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Posts posted by Sarpedon

  1. I have just started taking lessons too, although not a complete beginner I was very very poor and the driving range pro picked up on what was wrong with my swing after me hitting only 2 or 3 balls! It really is a good feeling to have everything work together and that ball goes sailing down the driving range. I have now booked a set of 10 lessons to try and get to a semi decent standard.

    Can anyone recommend any good books on improving your swing or instructional DVD's?

  2. Even though the picture quality is poor I might try watching the game with the sound off and get Five Live commentray streaming through my computer. The other altearnative is to get the lives games streaming through the computer but I dont know if my internet speed can handle it.

    At least the games are in English but thats pretty much all I can say!

  3. 1 Try Paulo Coelho's books........... The Zahir, Veronica Decides to Die, The Alchemist, The Witch of Portobello. Be Like a River, The Valkries, By the River Piedra I sat down and Wept. (I like Paulo Coelho's writing style. His books are very spiritual and intense, plus he's a profound writer. The character development in his books are sorta slow, but the quality and the intensity of the stories, more than make-up for the slow pace of the book.)

    2 Empire of Debt:The Rise of an Epic Financial Crisis by William Bonner (This book talks about the American Empire and it's near collapse: how and why it will happen. This book isn't a novel, but it is witty and filled with sarcasm. It's a great read.)

    3 The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell (I like this book because it teaches me how to create characters and write stories. It's written a long long time ago, so it's old English, but quiet interesting once you get used to it.)

    I have read The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell which is a very interesting read. A great introduction to mythology and how these stories relate to to many other subjects.

    Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. He also wrote The Tipping Point which i have not yet read. Blink is a real eye opener and might make you change the way you view things in everyday life.

    How to be Idle by Tom Hodgkinson. The title alone should make you at least want to pick it up and read the synopsis. Well worth a read.

  4. I am not normally into medical crime thrillers but Coma by Robin Smith is an excellent read.

    you mean Robin Cook? the same one that wrote also Fever, Brain and etc etc?

    I read a few of his books in my younger days....had the same thoughts as you when I read the first (cant remember which one I read first)...but then I went and bought myself 3 more of his books..and have to say that although about different situations...theres too much similarity in the plots......I cant even tell which is which between Coma, Brain or Fever anymore.....

    might work if you stop at only 1 of them :o

    Yes Robin Cook, not Smith. I must have been thinking about English cricket when we were half decent! I have only read Coma. I think i might stop at that!

  5. I sent an email to them to try and get confirmation of them dropping these channels and have not heard anything back from them. I know someone else who has been trying to call them all day with no luck...I will definitely be cancelling my subscription this weekend. Most of the people I know will be doing the same.

    At least it gives me some time to find alternatives before the Premiership season starts but to lose Wimbledon half way through the tournament is very bad service.

  6. My condo provides wireless internet throughout the building which they have only just made secure to stop outsiders logging on. They issued each unit with a username and password. My desktop PC connects by asking me for the username and password.

    My apple laptop on the other hand cannot even see the signal. It connected fine before the connection was made secure. I think it has to be something to do with the settings on the access points but the building mangement dont have an idea about Macs. I am looking for a mac support service who I can contact to come in and work with the condo management to get my mac online.

    Any ideas?


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