    I am old enough to remember when the USA led the world! A moral, liberal, crusading, super power!


    How sad to see leadship being given away so cheaply. What on earth do Trump and his mob of dissatisfied Americans think they are doing? Putin, Xi and Merkel are the ones showing the way now.


    How sad to see the USA brought SO low SO quickly ?

    This is true.
    A president without visions for this planet on which we all live.
    The global problems do not stop at the US borders.
    The melting of the polar caps can be easily understood by every 8 year old in photosequences and satellite photos from recent years.
    Overpopulation, spread of deserts, increasing scarcity of drinking water, microplastics in the seas, extinction of many animal species, hunger, droughts, migrations, wars. Trump does not seem to have the necessary intellect to understand the task associated with his position. He is not a visionary who can show the way to a better world, rather a toddler. The only thing that makes him strong is military force and the nuclear weapons, nothing else. Ethically, morally, Ideally, he is a zero. A selfish, golfing billionaire who is only interested in himself and his personal well-being.

  13. 15 hours ago, steven100 said:


    Who is chasing previously convicted criminals to recover millions or billions of baht taken from the thai economy and taxes not paid.


    Yeah, you are right.
    Now, all states purchases are 100% free of corruption, completely transparent and fully coordinated with the will of the people.
    Hopefully you will not slip out on your mucus track.

  14. 4 hours ago, White Tiger said:

    I understand your cynicism, and I share it. But it is the law.  I guess that in practice, if they don't want to prosecute a school director, then they also won't want to prosecute the foreigner for not having the work permit - since guilt on the part of a foreigner would mean guilt on the part of the school director.

    "But it is the law."
    But who makes the law?
    What is the intention from that law?
    Is that a good law?
    Law can be right or wrong.
    Bad or good.
    This law threatens people who only work for there food, with 5 years of imprisonment, same as criminals who have robbed a bank.
    Unreasonably high this punishment.

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