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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. 48 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    What confuses me is that the many Muslim friends I have, have never threatened me or abused me or tried to hurt me in any because I am an infidel - do you think that they are just buttering me up before they are ready to execute God's will?

    I am glad that you have good muslim friends. But you'll always be an outsider, unless you are converting to Islam. Just try with your friends to discuss about Muhammad's life.
    For example, that a 51-year-old man, marries a 6 year old child and then 3 years later  performs the marriage.

    Be careful, this can end badly!

    Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old. Muslim 8. 3310


    Narrated Aisha that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). Bukhari 7. 62. 64

  2. Amazing how some defend Islam here.

    Islam is not a religion. It is a crazy death cult and should be treated as such. There is no difference between "radical" and "non-radical" muslims. They all believe the same things, and follow the same holy book which instructs them to convert or kill all human beings on this planet.


    The Arab, Islamic embossed States do not accept today the human rights convention of the United Nations. In 1981, on the other hand, the "Cairo Declaration" with the obligation that all human rights were made conditional on compliance with the Sharia. Logically the murder of "infidels", especially from Christians and Jews is not one of the violations of human rights (after Cairo Declaration). In Islam, the anti-torture convention, the anti-discrimination and by making the human rights of children as the free choice of religion are nothing.


  3. “We want the sex industry gone.“

    Why does the minister want to make an effort?
    The open sex bar scene in BKK will do it by themselves, with their greed for money.

    Many Gogo and Beer Bars earn no longer money.
    Already far too expensive, Customers stay away.
    A drink, often adulterated and stretched with cheap booze 150 – 200 Baht
    Lady Drink, piss Cola 150 - 200 Baht
    Double Lady Drink Piss Cola Scam 200 – 300 Baht
    1 minute sit by you Tequila Water drain Scam 150 Baht
    Barfine 600 – 1200 Baht; on special days up.
    Shorttime in the Tourist Traps Nana, Pong, SC 2500 – 3000
    Longtime in the Tourist Traps Nana, Pong, SC 4000 – 6000
    Dance quality in Gogos = 0
    Music volume almost at ear splitting level.
    Pushy service staff.
    Mostly filthy toilets with give me 20 baht staff.
    Bill peddling.
    Rough bouncers.
    Disinterested girls who prefer to play with their phones.
    Too much ladyboys visible or as a surprise package after barfine.

    I could write more.
    But why?
    The open red light milieu in Bangkok going downhill and kills itself completely soon.

  4. I envy Hungary. There will be held a referendum on such an important question like the immigration on 2 October.

    A very important issue, that affects so many future generations.

    Merkel has aimed her policy against its own native people.
    This has nothing to do with democracy.
    That's autocratic dictatorship of a few which brings terror and chaos for all.
    About the cultural, security and financial consequences speaks nobody.

  5. 6. EVERY tourist will be supplied with ACTUAL photographs of the vehicle.

    These photographs will be used when a claim arise from the rental shop.

    7. EVERY owner shall provide a VALID INSURANCE + TAX with the rented bike.

    8. EVERY owner shall provide an up-to-date inspection booklet with the last inspection date signed and stamped by an authorized dealer.

    9. The last 3 items of the contract will NEVER be fulfilled by any rental shop because of Thainess.


    No. 6 very good tip.

    Everyone should do before renting, some photos from the bike in its own interest.

  6. How unrealistic Merkel is, shows a statement of her party colleague:
    CDU interior expert in the Bundestag, Armin Schuster, complained a lack of enforcement in the deportations.
    More then 200 000 failed asylum seekers could be deported, but they still in the country.
    "These problems we always drag with all new and additional problems”.
    He also expressed doubts about whether the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees can really check carefully because overwork whether to discover
    the real country of origin.
    As a result, many unauthorized refugees would be recognized.

  7. Even some of real war refugees from Syria saying, that Merkel is not quite right in the head.
    She lets unchecked, just this crazy muslims into germany, from them the real war refugees originally
    ran away.

    Merkel shifted, in her stupidity, now the war from Syria to Europe.
    The Merkel-friendly press suppress quite systematically any news about the problems in the asylum accommodations.

  8. I thought the definition of a "moderate muslim" was a radical out of ammo.

    The moderate Muslims are just as devout Muslims, who are convinced that it is best for everyone, if all live by the rules of the Quran.

    I've no doubt you're right - in the same way as extremist Christians are convinced it would be the best for everyone if we all followed their extremist beliefs.

    Fortunately for all of us, the majority of all religious people tend to put a more peaceful interpretation to their belief - rather than the more ruthless teachings. I'm talking about Christians as well as Moslems.

    Terrorist attacks, honor killings, persecution of Christians, the threat of ex-Muslims are now an integral part of Muslim reality. As it Crusades and Inquisition in the Catholic faith were once. The fact that a majority of Muslims are peaceful, is only a little consolation. A decisive minority is not.

  9. We need a Muslim uprising, the good supposed to outnumber the bad by a mile (so some say) so it should be a walk in the park to get rid of the rotten apples. However, I think that inside they all have empathetic thoughts towards those who kill the infidel, I mean they HAVE TO, it's written in the Koran.


    The moderate Muslims are just as devout Muslims, who are convinced that it is best for everyone, if all live by the rules of the Quran.

  10. There is a war of interests. There is a war for money. There is a war for natural resources. There is a war for domination of peoples. This is the war,” he said.

    Those are exactly the goals and intentions of all religions since thousands of years.
    Money, Resources, Interest and Domination of peoples.
    This is the war of religion.

    In Europe, Catholics and Protestants have fought wars in the 16th and 17th centuries.
    Now the Islam leads his war.

    Always for Money, Resources,
    Territory, Interest and Domination of peoples.
    This is the same stable odor, only the name of the imperialist religion is different now.

  11. Would be nice if all people could live together peacefully.
    The reality is different.
    Ultimately, the strife is nothing more than the distribution fight for limited food resources on a totally overpopulated and plundered planet with the stupid race: human.

    For a bit more peace Muslims could also reform their Quran.
    Maybe even emphasize all the verses which call for violence, against women, other faiths or against atheists.

    The glorification that if a muslim kills himself and entrains infidels to death,
    and promises paradise for this act, I find it very threatening.

    Historically all religions and all governments of all countries have blood on their fingers,
    but this historic discussion who, why, when, stole the first goat by whom, brings nothing.

    Islam is imperialistic, expands and pushes into the daily lives of many people, which are not precisely Muslims.

    This is happening in Europe now.
    Many native inhabitants who live peacefully for generations feel disturbed and do not want this.

    This should be respected.

  12. Difficult decision for the American voters.
    Clinton or Trump
    The nomination of these two candidates is regrettable.
    The whole campaign noise and media hype make it impossible that calm, rational, smart people can come forward.
    More show than content, the whole.

    When I think of who can better stop the islamic imperialism, it would be Trump.
    When I think of who better has the codes for the nuclear weapons, it would be Clinton.

    From a peaceful planet who can solve its problems, we are very far away.

  13. Germany will reply to all this soon....and nobody is gonna like the answer.

    Well one of the ways it would be to collect all young, male refugees and put them forcibly into the german army (Bundeswehr).

    Then four weeks quick training.

    After that, Germany can send them back in their countries of origin as soldiers.

    That might even work.

  14. I do not think that the local population in europe will accept these attacks, rapes and crimes much longer.
    As much hatred and anger has already dammed.
    It will not be long and it pops up huge.
    Let's see when the first mosque is on fire.
    If the politicians do not react immediately with measures to reverse the flow of refugees, then we certainly have soon a civil war.
    This is the sad result of a misguided policy.

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