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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. See recent police crime reports from 26.7.2016 (only half day, a excerpt) which are in connection with asylum seekers in Germany

    In Güsten a 25 year old refugee have a young girl sexually assaulted.

    Two young asylum seekers have come to the site of a property in the Buchenstraße on Sunday evening in a heated argument and have mutually inflicted injuries.

    Leipzig - Middle of the night stumbled a 35-year-old Tunisian for reception center in Dölitz-dozing. The fact that he was no longer purely left there by the security guards, did not like the drunk like that. Forcibly he gained access, and then picked up the blade.

    Werdohl (ots) -. Here sat a suspect one a piece of glass a destroyed mug, injuring his opponent hard in the chest area. The 20-year Syrians had to be spent with an ambulance to the hospital.

    In the asylum accommodation Aussiger road came on Sunday at 21.30 to a skirmish between several Ethiopian and Tunisian asylum seekers.

    POL-Q: 160725 - 638 sindlingen:. Public manhunt for robbery at betting shop - Reference Message

    POL-KA: (CW) Simmozheim- dispute in asylum center ends with superficial cuts

    POL-KR: Sexual harassment in the field of the Krefeld main station displayed

    Early Saturday morning, a 50-year-old in Dresden's Neustadt was assaulted and robbed by four or five men. The police could initially provide two Tunisians (23).

    Police Lübeck examined witnesses: Two girls harassed in Travemünde

    POL-BS: Police seek witnesses to sexual offense in the Mönchstraße

    Leipzig - Since according to the police a "freaked" 22-year-old Libyan asylum seekers decreased with broken glass and his bike going to the entrance.

    POL-Fri: Maulburg: Refugee harassed young woman - arrested by the police in custody

    Ingolstadt / Wellheim (DK) The case is already amazing for its crime scene: In the Wellheimer parish an applicant shall have the sacristan sexually harassed.

    Rape of two girls: Judge allows four Syrians walk with parole - because they had no criminal record.

    Pickpocketing investigators of the federal police took last Saturday (07/23/2016) to 06:00 on Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof two suspected pickpockets firmly. The 25- and 29-year-old Algerian national.

    After Oldenburg Culture Summer |
    Woman raped on way home.

    Common priority effort of the Federal Police and the police against Hamburg pickpockets. Nine arrests. The list of suspects is German, Algerian, Moroccan, Romanian, Russian and Syrian nationals.

    Germany have obviously big problems to handle this refugee masses.
    Politicians pushing now the consequences of their irresponsible refugee policy to the police officers.

  2. "Armin Nassehi, a sociologist at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, said that among the 1 million asylum seekers who were registered in Germany last year, "there's a big number of traumatized people who know nothing but violence — that's a fact one cannot ignore."

    "He pointed out that "most people who commit Islamist acts of terror are also psychologically unstable."

    That's only half the story.
    The Quran forbids suicide (hellfire awaits you), but if you kill yourself and kill thereby infidels than it is a heroic act and brings one to the 72 virgins (paradise awaits you).

    So what made now a mentally ill muslim who hates the world and want to kill himself?

    Edit: underline the "big number".

  3. Interesting.
    Germany has many research and survey institutions.
    This year there was not a single survey on immigration.

    From the last survey February 2015
    Almost two thirds of Germans are against immigration from countries outside the European Union. This is apparent from the national evaluation of the recent Euro barometer on behalf of the EU Commission. Thus, the Germans are with their attitudes (61 percent against) something more critical than the average of all Europeans surveyed, of which 57 percent reject immigrants from non-EU countries. The issue of immigration is for the Germans the most important problem in Europe, even before the debt crisis.

    Still higher than in Germany is rejecting about in Italy (75 percent), Latvia (79) and in Slovakia (74), low in Sweden (25) United Kingdom (57) and France (58).

    Hope it comes to mass demonstrations and we can rectify this, before it comes to a civil war.

    European Politicians govern against their own people.
    How crazy is that.
    Merkel must step down immediately as all her deaf helpers.

  4. I hope she steps down immediately.

    Better leaving others the necessary decisions, who love their country and their homeland.

    To turn away further damage from the people and country, it must be initiated immediately countermeasures.

    Declaration of emergency laws.

    Immediate closure of all EU external borders.

    Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

    Immediate intake stop of migrants.

    Exceptionless repatriation of all refugee boats.

    Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.

    Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.

    Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.

    Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.

    General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

    Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.

    Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

  5. Are you tired of life, naïve or a troll?
    Assuming your story is true, this little loan shark is property of the southern thai man.
    I can guarantee you 100% that her thai (ex) husband knows exactly where she is in Bangkok.
    Go away, as soon as possible.

  6. He admitted however that not a lot of people truly understand the intent of the draft constitution.

    The whole thing is very complicated indeed.
    Alone, the supplementary question is asked so complicated, that i wonder if the voters actually understand the scope of this question.
    Actually, they could ask clearly whether voters agree that the Senate, which is not elected, is allowed to vote a prime minister with in the first five years.

    Since the question of a clear period of the first five years starts from the date of constitution of the first Parliament under the new Constitution, it is clear that the power of the Senate is not limited to the period of the election of a prime minister, but to the period of the election of at least two prime ministers extends. For a Prime Minister in accordance with the present draft constitution a term of four years.

    It is truly a strange and therefore interesting question to the Thai voters, because it is asked if voters want to reduce their power to determine a new government themself.

  7. That he shouted "Allahu Akbar" is hearsay, not fact, may have been an elaboration to make a story more interesting, and focussing on it may detract from discovering the true motivation, given the other evidence that is accumulating, not least of which is the invitation made on facebook. I, personally, would like more info. on that. For example, was it a general invite or was it targeted at certain kinds of people. I am fairly convinced this was no Jihadist shooting spree because of the Shia Iranian aspect, but I remain open-minded, given that we still have only partial info..

    He should have tried with a hacked Facebook account, to lure young people in the Mc Donalds Branch. He has deliberately shot at young people.

    The victims have been old three 14-year-old, two 15-year-old, and each 17, 19, 20 and 45 years. Three of those killed were women.

    Now it is investigated, who knew of his murderous intent and who gave him the 9mm-Glock with 300 rounds of ammunition.

  8. So after Paris, Brussels, Nice, Würzburg, Köln and countless rapes and assaults in whole Europe we can add München.

    The attacks are increasing at ever shorter intervals.

    These stupid politicians allow that millions of young islamist men from crisis areas, with the demographics of an army, can uncontrolled invade europe.

    They're too stupid to secure the external eu borders and to close the borders immediately.

    The invasion continues:

    Now Italy is the main country of first arrival. In June 2016, migrants came to the country mainly from Nigeria, Eritrea, Sudan, Guinea and Ivory Coast.

    The second country of arrival is Greece with migrants, are from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Algeria.

    How many of these are potential radical Islamist terrorists, is unknown.

    And again the politicians and their media assistants are to gloss over the situation.

    To keep the number of future deaths preferably low there are now immediate action necessary. The entire EU population would welcome that.

    Closure of all EU external borders.

    Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

    Immediate intake stop of migrants.

    Exceptionless repatriation of all refugee boats.

    Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.

    Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.

    Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.

    Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.

    General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

    Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.

    Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

    Step 2: Invade Poland?

    I'm guessing you're German?

    What a stupid comment, given the situation that innocent people have been killed.

  9. Tomorrow meets the Security Council.
    About time to declare a state of emergency situation as in France.
    Let's see when here the first hate preachers to be expelled.
    The security services have a lot of photos and addresses from radical islamists in their databases.
    It is time that the state stop to protect those, who want to destroy it.

  10. There is enough evidence that the current islamic mass invasion is used from hate preachers as a call for a jihad in europe. Our naive politicians have no idea what in the minds of radical islam extremists happening. And it does not require much brain dead islam zombie terrorists to fear spread. How many more should be allowed to come to europe?

    If not now action is finally taken to stop the islamic invasion of Europe, it will give first mass demonstrations and after civil war.
    The population is tired of this terror.

  11. Who started, in fact, this polarisation by acts of terror?

    That started when we began the continued destabilisation of the Middle East and Africa in the 1960 + 70's. Do you actually think this is more recent?

    If we are in the business of picking an arbitrary start to the time line in support of our argument I would suggest beginning when the Moors first started their invasions of North Africa and Europe from the 9th century onwards.

    I think if we are trying to point to a start of problems in European Societies we should look to the end of the Colonial eras and the immigration of peoples from the Colonies. Germany has had problems since it invited in Guest workers after the erection of the Berlin wall. Yes recent immigration has accelerated racial tensions but they were already festering. Britain had its big influx from its former Empire. Since the 1960's there has been a trickle of refugees to the West. Now We have a flood and inside there are radicals. But this incident today appears to be a German of Iranian descent. And if a Muslim most likely a Shia who tend to be the majority of victims in Middle east suicide bombings not the perpetrators

    We do not have to look back.

    We have to do look forward.

  12. So after Paris, Brussels, Nice, Würzburg, Köln and countless rapes and assaults in whole Europe we can add München.

    The attacks are increasing at ever shorter intervals.

    These stupid politicians allow that millions of young islamist men from crisis areas, with the demographics of an army, can uncontrolled invade europe.

    They're too stupid to secure the external eu borders and to close the borders immediately.

    The invasion continues:
    Now Italy is the main country of first arrival. In June 2016, migrants came to the country mainly from Nigeria, Eritrea, Sudan, Guinea and Ivory Coast.

    The second country of arrival is Greece with migrants, are from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Algeria.

    How many of these are potential radical Islamist terrorists, is unknown.

    And again the politicians and their media assistants are to gloss over the situation.

    To keep the number of future deaths preferably low there are now immediate action necessary. The entire EU population would welcome that.

    Closure of all EU external borders.
    Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

    Immediate intake stop of migrants.
    Exceptionless repatriation of all refugee boats.
    Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.
    Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.
    Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.
    Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.
    General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

    Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.
    Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

  13. If the story is true and the guy is really a stupid grabbing scum bag and it is in the organization already known, then I would write an anonymous letter to the personnel HR department (in thai, as computer printout and marked on behalf of the department). I would describe the situation in the department, that the mood is poor among female employees, and all are tired of his harassments.
    Perhaps parallel also send a copy to the top management with the request for a rapid solution.
    Usually the HR department would be active here, just with his prehistory.

    If that does not work, your wife might try to have herself transferred to another department.
    Good luck.

  14. Nonsense
    Already, in February 2016 it was known.
    Warning of up to 5,000 jihadists in europe.

    Rob Wainwright , the europol boss says (February 2016) Europe faces its biggest terror threat in over 10 years and warns of large-scale attacks by IS and others.

    So after Paris, Brussels, Nice, Würzburg, Köln and countless rapes and assaults in whole Europe, now this clown warns of lone wolf attacks!

    These stupid politicians allow that millions of young islamist men from crisis areas, with the demographics of an army, can uncontrolled invade europe.

    And now these same politicans, the perpetrators of this radical islamic terror crisis, warn us from the consequences of their committed stupidity.

    These politicians do not realize that they are the ultimate promoters of islamic terror in Europe with their inability, shortsightedness and failures to act.

    They can be seen only at funerals, speaking after warm words.

  15. claiming that they have been engaged in religious activities and could not attend the session.

    This can be interpreted in two directions.

    Either they are all their lives, as monks, busy with relegious activities.
    So they will never have time.

    Or there are times when they are not busy with religious activities.
    What will they do then?
    Temple Management, counting money, perform bank remittances, buy land, speculating on the stock market, transfer funds abroad, open bank accounts, close bank accounts, manage donations, pay wages for press secretarys, booking of travel expenses, etc?

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