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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. 32 minutes ago, Trouble said:

    What's the big problem?  They take only a few minutes to fill out. Too much complaining here about something so insignificant.

    you're right. But why at all fill a predominantly useless card with handwriten data, while they taking the most important data from the passports digital anyway. Even if the additional handling of this TM6 card only causes 5 seconds per passenger, result this with 150.000 passengers per day in over 200 extra working hours for the Immigration staff daily.

    No wonder then about long waiting times


  2. Blind as bread.

    Why do they not simply give out waiting numbers, as in any bank.

    Then at least the annoying waiting in a queue could be avoided. Instead you could go shopping or eat comfortably in a restaurant. Also more massage shops could be

    stationed in the airport. Would bring money and would contribute to the general relaxation. As long as they can not organize more immigration staff.


  3. 40 minutes ago, ETatBKK said:

    “For Thailand, the form is important as it is the tool for us to get and keep information about foreign visitors where they stay in Thailand,” he said.


    it is absolutely TRUE that in some countries, you are not allow to enter the country without an address.  yet my favourite address is HOLIDAY INN :-)  it works many time.

    And under the indication: Profession

    some of my friends writing (they are real pattaya fans) : pussy stretcher,

    Daty expert, dr. threeholer or something similar. I think there are the poor tourism students from the first semester who have to evaluate the tm6 cards.

  4. 7 minutes ago, puck2 said:

    Also my idea.

    Did we ever hear or read about the immigration catching people for illegally staying in Thailand - only because of the data written on TM6 ? I seriously doubt it that this "document" is needed for security reasons. Face saving.


    The same is valid for the (nonsense) 90-day-report. Whenever did we read about a foreigner caught because of missing the 90-day-report. We only read when catching a foreign criminal that he has been in Thailand already x- or xx-years without such a report. They have not been caught immediately because of not reporting.


    Bureaucracy at it finest without any serious consequences.

    Yes useless bureaucracy.

    At each border of Thailand the tm 6 cards are filled. Are they at all centralized? When, how orderly? By tm6 number, date of arrival ?, name?

    Does anyone there really make the effort to decipher all these illegible manuscripts and transmits them in a computer? I doubt it.

    And on the back is also only statistical data scrap. 

    The income statements are usually exaggerated. 

    As a hotel address is enough to write: Thai hotel, Bangkok.


    In response to criticism that travellers to several countries in European do not require such the form, he said those countries require travellers to apply for a visa before entering which provides all details.


    But many travellers come with thai visas too.

    Tourism, business, retirement, education or marriage visas. Follow logically the tm6 would be superfluous for these groups.

    Maybe they should only split the groups at the control counters in : with visa / without visa. If hourly waiting times and duplicate data collection can be avoided, would be good.

  6. illegally registering land deeds for about 1,000 plots in Phuket and Phang-Nga,
    That is big dark business.
    There must be necessarily on the other side 1000 profiteers, which must have paid bribes.
    A huge stinking dunghill.
    Businesses in this dimension the land official did not make alone.
    Behind it, there are certainly some powerful masterminds high up.
    He is probably only the sacrificed peasant in the great chess game about money and land titles.


  7. A total of 21 children were attacked by the teacher on Wednesday.
    Just beating 21 of his students.
    Beat his students with a stick on their heads.
    This is not a teacher but a sadist.
    Such a psychopath has no place in any school.
    He is a danger to the physical health of children and also the psychological effects cause long-term damages to children. Hope they expel him pronto.

  8. 1 hour ago, Grouse said:

    Better together!


    You fancy being in a barchetta with Theresa and her crew when the seas get rough?


    Cue the music please!

    No one knows how Brexit and Europe looks like in 5, 10, 15, 20 years.

    But Polish and Romanian potatoes eats in times of need everyone.

    Better to stay together in Europe.

  9. Flood aid should not have any political direction. Any government, no matter what color, should help the affected people immediately.

    Had experienced 2 massive floodings here. From the government, nobody helped us at that time. Have not seen any official who has helped with his own hands to fill the sandbags. Many talk a lot, but practical help: I have not experienced.


  10. Let the British go. It is the only opportunity for the EU to reform itself in a semi-solidarity system that is not based exclusively on an economic club understanding. The British always wanted their economic advantage here ... they rejected everything else. They are, therefore, the true blockers of a united and solidarity EU. Brexit will prove to be a stroke of luck for the EU in many years.

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