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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. 54 minutes ago, MaiCM said:

    I've also seen plenty of those (usually orange colored) top-up machines in front of a 7-11 that will gladly top up your AIS prepaid haha

    Yes funny thing. Some top-up machines are free of charge: You pay 100 Baht and you get 100 Baht on your phone.
    Here in the south, are machines they charge you 0, 2, 3, 5 and 7 Baht on Top.
    The AIS price policy at the machines makes little sense.

    CP is also greedy. Recently they have significantly increased the prices for many things.
    They open up new 7-11 shops without end. Due to the high density of its own shops, the profitability of the old shops decreases.
    The partial nonsensical expansions policy provides cannibalization effects which now have to pay the customers through higher prices.

    I consciously support the small independent stores. Many things are even cheaper there than at 7-11.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Elkski said:

    ...information you need to pop up?

    I have to admit I love the way the Korean and JAP flight attendants dress, act,  and look.

    Frequent fligher.

    Good for you.

    It is fun that all flight attendants normally speaks good English.

    It is fun to joke with them.

    More then 50% like to go out for some fun, instead to stay alone in a 5 star hotel room.






  3. 51 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    Indeed, neither do Chonburi.


    They use the computer records of immigration as the basis for fining or not. TM6 addresses are not data entered only scanned. TM30 is required in addition to TM6. Chonburi don't seem to be bothering with TM28 at this point, thank God.

    It is very cumbersome.
    When you arrive you write your residential address on the TM6.
    On the yellow house book the address is also noted, also on the Pink ID card ( If one has them).
    Frequently also the phone number on the TM6 is noted.
    It appears that the immigration, which has this data several times present, is not able to link these data in their existing, parallel systems.
    Instead of solving this system error, from duplicate and triple gathering of data detection, they are more focused on the collection of penalties.

  4. 1 hour ago, dentonian said:


    If there is no local Immigration office within your Province, then according to section 38 of the Act, informing the local police is the correct procedure. I would still advise she completes a TM30 and gets the police to sign and return the receipt as proof she made the report.


    Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence , or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration Office located in the same area with that hours , dwelling place or hotel, within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the alien concerned. If there is no Immigration Office located in that area , the local police official for that area must be notified.

    Here on the islands i know many holiday home owners. Many are weekdays on the mainland because their children go to school there.
    For the weekend they come back to the island.

    So dear tourists, in this case a rental of a vacation home is only possible on weekenddays,  when the house owner is present and can report within 24 hours. 
    I think the reporting system is not well thought out, with many duplications, different interpretations from office to office and unnecessary paper war.

  5. Get a lawyer and let your wife manage that.
    Unfortunately, here exists a cumbersome and non-user-friendly law.
    This law has been around for a long time (TM30), but know has been discovered as a source of money by the officials.
    Even if the officials have already 3 times your address (on the arrival card, Yellow Housebook and Pink ID),
    They only want money, money, money.
    As a thailand lover i must say: the times auf "Sabai, Sabai" and "Mai pen rai" are over.

    If you rent a house to a foreigner and sign him up with TM30, well.
    but if the tenant then invites 3 friends and these all live with him, what is then?
    The foreign tourist who rent a holliday house can not know all the regulations of Thailand,
    or do I have to carry out nightly occupancy controls as in the Dritten Reich?
    One of the most anti-tourism laws ever.
    Reminds me of the reporting laws of the old GDR.

    • Like 1

    I can not understand why the police as an executive investigative authority can decide about Bail or not.
    In many other legal systems, a judge decides on freedom against bail.
    The danger of abuse, that the police can already decide in the investigation phase on a release, without a prosecutor or judge is heard, is much too large. Usually, the police Investigates, the prosecutor accuses and the judge decides.

  7. 9 hours ago, lkn said:


    The bank will issue a letter or FET form for the land office, the land office does not look at your bank account, nor would they necessarily be able to read English, nor do they necessarily understand all the variations of how you can describe (with English as second or third language) that the intent of your transfer is to buy a condo, furthermore, not all banks actually allow a purpose field when doing transfers, and some banks have absurd limits which leads to truncated text.


    So until someone comes up with actual proof that this field has a role, I will claim that putting in “for hookers and blackjack” has absolutely no impact on the smoothness of your condo purchase or your later ability to repatriate the money.

    555 for hookers and blackjack.

    Among other things it is also relevant from which country of origin one transfers from.
    For example, in the EU exists a reporting obligation for all money transfers higher than 12.500 Euros (Value Today less than 500.000 THB). Every EU country has regulated this in its foreign trade laws. For example in Germany: Reporting obligation pursuant to § 11 Foreign Trade Law (AWG) in connection with §§ 59 ff. AWV. The money transfer abroad is carried out there via form Z1. This form is used by all banks. And on this form the reason of payment must be indicated (There are 100 different abbreviations for the transaction reasons on the backside of this form).  Furthermore the omission of the notification in the case of international transfers or the omission of the reporting obligation in the case of SEPA transfers constitutes an administrative offense.

    Which is deliberate or negligent by an official act of the European Communities or the European Union, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities or the European Union, which is intended to implement an economic sanctioning measure adopted by the Council of the European Union in the field of the common foreign and security policy , By the
    - Information is not transmitted, not correctly, not completely or not in time,
    - Does not submit a pre-notification not correctly, not completely, not in the prescribed manner or in time,

    In practice, this administrative offense can be punished with a fine of up to 30.000 Euros
    So I will continue to specify the reason on my money transfer forms.

    But I like your idea: For bargirls and hookers.


  8. 1 hour ago, lkn said:


    As best as I can tell, this is just some urban myth often being repeated here and elsewhere.


    I have bought a condo here, and I did not write the purpose (of the many transfers that collectively made up the purchase sum), and I have questioned people who state this “requirement” in the past, no-one has been able to reference any legal document where it is stated, nor is there any anecdotal evidence that this is required, i.e. no-one so far has written that their purchase was denied because they had not stated the purpose, yet several have reported that they (like me) did not write any purpose for transfer on the slip.

    Agree with you 50%
    I am talking about an easy and smooth condo transfer.
    If you want to buy a condo with your money from abroad, you should also document this intention.
    555 Not that there is a misunderstanding with your Thai bank and they buy some stocks for you.
    There are no drawbacks to document the will as order for the banks on its transfer form.
    Even if my plumber sends me his bill, there is a reference to his account number / activity / purpose on my bank transfer.
    Every bank clerk and bureaucratic thai land officer understands: Money for buy a condo.
    And yes, if someone wants to sell his condo later and want to send the money back abroad, the entire transaction process for Thai tax officers is easier to understand.

    But you are right, there is no law that dictates to document the intention of your money transfer.
    The whole arises more from commercial behavior and practice.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Wazza1 said:


    Would a receipt from HIS European or U.S countries bank showing a transfer FROM HIS ACCOUNT into his GF Thai bank be considered evidence of him bringing funds into the country? I think yes.

    Why do you make it complicated.
    The Thai Condo law is one of the few options here for foreigners to acquire legal property to 100% in its own name.
    A foreigner should open a bank account on his behalf for this purpose.
    I have had very good experiences with Bangkok Bank. It is important to go to the head office of a respective bank and not to a branch!
    There is usually a special department, which is familiar with this procedure.
    Very important, as others have rightly written here, that you write the purpose of the money transfer on the transfer slip:
    Money to buy a Condo!
    If you want to buy an already finished, (second hand) condo it is even better, if you already know the purchase object, then write also the Condo name with address on the transfer slip. In this case, make sure that the alien quota is fulfilled.In any case you need a confirmation letter from the Condo Management.
    You no need any thai GF to buy a condo in your name!

  10. The thai law is clear:
    - Drunk driving causing death: Three to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of B60,000 to B200,000 and your driver’s license will be cancelled. Whether you will be allowed to apply for a driver’s license again during your lifetime is up to the court.

    He is responsible for the death of two people through his negligence.
    This results in something between 6 to 20 years in prison.

    I do not think he gets out so cheap as the other well known HiSo killers on wheels.

  11. A new traffic law requires police to test motorists involved in accidents for alcohol or drug use.
    Any refusal automatically leads to a charge of DUI.
    This is the law.
    This fact must actually be on the docking list.

    Also driving at over 200 km/h, on the highways, the maximum speed is 120 km/h.
    Also the deliberate breach of a highway barrier is punishable.
    It not was only negligent driving,
    it was negligent driving with a double death result.
    Double negligent manslaughter is the right designation.

    It looks like as his lawyers are cherries picking in the law book for the slightest punishment.
    Hope the court added here the penalties accordingly.


  12. This is no longer to be surpassed in absurdity.
    There existing since a long time arrest warrants, which are simply not enforced.
    If this continues, the monk can use them as new Wallpaper in his private rest rooms.

    If the UFO monk boss is such a hot potato, why is he always warned beforehand?
    Maybe they can lure him out with an unsecured fake cash check or pass the job to Dirty Harry.

    Embarrassing the whole.

  13. He plays all sorts of tricks.
    Break a barrier,  Super high speeding , killing 2 innocent people, plays the dying patient in the hospital,
    refused an alcohol and drug test,  suddenly has mental problems,  hides for days in a temple,
    then he does not have a lawyer, now he has a lawer team, a.s.o.

    Hopefully the court does not like this time these kind of law distorting games.
    He belongs into the prison and that fast and long.
    Or did he get his driving license already back?


  14. The issue is that he broke the law in loaning out money in his name, and working without a work permit,” police Maj. Theerapong Prajukjit said Tuesday. “Foreigners can’t loan out money in their name.”

    So a foreigner can not lend money without a corresponding work permit.
    Next time, if friends, relatives or extended family members of your GF/Gig/Wife/Mia Noi want to lend money, tell them you can not.
    This is forbidden and illigal without a work permit.

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