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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. The airline affirms that the information garnered through this process will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Data security? Whoever believes it.
  2. The ex-police captain was sentenced to twenty years in prison in 2022 when granted bail for the second time to appeal the judgement. How can there be bail for such a serious crime? He can make his appeal out from the prison cell.
  3. "The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has discovered that companies controlled by Praween have won a whopping 1,500-plus government projects since 2011"... It is obvious that it smells like bribery when so many public tenders are won. The state official gives contracts to his own construction companies. This is the license to print money. And there are many of these corrupt officials in Thailand.
  4. If China cannot deliver according to the contract, it would be easy to cancel this nonsensical procurement order. The problem is probably more at the level of commissions that have already been paid and received "gifts" when the contract was concluded.
  5. Another flaw in the constitution. Ideally, the NACC Commissioners should be elected by the parties in Parliament, with a percentage of their seats. For example: MF 2, PT 2, BJ 1, PP 1, RTSC 1, Democrats 1, others 1. The unelected Senate should have no influence there.
  6. The NACC currently has only five commissioners, while the full bench is nine. The National Anti Corruptions Commission doesn't seem to be functioning at all.
  7. He was in power for 9 years and still had enough time to take care of Thailand's water supply. Like so many other topics, he totally missed out on this existential topic during his tenure.
  8. Good for Prawit, then he will have enough time and can wind up all his wristwatches in his free time.
  9. PT broke its campaign promise. It has now become clear to many PT voters that the PT leadership no longer represents their interests. The desire for sincere and honest politicians is there. Even in the countryside there is this rule: "You should always do what you say." Many PT regular voters will not forget this false flag maneuver.
  10. It's annoying. Especially the Thais who carry these oversized huge boxes of donuts on board that they bought just before departure. They block the overhead compartments for everyone else.
  11. Everyone knows that well-stocked cake boxes work wonders in Thailand.
  12. .... insist that they are still with the opposition, unless they are invited to join the Pheu Thai-led coalition government. They should have thought about that earlier. If the Democratic Party still needed there? I have my doubts about that.
  13. The Prime Minister has to consider suitable individuals for each ministry to drive their respective agendas. Currently, the major ministries are relatively stable.... The outstanding observer will certainly see some familiar old faces again. ????????????
  14. Chiang Mai’s residents shared their opinion on the 10,000 baht digital money policy aimed at economic stimulus, which was promised by the Pheu Thai Party. It can happen that politicians promise something before the election and then break their promise afterwards.
  15. Back when Thaksin was elected there was indeed improvement for the normal country folk in the North and North East. But now the PT supporters are prematurely cheering with the old establishment on board. It will not work. The establishment doesn't play with dirty kids. The fact that the PT party has caved in and celebrates brotherhood with the old putschists instead of respecting the will of the people for more democracy will not pay off.
  16. Srettha is through. But I only like politicians who do after the election what they promised before the election.
  17. Srettha is through. But I'm sticking with it. I only like politicians who do after the election what they promised before the election.
  18. lol I promised the girl she would get 2000 baht for one night. Then the night was not as I had thought and then I tell her that she does not get any money. What a nice guy. Shame on you.
  19. What the majority of the population wants and what they voted for in the election obviously doesn't matter. What a charade.
  20. Ridiculous. The article considers only a narrow segment of economic projects without considering the benefits and financial dependencies. When i look at it as a whole, my judgment is quite different. - Modernization of the school and education system? - Excellence in research? - Better health care for all Thais? - Set up a pension system? - Land reform? - Modernization of the authorities? - Police reform? - Reducing the national debt? - Strengthening democracy? - Investments in future technologies? - Water and sewage security? - Road safety? - Waste management? - Flood prevention? - Reduction of corruption? - Economic growth? - Better distribution of income? - Transparency in government spending? - and much more. Succeeded? Has there been success for the Thai people on these issues? Certainly not.
  21. Wasn't expecting anything else from a CC which can't even count to eight.
  22. According to an informed source at the Election Commission (EC), the committee found there is no clear evidence that iTV was operating and earning income at the time when Pita applied for his election candidacy in early April. Ridiculous. That iTV has been inactive for many years was clear from day one when the topic of shares came up.
  23. The constitution prohibits the caretaker government from reshuffling permanent officials and officials of state enterprises. Classic. If it suits them, the call comes to bow to their constitution. If not, they give a poo on it and they simply disregard the existing law in an autocratic manner.
  24. NACC secretary-general Niwatchai Kasemmongkol said that they cannot reveal publish all the investigative reports about the case to protect the safety of the witnesses..... LOL. What kind of witnesses should there have been? The sellers in luxury watch shops? It's unbelievable how stupid they think the population is.
  25. What a sick man. Would murder his own child if it refused to wear a school uniform? Advocates breaking campaign promises and cheating the electorate? It is only disgusting to even think and say something like that publicly. The right place for him is certainly not on a seat in Parliament, but in an enclosed room with rubber walls. This man has zero morals, honor and human ethics.
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