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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. According to Islamic tradition, Muslim men are allowed to marry Jewish and Christian women as well as Muslim women, because they are regarded as belonging to the 'ahlulkitab', ie the 'people of the book' (with the 'book' are the monotheistic holy scriptures, ie tanach and bible, meaning).


    However, the Islamic tradition forbids the Muslim women to marry men who are not muslims.


    The deeper meaning for this unequal treatment is that the children born by the woman accept the religion of the father.


    One must not be surprised that with such a relgions teach, muslim people can not harmonize with other societies. 

  2. 43 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Could it be because those "Chinese" people are the decedents of people who arrived in the 1850's and are actually Thai citizens? 

    Yes many are, but there also many chinese citizens, which doing legal and illegal business here. What you think who serves the millions of Chinese who fly in every year?  There are a lot of chinese Bustour owners, hotel owners, restaurant owners, gift shop owners, tourguides and also sexshow organizers for chinese only.

  3. On 29.8.2017 at 4:02 PM, Rainville said:

    To expand on this great post:

    From my experience at Levels, there is some door policies that are enforced, although maybe not all nights.


    - No fliflops

    - No caps

    - No short (? not sure about that one).

    Yes no shorts.

    Dresscode same for mixx.

    In Mixx are more working girls (also from russia, ukraine, etc.)

    as in Levels, if that floods your boat.

  4. The festival of music, nightlife and entertainment founded by resident DJs will debut in February and play out at several island spots including in its jungle, atop its mountains, and at its waterfalls, beaches and more.



    That has koh phangan every month anyway. The only new thing are probably the overpriced entry prices.


  5. When the bar was about to close he went to the toilet but said he found the way blocked by a staff member who claimed he had not had a drink there. Behzad picked up a bottle that the staff member manged to get from him. He then smacked the staff member in the face breaking a tooth.

    What does he complain about?
    He has begun with physical violence.
    Fine him and throw him out of the country.

  6. Well, if someone thinks he is better for himself and want to left the community, is ok.
    But one should not expect that there are any prices for the lonely wolf, if he does not provide any more contribution to the community.

    The EU does not allow 100% that the lonely wolf is better off. Otherwise, all would like to exit.
    This was foreseeable and the voters of Brexit knew this all.

    The survival of Europe in small-scale governments,  I have my doubts.


  7. 6 hours ago, jmccarty said:

    In the case of Thailand night life reporters, the less said online and through media, the better! For the many many years of business owners delivering to what the market drives, airing laundry only makes the General shut it down.

    I can only agree.

    Go to the beginning of the Stickman page it was interesting, with a free download from Stephen Leather´s Private Dancer and his first Night Live Guide (aka, where to find the girls).
    On the other hand, one does not have to write about where the girls (still) dance naked or where there is an invitation to participate in the stage show.
    Thailand's cunning police reads this too.

  8. 3 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    Add to the fact that the expat haunts of Soi Cowboy, Patpong and Nana have been turned into neon tourist attractions.


    Soi 10 gone.


    Asok Plaza gone.


    Clinton Plaza gone.


    Soi Zero gone. 


    Soi Happyland gone.


    Washington Square gone.


    I could probably name dozens more but the fun has been squeezed out of Bangkok now. 

    Those were the days.
    No stupid closing hours and no smartphones.
    Party time 24 hours around the clock.
    Had my first room in Yannawa in an apartment house full with Patpong dancers.
    There we squeezed the fun.

    But you can still have fun in Bangkok, but not in this massive, endless intensity.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Agreed. And in Spain i can get a pint for 2-3 Euros. and in a supermarket six beers for the price of one in Thailand. Based on the general income in Thailand beer is ridiculously expensive, which might help explain why the owners of the two biggest producers are among the richest men in Thailand.

    If they would break the existing Thai beer Oligopol, it would be more raffles, lower prices and much much better beer quality.  Protectionism to the detriment of consumers here. Unfortunately

  10. There are some good travel and price pages about Asia in the net.
    For example Price and Travel identify correctly the pricerange für a Pint of beer USD 1.80-4.50
    Happy hours are common, but otherwise beer is not the bargain it is elsewhere in SE Asia.
    "The average price for 0.5 litre draft beer was found to be Bt60" ...... is nonsense.

    The only place where there is generally cheap draft beer, is at the beer gardens at temple festivals, which currently does not take place, because of the 1 year mourning period.
    A 3 liter beer tower is mostly available there for 450-500 baht.

  11. £500 would last 44 days in Thailand for Food, Drinks and Transport?
    BS + garbage.
    A bit of party, fun and drinks, for me there are £500 at one weekend away.
    60 Baht for 0.5 litre draft beer?
    This must be a very special place, which I do not know.
    In most bars is already required for Thai 0.33 bottle beer between 60  - 100 baht.
    Especially in tourist areas the beer prices are mostly much higher.

    The average price of a beer was found to be Bt60 for 0.5 litre draft beer.
    I bet the authors have not set a foot on Thai soil so far.

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