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Posts posted by Cereal

  1. 15 hours ago, watcharacters said:


    Thanks for the reply again.


    I still wonder how you came to focus on the feet of women in  Thailand.


    Maybe from where you come the women have bound feet?


    Or maybe he's like me. I have a foot and ankle fetish. I like pretty feet and thick ankles. I think Thai girls tend to have nice feet but not pretty hands. I find Lao girls the opposite. My wife has gecko toes lol. Long and thin with little round ends. Good for gripping I suppose.

    • Haha 2
  2. I worked in Korea for several years. My wife was with me on a spouse visa. We'd see Thai girls out shopping, and they'd all get talking. Most are little more than slaves, sex slaves for many. Their boss keeps their passports locked up and they're allowed out 1 day a week. They're charged for everything and a debt is put on them that is very difficult to pay off due to both its burden and the interest charged. They're locked in the massage parlour or whatever and forced to work massive hours. 


    It's very sad and every one we met wanted to go home. 


    The Korean police don't care until they're pressured. Much like Thai cops. Brown people are at the bottom of the list in K Land. 

  3. On 9/15/2018 at 4:08 PM, mwbrown said:

    Hmm, this is the second time in a few weeks that someone has been busted at the Hua Hin train station for drug transport.  I wonder who & why someone is tipping of the BIBs?

    I'll guess someone much higher up the drug chain is tipping them off to keep their eyes elsewhere while major shipments go through. Possibly a relative with the BiB whom they hope will rise in the ranks due to their eagle eyed diligence. Then they can really start moving their poison once their person is the boss.

  4. From what I have read, "all the wreckage along the east coast of Africa" comprises 3 pieces plus some others of uncertain origins. That does not convince me. 


    I worked for 10 years for a major international carrier and grew up an Air Force brat. I've personally witnessed 3 crashes up close, one over water. I've been to other crash sites.


    Where's the debris? Airplane stuff floats. Where is it all? 

    • Like 1
  5. I'm in my late 50's and thus come from a generation and time when everyone smoked. Teachers used to smoke in class. The Flintstones hawked cigarettes on TV. Doctors preferred Camels. My mom and dad smoked. My sister smoked. Every single one of my friends smoked. But not me. I never did. I never tried. There was no desire to ever try, I always hated it. I had absolutely no peer pressure at all.


    I remember as a young kid sitting on my grandfather's lap while dad drove the car, no seatbelts of course, and them both puffing away. I always wound the window down regardless of weather and closed the ashtray as soon as they were done. I remember granddad saying to my dad, "This one'll never smoke!"


    I can't tell you how many times I have vocalized my happiness for never having started. I've never met a smoker who says they're glad they started.


    Good for you OP. Well done and keep it up. haha......

    • Like 2
  6. On 9/14/2018 at 2:32 PM, Spidey said:

    It's been proven beyond doubt that MH370 crashed into the Southern Ocean, information available suggests it ran out of fuel. Highly likely  a suicide pilot.


    Guy in the OP is a publicity seeking nut job. Very cruel to callously give relatives false hope.

    I haven't seen any proven beyond a doubt material regarding where MH370 crashed. There was flotsam that has been retrieved which was said to have matching serial numbers but that stuff can be duplicated. As of now, I don't believe any of the official narrative. I don't think anyone is absolutely certain of anything.

    • Like 1
  7. 20 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

    Jeez, and I thought the rush hour traffic in Vientienne was bad...

    That city certainly ain't the quiet sleepy capital I first visited  15 years ago...

    Still love it though...

    Yer absolutely correct there. I moved here in 2006 and there were elephants walking around downtown. There's plenty of traffic here now but it's dead as a doornail compared to Bangkok. I am 100% content with that!

    • Like 1
  8. This is the number one reason why I would never buy a condo. I'd really like the comforts of not having yard work and potentially a swimming pool and gym in the building, but the downside is the OP's story. And that is far too common for my liking. I built my wife and I a house, my neighbours are not a problem.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, BestB said:

    What does left out mean for you?


    $200 sounds big but not so big if someone fancied her or it’s a tip for 20-30 day stay


    i do not know where he left money, only going but what is written and left out to me means out in the open .


    an 18 year old may well believe it was a tip 

    Who said left out? The maid? The Russian? The cops? The article? Is it a mistranslation? Enquiring minds want to know.


    Regarding any of the above, what does left out mean to them? Who stays at a Pattaya guesthouse for 20-30 days? Even then that would be a very sizable tip. 20 days = $10 day. Do you leave that big a tip for a hotel maid? 30 days = $7.50 day. Do you leave that big a tip for a hotel maid? In Pattaya?


    There is information that needs to be clarified here. Not unlike virtually every story written anywhere.

  10. 38 minutes ago, BestB said:

    A dishonest Pattaya hotel maid gave the excuse that she thought the money a Russian tourist left out in his Jomtien beach hotel room was a tip intended for her.


    left out I am assuming means out in the open either desk or the bed 

    That's a rather significant assumption. Unless the Russian said he left it on the desktop or bedside table: ie. out in the open. I have my doubts that was the case. No proof, however, but I have my doubts. I've done a ton of traveling and stayed in too many hotels to count and have no memory of ever doing anything like that. I have left money out in the open as a tip for the maids regularly, but it's an expected amount ($1 - $2) and left it on the pillow. Leaving $200 lying around? I doubt it.

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