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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. 2 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


    Stereotyping based on race, ethnicity or nationality are all defined as racism.  And PC has given us a better society, something that Thailand needs to emulate.

    That's nonsense.
    Why always the PC brigades want to colonize other countries with their wisdom.
    Thailand can be proud of its culture and its national consciousness.

    This moral transfer, by - I know everything better - than other countries disclosed herein racist characters.

  2. Thailand could lose up to 200,000 foreign visitors and $293 million in tourism revenue this year, the head of its tourism authority said on Monday, after a series of deadly blasts in tourist towns last week.

    Always interesting, when the so-called experts obviously contradict themselves.

  3. Live over 20 years in Thailand.
    Can live quite well from my rental houses in Europe and no longer had to work really.

    But all day doing nothing?
    Perhaps the first time, travel, beach, bars and girls.
    But that can also become boring after a while.
    In my first 2 years in Thailand (20 years ago) I have spent around 5 million baht on party, girls and travel.

    16 million is a good basis.
    But my advice would be that your friend might considering a part time job that he likes the way he can make and wants. Here maybe develop some activity/working ideas which brings some extra money alongside.

    If no regular money coming in, and you only live from a capital stock, the beautiful life can be over quickly here. It depends then entirely on the spending discipline.
    And Thailand can be very alluring for newcomers. Have already seen a lot of foreigners here who have come with pockets full of money, and after a time had with empty pockets to fly back home.


  4. Confusion here.
    It gives 3 "Chang" islands in Thailand

    Koh Chang, Ranong

    Koh Si Chang, Chonburi
    Koh Chang, Trat with Mu Koh Chang Nationalpark, Trat

    Who go here to the island in the national park, where no park entrance is demanded. Admission paid the visitor only when someone wants to visit the island's waterfalls further (THB 200 per foreign countries), or approaches on an excursion boat the beautiful island of Koh Rank with the great reefs (also day entrance 200 THB).

    The great islands of Koh Chang Noi, Koh Khlum, Koh Wai, Koh Lao Ya and Koh Ko May in the archipelago are admission free visitable.

    Looks as if some small officials have only thought of a quick buck here.


  5. 2 hours ago, arithai12 said:

    I don't understand the fuss. Isn't this exactly what the NSA has been doing for years already in the US, or what Apple and Google and Facebook already do?


    Exactly, that many people not want.
    The argument, because the United States does it, then it is ok, is simply stupid.
    These data krakes must be boycotted.

    More security, that's a lie.

    I do not want to be my private e mail is read and stored by strangers, my telephone calls, my personal contacts, my purchases, my reading habits, my surfing habits, my bank accounts, my social contacts, my travel habits, my business papers, etc.

    Nice to see how the United States with its tracking technology, hack worldwide into the private telephones from politicians, monitors the servers of companies and directs their drone bombs.

    For example, if you have a serious disease, you must not be surprised if the health insurance company increase your fees or throws you out from the insurance.

    Resist the beginnings of the total surveillance state.

  6. Another thought

    “Oh, I, as a foreigner always come regularly to Thailand to rob banks and gold shops.
    No problem with the tracking Phone.
    Next time I'll simply let the phone at home or in the hotel, when I make my forays.
    Gives me then also simultaneously an alibi.

    If I want to be a little nasty, I just steal a tracking Phone in the

    Khao San Road
    from an unsuspecting backpacker, and rob with his phone in my pocket a bank.”

    So the tracking phones are a good thing for criminals.
    One can lay beautiful false trails and can blame easily innocent people.

    The image of the criminal foreigner appears to be quite rooted in the minds of the responsible Thais. This is the Thai welcoming culture today.
    A pity.
    Would not be surprised, if this will lead to declining visitor numbers.

  7. The turnout in the referendum was about 55 percent, which meant that only about one-third of the electorate endorsed it, given that it won with a 67 percent majority.


      45,00%         did not vote
       36,85%         vote yes
       18,15%         vote no

    The turnout's been very low.
    The majority are the non-voters, the

    Why so many have denied or not preceeding there vote?

  8. “We would just facilitate the police. So they could more easily track foreigners who enter the country and commit crimes,”

    So far, the immigration are not even able to identify wanted criminals when they entering the country.
    If someone wants to rob a bank, he simply let his cell phone at home.
    This tracking Sim Card will hold no single terrorist thereof to ignite his bomb.
    That's all a false front.

    It's just about additional money for the private pockets of certain people.
    Foreigners are allowed to pay this brainchild.
    At the end it does not matter whether someone uses the SIM card or not.
    The main thing is, he must buy one.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Still no one cares to read it properly

    Again I quote "Foreign tourists would be able to continue to use SIM cards brought in from other countries under roaming service and would not be required to turn their location on. They would only receive a location-tracking SIM card once they showed their passport to purchase one from a Thai service provider."


    Quite clear won't affect anyone already here using a thai sim. 

    Quite clear won't affect anyone already here using a thai sim. 
    Wrong, read it properly!

    Announced last week by the national telecom regulator, the plan would require anyone – not just tourists but everyone who doesn’t hold a Thai passport – to use the new SIM card .
    So it will affect people holding an old thai sim, if they not hold a Thai passport.

  10. 13 minutes ago, JESSVANPELT said:

    if it eliminates all the forms at immigration I'am all for it, Only those who have something to hide will worry about this one.

    The point is not that one has something to hide.
    hereby to prevent or solve the alleged purpose of crime is a false front.
    Here it's all about, to pull additionally more money out of the tourists and foreigners.
    In the end, more bureaucracy and unnecessary legwork for 30 million people each year
    And not to mention the possible misuse of personal data.
    Even the Banks here are not able to hedge their ATMs reasonable against abuse.

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