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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. Is she supposed to be a model?
    A triangle face with big make-up eyes
    A drop-shaped chin with a mouth much too small.
    Bleached red hair in bulky length and with deadly pale body skin.
    Without her exact body measurements, weight and body height, it is to be seen whether one can speak of a “model”.

    I hope she helps unconventionally first the victims.
    For example, what about the hospital bill - around 45.000 Baht - for the - by her fault injured – motorcyclist?

    And if her alcohol values are officially taken later than 6 hours, one can smoke the information in the pipe of uselessness.

  2. "His head was smashed into a motorcycle, a fence and then pounded into the concrete. The back of his knee was stamped on."

    Such stories make me sick.
    It's time, that such heavy criminals in uniform, are sent into prison for a long time.

    That this kind of "colleagues" are covered by the royal thai police is completely incomprehensible to me. 

    Such brutal thugs are a disgrace for every police force.
    Hopefully this time, the prosecutor can free the society from these killers.

  3. Such types as Asselborn are the reason that the EU is not working.  Mendacious and twisted.  He is talking about EU fundamental values.

    With his tax policy he steals for decades from all other EU Member States.  In Luxembourg there are more mailboxes than houses.  All big corporations save enormous taxes with their mailboxes in Luxembourg.

    A real lying politician, which wants to deflect under the guise of the do-gooders of his deeds.  It would be better for all EU Member States to kick out Luxembourg from the EU.

    And thanks to the Balkan states, which curbed a bit the flooding of Europe with a foreign culture and penetrating into our social systems.  The cost of this wave of immigration for the EU societies are enormous and nearly as high as Luxembourg steals with his tax policy from the national budgets of the other EU countries yearly.

    Here you can see the true European spirit of Asselborn and Co.  Luxembourg leaks: 343 global companies with secret tax agreements with Luxembourg.
    Source after the video is in English.



  4. On 9.9.2016 at 1:09 PM, khunPer said:

    I have often wondered, why seaplanes have never been a option for Koh Phangan air service – and Kho Tao, for that matter – as they successfully have been at other similar places; like the Dane who started Trans Maldivian Airways some years back (he recently sold it for a substantial amount). Think they use Twin-otters, the latest versions can carry some 17 passengers...



    Unfortunately, the wave height is quite variable.
    For this maneuver, you need a mirror smooth sea.
    The weather conditions are often as different.


  5. 8 hours ago, khunPer said:

    Earlier it has been said in the news, taht they are planning to use leased ATR-42 aircraft. Fully loaded that require 1,090 meters runway and up to 1,205 meter at sea-level, depending of version, i.e. ATR42-300 to ATR42-600. With max. pax (48 passengers) an ATR42-600 requires 1,025 meter at 300 knot take-off speed; range enough for Bangkok including reserves.


    ATR-72 with max. pax (68 passengers) will require about 1,200 meter take-off run, depending of fuel load.


    Up to 1,000 passengers a day (i.e. 500 arriving, and 500 departing) is not unrealistic; however it will require some 10 ATR-42 operations a day. Koh Samui Airport has more than 4,000 passengers a day in average. With the number of rooms available a Koh Phangan – and there do come other visitors, than for Full Moon Parties – that estimated figure seem fair enough. Looking at party-youngsters, the air-alternative may be depending of price, compared to bus/train and ferry, although quite some today arrives by air and commute from Koh Samui or mainland.


    But you're right about the economy; 2 billion bath over 10-years with 10 operations a day, mean some 50,000 bath investment costs only per operation – interest and running costs, etc. not included; just a quick head-calculation.


    Holla, with 300 knots “take-off speed” …all you flaps would fly away and your tires would start burning. :hit-the-fan:
    Max tire speed is 165 knots. 300 knots is the Max Cruise speed.

    “With max. pax (48 passengers) an ATR42-600 requires 1,025 meter”

    It can be more:
    Take-off Distance ATR42-500

    • Basic (SL, ISA+15°, MTOW)  = 1,165 m
    • At TOW for 300 Nm - Max pax - SL – ISA = 1,025 m

    These values are tested under known standard conditions.
    Temperature = 15 °C /  Normal pressure = 101325 Pa  = Air Density  1,225 kg/m3

    But in Thailand, temperatures between 30°C -  40°C are common.
    Temperature = 35 °C / Normal pressure = 101325 Pa  = Air Density  1,145 kg/m3

    The carrying capacity of the air is then significantly lower.
    On the 1025 meters take-off, I would not bet.:)


  6. Beside that many from the islanders do not want an airport, this chimera will never be profitable with a 1100 meter runway. The Cessna Grand Caravan with 12 Seats could land/start, but with their ATR72-500 is already critical, without safety margins.
    For comparison: Koh Samui runway is 2,060 meters.

    They plan with 1000 passengers per day. Where are the passengers come from?
    Price aggressive competition there is in Surat Thani and in Nakhon Si Thammarat enough with Thai, Nok, Smile, Air Asia, Lion Air. Even Bangkok Airways on Koh Samui had to slash the number of its flights.

    The land bought for 500 million baht from a mini airline with 3 small aircrafts?
    Where does the money come from?

  7. 7 hours ago, manfredtillmann said:

    because they probably can't. the reason why the far right exists is because it caters for the uneducated and unintelligent who think that you can solve all the worlds problems by building walls.

    Ideological crap.

    Germany IW study (30.04.2016) : The AFD is a party of high earners and educated.
    The Alternative for Germany (AfD) is a party of the better-off. 33.9 percent of all AFD sympathizers belonging to the richest fifth of the population, less than ten percent of the AFD-Followers are very worried about their personal economic situation. This emerges from a study by the Institute of German Economy in Cologne (IW Köln).

    Educate yourself first!

  8. Migration is considered by many German citizens as the main problem of the EU.
    According to an EU study, 61 percent are against the immigration from outside the EU

    The question "Should be taken in your opinion, additional measures to combat illegal immigration of people from outside the EU?" endorsed a total of 81 percent of respondents from Germany.

    This is apparent from the national evaluation of the recent Euro barometer on behalf of the EU Commission.
    Evaluation is from February 2015.

    Merkel stands with her stupidity, against the will of the majority of German people.
    Her ignorance and narrow-minded bigotry can many people no longer endure.
    Merkel has to go, as soon as possible!


  9. You can rent a basic house on Koh Phangan for a month, with wifi, fridge, TV, kitchen, hot shower, fan for 6000- 9000 Baht.
    So accommodation is 200-300 for a day. If you can drive, you rent a motorbike for 3000 Baht per month and can drive to all beaches.
    From your daily 1000 baht budget, then still remain 600 Baht for food and fun per day.

  10. 37 minutes ago, whaleboneman said:

    This is the first time I've seen someone questioning personal savings when income is so low. Too bad it's just an assistant they're wondering about.

    A plausibility test between income and wealth of senior officials in Provincial Land Offices would definitely bring interesting results.
    Since there are certainly some, who have private unusually a large number of land parcels, money in their bank accounts , the newest luxury cars,  the biggest fat gold rings on their fingers and top brand gold watches  on their wrists.

  11. According to a report on illegal land deeds registration in Phuket by the Royal Thai Police's Crime Suppression Division, issued in 2004, the division found a crime network of local politicians, businessmen and land officials worked together as two teams.

    That was 12 years ago.
    Are some culprits accused, arrests carried out, court processes held or prison sentences imposed?
    The non-functioning state in the grip of corruption.
    Corrupt to the core.


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