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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. I like this statement:

    "Former Democrat deputy leader Alongkorn Polabutr said Monday that the only way for the Democrats to win the election is that the party must undergo a major restructure of the party which includes management, organizational culture, planning, policy and thinking."
    Better to flesh out the content and goals first, as people and faces.
    Do it first, and then nominate the best person you have in an election within the party.
    Make this process publicly visible and you can win elections, as a party.
    May they choose as a slogan:
    All think, and all do!
  2. Better Thailand makes a donation to all the nations of the third world suffer from hunger.

    This would also reduce the state losses.

    And hopefully there will be a nationwide enlightenment campaign who has this idiocy concocted.

    I'm curious! how does giving away rice reduce the states losses, is that lose of rice to weevils or the money not made from not selling the rice?

    The problem is that those responsible no publish concrete figures.
    They work in the dark.
    The stockpile price for one ton of milled rice is around 23.000 Baht up to 29.000 Baht per ton.
    Nobody knows!
    No concrete numbers!
    The world market price is around 14.000 Baht per ton milled rice,
    so the storage cost, logistic costs and the administrative expenses are immense.
    Other sources say, that the rice is on the rot.
    Partly in the quality no longer to sale.
    Where are exactly the 680Billion Baht + 180 Billion Baht remained, the public do not know.
    Only those responsible.
    • Like 1
  3. Quite interesting..... the serving 'top brass' feels quite rightly that it cannot come out and overtly support either one facation or the other, but there is nothing to stop retired 'top brass' from doing so. No-one should be naive enough to believe that there is no serious linkage between those serving and those retired. I reckn the writing is on the wall for the Sinawatras.

    No, it means nothing. The REAL top brass has spoken. They will not let this descend into bloodshed and chaos, nor will they prejudice the international relationships of the country to satisfy the old guard's desires. Let the old boys have their five minutes back in the spotlight, sure...but that's as far as it will go

    "No, it means nothing".

    Clearly you know little of Thai politics.

    Right back atcha.

    It means A LOT to the Thai people.

    The old soldiers gave a clear statement for necessary reforms.
    The constant compression to see there statement as a vote for the person Suthep alone is stupid.

    What we are experiencing is a movement made up of many people who have the desire for reforms and for a future without a non-corrupt government/state.

    I personally trust much more soldiers who swore the oath of allegiance,
    as any politician of the past 20 years in this country
  4. "Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Phonghtep Thepkanjana expressed disappointment that the PDRC opted out of the forum but said comprehensive reform would take years to complete. However, it would take only two years to set a reform mechanism in place, for a transparent and fair political system and elections."


    That would mean, if a election would be carried out, on 02.02, that would be unfair and intransparent then!!!!!
    He admits, that the current political system is unfair and non-transparent.!!!
    Double face just to get back power to get to the taxpayers' money?
    Sigmund Freud slip of the tongue?
    or honest desire for reform?

  5. “To reform Thailand for sustainable development, several issues must be addressed especially laws on elections, political parties, election commission and corruption prevention"

    That's a nice job for politicians.

    For this, the warring factions must talk to each other.

    May, the best would be to build two reform teams.

    First team is YL und Suthep.

    They get the Presidential Suite. 2 sleeping rooms, two bathrooms and one big conference room.

    No phones and no tv allowed, but we give them a lot of paper and pencils.

    Then the room will locked, until both come out with there reform ideas, underlined by both.

    It is up to them how long they like to stay there, but the door remains closed until they find a compromise.

    Second team are 3 people from both sides.

    Each side must choose the interlocutors of the other side.

    The ruling party must choose 3 people from the movement,

    and the movement choose 3 people from the ruling party.

    The reform talks then will be broadcast nationwide live on TV.

    Like a game show, also this team must find at least one concrete reform idea per day.

    If they fail to find one compromise per day, all 6 are out and the next 6 people get their turn,

    until Thailand finds some politician they are able to talk solution-oriented with each other, in the sense of the whole nation.

    • Like 1
  6. The Constitutional Court from Thailand has the jurisdiction over six broad categories of cases:
    - The constitutionality of parliamentary acts
    - The constitutionality of royal decrees
    - The authorities of constitutional mechanisms
    - The appointment and removal of public officials
    - Political party issues
    - The constitutionality of draft legislation
    it is clear or Wiki is wrong.

    Edit Post 3.
    This is the original link:
    • Like 1
  7. I've never heard the red leaders proposals for reform.

    Now's the time boys, call a meeting urgently, you've only got a few hours to think up some ideas.

    So calling for a return to the 1997 charter, a fully elected senate, reformed judiciary aren't proposals for reform? Or are the only reforms you're willing to accept undemocratic reforms? Not to say the reforms the reds wanted to see aren't as self serving as the ones Suthep and the elite want, but they are reforms nevertheless.

    In my view, your first 2 points are regressive moves- the 1997 charter gave too much power to the politicians which was exploited by Thaksin.

    A wholly elected Senate would result in the same- relatives of politicians would not check and balance their husband/wife/sister/mother etc in the Senate -too much power to politicians

    Reform of the judiciary, ie. limiting its powers to check corrupt politicians, is possibly another move to expand politicians' influence.

    I meant reforms to benefit society, not politicians.


    The police force



    Do you know of any red shirt policies in these important fields?

    I've never heard any.

    I just still wounder,

    when was there last full party assembly with elections and votes on party goals?

    How many registered party members they have currently?

    Where is the base?

  8. This decision will make things worse, not better. My tortoise told me so.

    Suthep can forget help from the military, Thaksin has got to them first with his blood soaked money.

    It is now down to the people.

    Agree - elections on 2nd Feb. That's when the 'people' will decide.

    But as the PTP has said that they will use the same mp's as in 2011 for their election list, and the constitutional court has said they will only rule after the election, I've such a strange feeling that 2nd February isn't the date that it will be decided.

    "The constitutional court has said they will only rule after the election."

    Can you please give a source/link

    • Like 1
  9. This decision will make things worse, not better. My tortoise told me so.

    Suthep can forget help from the military, Thaksin has got to them first with his blood soaked money.

    It is now down to the people.

    Agree - elections on 2nd Feb. That's when the 'people' will decide.

    Yes and hopefully with new implemented parliamentary requirements.

    Also the Election Commission should even check the partys before, the finances of the parties and made it public who sponsers who.

  10. Interesting opinions.
    I'm not afraid that Suthep will build up a Kingdom/ dictatorship or what ever for himself.
    He did not have any support for that. He knows that.
    He is the man for the rough ton. His goal is to stop the Shin clan.
    Coincidentally, that would also mean defacto to stop the corruption in the country now.
    So why everybody let him move and shout?
    The police could sacked him, the army could sacked him. The courts could sacked him.
    In the background the courts are working now.
    - Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong gets one-year imprisonment without suspension
    - Abhisit due in court over 2010 crackdown (Suthep will follow sure)
    - Bt2 trillion loan bill halted, pending court ruling
    - NACC to investigate backers of charter change draft (maybe they ban 312 members)
    Maybe a great chance to getting the corruption down in Thailand.
    Hopefully it all turns now into an clear anti - corruption movement
    with concrete suggestions for improvement.
    The frame is clear: Peace and unity.
    - It must be prevented in the future, that a country can be completely plundered by a few unethical people just because they are currently in power.
    - When public funds are used, then the public has the right to see what the representatives of the people plan to do with the money and how it was used.

    Removing the Shin clan will remove corruption in Thailand? You should put in a biggrin.png when you tell jokes because otherwise people might not get it. In this case, it's probably worthy of a cheesy.gif . What? You weren't joking?

    You know the great corruption fighter Suthep has quite a lot of experience in this field, right? Just google "Suthep Thaugsuban" and "Sor Por Kor", then do the same with "cooking oil", and with "police station construction". This is your white knight coming to slay the corruption dragon.

    So what is your position then?

    Can you give a description, how Thailand can fight corruption today?

  11. Revolving financial management: Yes this describes and points out the real problems this government has managed to bring upon the Thai people. For this age old mangement system to prove successful, you need more revenue coming in than your expenses that go out.

    The government attempts to sell farm product, bonds, and/or borrow money to generate revenue have not been as successful as their ability to skim off the top, pay the middlemen involved, thus the farmers (suppliers) are being shafted along with the Thai people (investors) This program seems to be going the way most do, when operated in such a manner.(Bankrupt)

    "Revolving financial management:" Puea Thai style



    With your revolving modell u have a fair chance to win 1/37.

    But with the rice scheme the chance, that the thai people win anything is 0 (Zero)

    If you buy a reproducible product continually for 14,000 Baht/ton and the world market price for these good is 10,000 Baht/ton,

    then the loss is due the system, pre-programmed.

    But this is a state secret.

  12. View on reform sought?

    Reform to appoint exactly the same 312 members as before?

    Sounds it is not a party, but more a chain of command receivers.
    "One thinks, and all other do"
    Sounds for me pretty stupid, if only one person thinks.

    Within the "party":
    No new thoughts?
    No new faces?
    No new ideas?
    No intellectual, critical, self-reflective, debate?
    No full party Assembly with elections and votes on party goals?

    Where are the reform ideas please?

    • Like 1
  13. It is a tragedy.
    Thailand does not seem to be able to organize unity and justice.
    The division of the country appears deeper than ever before.
    To find compromises, searching for a better fairer solution, appears alien.
    The movement losing his plot.
    No clear vision, no program, no concrete content.
    and the other side?
    It identifies exactly the same 312 members as before.
    No new thoughts?, no new faces?, no new ideas?
    Sounds it is not a party, but more a chain of command receivers.
    "One thinks, and all other do"
    Sounds for me pretty stupid, if only one person thinks.
    As the greatest hope remains the Constitution Court
    Hopefully the court judges with a variety of parliamentary requirements to be met in the future, no matter who is in power at the moment.
    Like for all future budgeting processes they make it compulsory for all future governments, that
    - the use of money for project proposals are accurately represented in detail and coherent on the last baht.
    - the use of money for project proposals is described in detail for all people publicly documented and visible
    - Public monthly or quarterly reports on Finance and project progresses.
    - Public invitation for project proposals and at least three competitive compare offers.
    - Project completion reports including all expenses with receipts.
    - a strong, powerfull supervisory committee composed of members is formed by all parties,
    to control the entire investment process without disabilities and time delay restrictions.
    The results of the process and progress checks are presented to the parliament.
    The members of the supervisory body should rotate so that corruption is impossible or more difficult.
    When public funds are used, then the public has the right to see what the representatives of the people plan to do with the money and how it was used.
    It must be prevented that a country can be completely plundered by a few unethical people just because they are currently in power.
    And there is a lot more to do, with regard to the parties' laws.
    Furthermore they must lift immunity for criminals.
    An untenable situation that convicted criminals gives commands to the government or sitting in the government.
    Convicted corrupt people must never have again any access to public funds or offices.
  14. Also with the same slogan?
    "One thinks, and all other do"
    Sounds for me pretty stupid, if only one person thinks.

    May better:
    "All think and all do"

    How about a change, and holding a party congress?

    Not at least one new candidate?
    Really exactly the same 312 candidates?
    Sounds like a standstill, decrepitude and cliquism.

    No new thoughts?, no new faces?, no new ideas?
    Sounds it is not a party, but more a chain of command receivers.
    From top to bottom, and not sometimes the other way around.

    What a pity.

  15. Interesting opinions.
    I'm not afraid that Suthep will build up a Kingdom/ dictatorship or what ever for himself.
    He did not have any support for that. He knows that.
    He is the man for the rough ton. His goal is to stop the Shin clan.
    Coincidentally, that would also mean defacto to stop the corruption in the country now.
    So why everybody let him move and shout?
    The police could sacked him, the army could sacked him. The courts could sacked him.
    In the background the courts are working now.
    - Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong gets one-year imprisonment without suspension
    - Abhisit due in court over 2010 crackdown (Suthep will follow sure)
    - Bt2 trillion loan bill halted, pending court ruling
    - NACC to investigate backers of charter change draft (maybe they ban 312 members)
    Maybe a great chance to getting the corruption down in Thailand.
    Hopefully it all turns now into an clear anti - corruption movement
    with concrete suggestions for improvement.
    The frame is clear: Peace and unity.
    - It must be prevented in the future, that a country can be completely plundered by a few unethical people just because they are currently in power.
    - When public funds are used, then the public has the right to see what the representatives of the people plan to do with the money and how it was used.

    I completely disagree with that. Corruption came far before Thaksin, and corruption was running while Abhisit was in charge as well.

    So, Suthep, or any Average Joe would not let corruption cease in Thailand. This is sure as birth and death.

    About your PS: I guess there is no way to prevent that. Look some cases around the world, even very recent and even our advanced democracies did not prevent that, so sadly.

    Sure, agree! Corruption was far before.

    But we living today.

    Stop corruption now!

    The people want it (me included)

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