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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. The only good thing is the final death shot.
    Prefer not know how many of these brain amputated, radical islamist killing machines still running in Europe around freely.

    Millions of young men of military age to import from socially dysfunctional islamic countries.
    How stupid our politicians are actually?
    While our politicians enjoy personal protection, the normal population will be sent to the slaughter bench.
    This was certainly not the last attack.

  2. In Europe you have to be careful now.
    …at music concerts, at bars, in public swimming pools, in busses, in trains, at airports,
    on big festivals, in shopping centers, in all large gatherings of people.
    Many people are afraid and avoid to go out.

    So islamic terrorism has now found its home in Europe.
    Thanks to the idiotic migration policy from the left-liberal parties and there media helpers.
    They try to talk the situation always down and always try to make the single case analysis.

    In fact, Europe is experiencing a wave of terrorist attacks, where one or a few terrorists try as much people as possible to kill.
    And in almost all attacks, the terrorists are muslims.

  3. The first two years in Thailand as a single.
    That's over 20 years ago.
    Patpong was the red-light scene with the prettiest service and the highest density of stunners per square meter.
    No curfew, 24 hour swinging, no mobile phones, the term short time was unknown, no violence against falangs and the majority of thai people smiled.
    I have made two years non stop party and whorish the equivalent of a 2 room asoke topfloor condo in the GoGos away.
    Who remember the old Peppermint Bar or the rocking Safari Club?
    Those were the days.

    Nowadays I go sometimes in the Gogos but without any intentions to barfine.
    Have 3 Gogos in Bangkok, which I find acceptable, but in general the business model is run down, with too much greed for money,
    become ridiculously expensive and the fun remains on track.

    If Kobkarn closes the tourist traps or not, I would not care.

    The whole scene shifts out on websites, freelancers, clubs and apps.
    The state power can not control this much anyway.

  4. It would be good if,

    - all high standing islamic leaders from all different islamic streams condemn in public terrorism in the name of their religion.

    - in all madrassas and islamic schools are clearly stated, that if you kill people, also from other faiths, someone not comes in paradise and there are no virgins waiting for murderers of innocent people.

    - each leader of an Islamic state should actively uphold the freedom of religion and human rights in his country.

    - the peace-loving Moslems fight against the preachers of hate in their mosques or at least boycott them.

    If the so-called moderate muslims now not active stand against the islamic nazis, then they are followers who quietly consent the murdering activities in the name of there religion.

    Whether that will happen?

    The ideology of islam forbids precisely this in many suras and regulations.
    What alternatives has still Europe then?

    The only remedy is then to stop immediately
    the islamization of europe and prevent further.
    That is the bitter consequence.
    The peaceful silent majority does not help in this situation.

    Tolerated radicalism among muslims is a breeding ground for right-wing thoughts on the other side. And that will affect them even more.

  5. There is no way to completely stop these attacks, only mechanisms for lessening the risk, limiting the death toll. This guy worked out how to cause maximum damage with minimal equipment and no one was there to stop it. If this happened in an area that had been closed to traffic and was pedestrian only ( as seems to be the case) then that looks like a failure of security: presumably there was some barricade to prevent vehicular access, it didn't work and he drove 2 kilometres and even then seems to have stopped not through the intervention of security but for some other reason.

    But the soft targets cannot be protected: from Tokyo to Taipei to Australia , Paris, Orlando, Brussels, London, Bangkok. Whatever the motive/cause: terrorist, criminal, mental health ...it's not going to stop, it can't be stopped (sadly).

    Mechanisms to lessen the risk will never work either, they simply ratchet up the tension, which both disrupts everyone's normal life and itself incites more atrocities - the point is to spread terror, after all.

    I've read this whole thread and I think no one understands the situation. Everyone is taking proximate for ultimate causation. The real reason for what is happening is deep-rooted, fairly subconscious - too big for most people to even recognise. It takes big perspective to see the wood rather than the trees.

    Immigration, religion, or ethnicity are easy to blame on the surface, and everyone is falling into that trap. Those things are involved but they are not the ultimate cause. For one thing, division is necessary to human society, and to evolution. People will create division out of nothing (for the sake of competition) if sufficient division doesn't already exist. Therefore it is facile to simply blame religion for this - one might as well just blame human nature.

    The ultimate cause involves psychology and is this: bitterness due to loss of pride and esteem, and a sense of inferiority. There is also a crisis of identity. Note, for example, that the perpetrators often are physically displaced people. Their aggression is a deranged attempt to establish meaning in their existence. Yes, it's subtle, but it does have traceable roots. To stop the carnage, it has to be put right at source - then allow a couple of generations.

    I've read this whole thread and I think no one understands the situation.

    Good, you are the only one here who has the understanding.

    Sorry you deliver not a single concrete proposal to solve the problem.

  6. GAZZPA, on 15 Jul 2016 - 18:09, said:


    EyesWideOpen, on 15 Jul 2016 - 17:54, said:snapback.png

    GAZZPA, on 15 Jul 2016 - 16:45, said:snapback.png

    EyesWideOpen, on 15 Jul 2016 - 16:41, said:

    The scourge is the religion, not the people sucked in by it. Stop the building

    of mosques which are used to radicalize its members. At least

    Switzerland came to its senses on that front. And

    for the Islamic loonies that are not happy in western countries

    because the insane Sharia laws do not exist there, I say go

    back to your shithole sandy countries.

    For crying out loud fella.. It's PEOPLE doing these terrible things, religion is a belief or faith in some higher creator. They are not going to stop just because you don't build them anymore mosques. The answer is not trying to wipe religion off the face of the earth, you cannot re educate 85% of the World just because you think differently. (have you seen the film V) I have said before we will all just find something else to fight about, we already fight about a million other things.

    I think you should change you name to "EYES FIRMLY CLOSED"

    This is wrong in my view.

    A newborn baby hates no one.

    Then the peaceful brain is filled by parents, teachers, media, priests, evil religious books and you have that suicide bomber.

    Why it is not allowed to criticize islam?

    Those who criticize the islam in public, or leaves the islamic brotherhood, or draws cartoons about it, risking there lifes.

    Why tolerate the intolerance longer?

    Nobody disagrees that suicide bombers are wrong and that the people who preach this hatred are evil and in most countries breaking the law.

    My point is that the solution to this is not get rid of all the muslims and ban religion, anyone sensible should see that, it is just a load of bigots spouting hatred.The kind of people i don't want to meet. The kind that hate anyone who don't have the same values and beliefs as them. The governments need to find a solution to end this without trying to kill everyone. I honestly do not know what the solution is yet but I am not stupid enough to think it's persecute 1.6 billion Muslims.

    As for criticising Islam, well it's already happening on this public site, Seems to happening a lot in many different places, I have read many times about wiping them out, remove the scourge, deport them all and shut the doors,,, so it seems many people have no quarms about trashing Muslims.

    Should someone be allowed to trash their religion in the press, not really, it's irresponsible and offends many, but that should be the same for any religious group or belief, when it isn't so it is certainly wrong. No peaceful person should be persecuted for what they believe in, do you not agree? (so I am not talking about the people who believe that bombing people is ok)

    From ethical you are right.

    But what do you do, when a religion no tolerate an other religion and so a peaceful coexistence is impossible?

    How about christians in muslim-dominated countries?

  7. The point is that once you have a massive Muslim presence in your country, there is nothing you can do, apart from appease, or create a police state (which kinda defeats the object), or just accept you gonna have civilian casualties from time to time. OK, I agree, the overwhelming majority of Muslims are good people who just want to get on with their lives, but this just ain't good enough anymore. They need to be proactive, outing the potential Jihadists, and making it socially unacceptable within their own community.

    The problem is that the islam is unable to reforms itself and to adapt into the present time.

    Christianity had its reformation 1517-1555.

    And if you ask muslims about the child marriage of the Prophet, then the whole get quite aggressive.

    Incapable of critically reflection and transform it into present day.

  8. Sickening. Wipe the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth.

    Would be a benefit to the Muslim women who are in essence

    chattel to their husbands.......

    All 1.6 billion of them, genecide then. So, how do you want to do it. I know, we can all drive trucks through the Muslim streets mowing down any Muslim we see and shooting guns at ones we miss with the truck,, sound about right? Why don't you think before you speak.

    The scourge is the religion, not the people sucked in by it. Stop the building

    of mosques which are used to radicalize its members. At least

    Switzerland came to its senses on that front. And

    for the Islamic loonies that are not happy in western countries

    because the insane Sharia laws do not exist there, I say go

    back to your shithole sandy countries.

    For crying out loud fella.. It's PEOPLE doing these terrible things, religion is a belief or faith in some higher creator. They are not going to stop just because you don't build them anymore mosques. The answer is not trying to wipe religion off the face of the earth, you cannot re educate 85% of the World just because you think differently. (have you seen the film V) I have said before we will all just find something else to fight about, we already fight about a million other things.

    I think you should change you name to "EYES FIRMLY CLOSED"

    This is wrong in my view.

    A newborn baby hates no one.

    Then the peaceful brain is filled by parents, teachers, media, priests, evil religious books and you have that suicide bomber.

    Why it is not allowed to criticize islam?

    Those who criticize the islam in public, or leaves the islamic brotherhood, or draws cartoons about it, risking there lifes.

    Why tolerate the intolerance longer?

  9. Driver was 31-year-old from Nice'

    The truck driver was said to have shouted 'Allahu Akbar' God is greatest before being shot dead by police."View image on Twitter

    As I expected, nothing to do with Islam then whistling.gif , or if it was he was a lone nutter or not a real Muslim, and if he was not the actions of the west in Muslim countries caused him to do it, er Tunisia? Anyway it's never ever the fault of Islam as 99.99% will say not in their name and give a Muslim a hug, so that's OK then. Only it's not as this terrorist like all the others got his inspiration from the Koran, not Le Monde, when will the west wake up, it's almost too late.

    You do realise that by tarring an ENTIRE religion with the same brush, you are DIRECTLY assisting ISIS in their strategy to create fear and foment division within societies and by doing so, you are effectively helping ISIS to 'win'... They must be laughing at how simple it is to manipulate you and many others similarly to push THEIR strategy, you just make it so easy, FOR THEM.

    YES get even TOUGHER on ISIS, also immigration checks and rules, step up counter-terrorism efforts, attack ISIS at every opportunity, root them out, expose their networks, BUT DO NOT ASSIST ISIS / play straight into their hands by propagating the blanket fear and division which they want/need YOU to do FOR THEM.

    You do realise that by tarring an ENTIRE religion with the same brush, you are DIRECTLY assisting ISIS in their strategy to create fear and foment division within societies …

    Why now you do not think further?

    We have already for decades division within societies.

    There are many peaceful muslims, no question, but their religious ideology is not compatible with our humanitarian society culture.

    Liberty, religious freedom, equality between men and women, separation of church and state, critical thinking in religion questions, etc.

    In Europe we have parallel societies for decades.

    How many mosques were allowed to built in the last 20 years in europe?

    We were still since decades tolerant to muslims, but their religious ideology does not allow them to tolerate us.

    That is the core problem.

  10. Dear God who ever would have thought we'd see something like this in a European city nowadays? The blame lies squarely on the US for creating ISIS, who never existed before they invaded Iraq which set off yet more bombings in of the Middle East, and that idiot Merkel, who just this week admitted 'there may be jihadists among the refugees' she warmly embraced. Ya think? All wrapped up in the US imported insanity that is political correctness for refusing to report the facts, 'the driver'. Well it wasn't bloody Bert from Leytonstone was it.

    Islam is a religion not ISIS, who are using Islam to further their particular agenda. However, it's about time the muslim silent majority actually took to the streets to condemn these atrocities being perpetrated in their name. Their silence is deafening.

    It's deafening because large majorities of Muslims agree with the violence...ask a Muslim in the Middle East (and in many Muslim communities in the West) what should be done to gays or "apostates" or women who engage in premarital sex, or even drive a car and you'll have your answer. Google "Pew Survey Muslim Attitudes" and you will discover all you need to know about these phantom "moderate" and "peaceful" Muslims...there basically aren't any.

    This study is quite helpful:


  11. Establishment of the EU-wide emergency laws.

    Closure of all EU external borders.

    Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

    Immediate intake stop of migrants.

    Exceptionless repatriation of all boat refugees.

    Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.

    Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.

    Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.

    Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.

    General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

    Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.

    Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

    You seem to overlook the fact that the people involved in these attacks are legitimate EU citizens most of the time: French, Belgian etc.

    Therefore expelling them wouldn't have been feasible anyway. Expel them to where? no country will accept them. So we're back to concentration camps or drowning them at sea.

    If that's what you want, at least make it unambiguous.

    I don't have a magical wand either, but at least I don't want my home country turned into a totalitarian state conducting pogroms as was hinted by another poster.


    So may then just not as fast citizenship should be granted (sometimes less then 2 years).

    In the database of services are thousands of radical and violent islamists stored.

    These radical islamists have lined up with the aim to destroy our society.

    Why then granted this society these radical Islamists his rights of freedom?

    That's harebrained. Why do not send them back to their countries of origin?

    A huge security risk.

    And what speaks against it, first to secure the borders and stop the unregulated invasion (1000- 2000 illegals arrive daily with tug boats in Italy)?

    The authorities and the security forces are not able and staffed to handle these masses.

    If this continues, we have a civil war in the next 2-3 years.

    I support rapid and radical actions, even if it costs me parts of my personal freedom.

  12. Establishment of the EU-wide emergency laws.

    Closure of all EU external borders.

    Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

    Immediate intake stop of migrants.

    Exceptionless repatriation of all boat refugees.

    Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.

    Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.

    Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.

    Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.

    General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

    Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.

    Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

    And then Once you have pacified these areas and repatriated all of the Immigrants from Europe to weed out the Agitators and violence Preachers. You will build special camps where they can be educated and rehabilitated. You will have gardens and beautiful signs to welcome them. Women to the left and Men to the right..... You will settle the Worlds problem Herr OberGruppenfuhrer

    Always quick with the Nazi defamation at hand.

    What are your suggestions to solve the problem?

    Or always turn the other cheek and let the whole thing so continue, and continue to bury regularly the victims?

  13. Establishment of the EU-wide emergency laws.
    Closure of all EU external borders.
    Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

    Immediate intake stop of migrants.
    Exceptionless repatriation of all boat refugees.
    Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.
    Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.
    Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.
    Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.
    General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

    Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.
    Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

  14. These are so-called ghost drivers.
    From this species there are quite a lot in Thailand.
    For many, the route to the next U-turn is too far.
    Especially at night, when they driving on the highway - on the wrong side -, some without any lights, others with high beam lights, then you get really pissed from them.
    you get used to the dross.

    Have since 1,5 years a dash cam in my car.

  15. The Cabinet yesterday endorsed a significant change in the existing Criminal Procedure Act that will bar convicted criminals in absentia to lose their rights to appeal to higher courts

    The very next step should be, to stop convicted criminals or people who have fled the country to avoid prosecution, from suing for damages.

    And another good step would be the revision of the bail proceedings.

    Confessed serious crimes criminals one should not grant bail.

    Confessed murderers, stabbers,homiciders, drunken drivers causing death, etc. can lead their appeals process out from prison.

    Even if an appeal actually makes sense should be examined.

    Many appeals process there are starting with no new facts findings.

    The culprit is simply only dissatisfied with the amount of the penalty.

  16. 180,000 Baht per month for 500 square meters?
    You'll probably only work for the Landlord.

    21.000.000 with 3% interest is = 630.000 Baht /12 = 52.500 Baht/month
    Maybe you can buy it and rent it out by yourself to others for 100.000 Baht a month,
    then you have 5,71 % static interest,
    if you can rent it out over the entire term.smile.png

  17. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/924798-ec-charter-explanation-activities-welcome-different-opinions/

    Election Commissioner Somchai Srisutthiyakorn said on Monday that a TV program to explain the draft Constitution and the referendum question via six main television stations, will start going to air from June 27.
    Mr. Somchai said that the program will be broadcast for 13 days, between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays.

    Did the TV series occurred or is the TV series already over?
    Between 5 pm and 6pm is also a very bad airtime.
    Most come home from work.

    Who has time to look at 5pm television?

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