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Posts posted by Cereal

  1. 20 hours ago, eggers said:

    In Thai Culture, will impact on him, as will be considered as "loosing face", as much, a sentence, as a court will hand down!!

    You know, I used to believe in this societal concept of losing (not loosing) face as a coincidental means of self-control, socio-cultural control and a sense of ethnocentric pride that is integral to peoples' ability to remain physically and psychologically in-check when circumstances dictate negative reactions and anti-social behaviours could potentially be justified. Self-control and piety were as integral to not losing face during moments of inclemency as were not causing someone to lose face for perceived acts with antagonistic implications.


    Now I don't. Not anymore. It seems to me that the entire social construct of saving face has become nothing more than a fall-back position of legalized bastardization of ideals once held paramount to an evolved society.


    Too many times have we read about an act of violence, fits of rage, beatings, shootings, stabbings and murder, all having occurred because someone lost face. Whereas withholding oneself ensconced in a sedate, controlled frame of mind and body flies out the window the moment someone feels slighted, regardless of the minutia with which such action began.


    When a person feels justified to acts of violence, feeling comfortable that a handful of baht and a wai or two will suffice to salve the woulds inflicted upon the unfortunate, society has taken a collective step backwards in socio-cultural evolution. Couple this with a generally pervading attitude of justification because "he lost face" and the breakdown is all but complete.


    I'm just ranting here. I've had a long few days and I'm tired. I don't miss the West, but at times I find myself wistfully remembering the civility at least I experienced growing up in Europe and Canada during the 60's and 70's.



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  2. Man, this guy reminds me of my ex-wife. She could turn the most amazing thing into a question of potential disaster.


    Me: "Babe!!! We just won $5 million in the lottery!"


    Her: "I suppose now everyone will want a loan...or we'll get robbed."


    Me after 14 years of marriage: "Babe!!! I'm divorcing you!"


    Her: "Well, you've already made up your mind, nothing I can do to change it."


    Me 13 years later - living in a tropical paradise, great job, awesome wife and FREAKING HAPPY......

  3. I am shocked by what some people will live in. I was walking with the wife this morning and went on another rant about the dungholes people around us live in. I can understand poverty and not having money to have things like: furniture, appliances, ceilings, flooring, lights and other basic stuff. I get it. No money. However, it takes no money at all to not litter. It costs nothing to be neat and tidy. These people around us live like pigs and it disgusts me. I rant and the wife gets p!ssed.


    Many years ago I built a wall around my house and ensconced us in our tiny garden oasis. My motivating factor for doing that was the people around us live like animals.


    I got so upset I got a bunch of literature on recycling and composting. I had it translated and had a meeting in the temple. The nai ban was onside. I explained what it was all about. For my immediate neighbours - about 12 houses - I bought big garbage buckets and a bunch of plastic bags to put in them. Taught them about what to throw away and the value of composting to turn Mekong River mud into viable soil for veggies. I said I would pay the weekly garbage pickup fee which was $1.00 per house. I was willing to put my money where my mouth was. They throw everything into the river anyway and I was tired of it.


    Anyway, everything seemed great. I got a nice colourful citation from the  mayor of Vientiane city saying what a good falang I was.


    And, it would seem that I bought all the neighbours shower buckets! That's what happened. All of those garbage buckets I bought and handed around went straight into their bathrooms and were filled with water for showers. The plastic garbage bags were filled filled with vegetable peels, glass, plastic and paper and thrown into the frigging river.


    God help me...I'm surrounded by animals. One guy a few houses down got some money and started to build his dream house. He got a concrete slab poured, three walls and a roof built and that's it. He's been living in it for years. One whole side of his 2 story house is open to the world. He did, however, have the awesome outside lighting package put in before the cash ran out. Oh yeah...a new Vigo too.


    My poor aching mind.........................

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  4. 6 hours ago, finnishmen said:

    israel help his enemys ?? stupid,waste time and money and food if help gaza idiots, better fight atom bomb to all gaza area and thern all proplems has solved. gaza must be destroy ALL. i has working near gaza before and idiot terrorist fight homemade rocket manytime to farmers area and childrens school motorway etc, many stupid terrors. better deswtroy all gaza terrorist who use childrens and womand human shield and kill own peoples lot too.

    I see Google translate is up to its usual snuff.

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  5. I've been riding for 4 decades. I've always owned Japanese bikes because I thought they were better. I used to live in Calgary, Canada, which had a large HD store. Every summer HD would have a open drive weekend. All you had to do was show up with a bike license, helmet and leather jacket of some sort and you could sign up and take any HD model for a long drive - follow the leader style. It was about a 20 minute drive through a neighbourhood onto a highway and back around through the 'hood to the dealership. You could do this as many times as you wanted. Just keep signing your name beside a different model.


    I rode every model they had. Nice bikes but none were worth $20,000 + more than my Kawasaki Vulcan.

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  6. I've been driving motorbikes for 4 decades and am alive and whole due to hyper awareness, spatial awareness, critical thinking and situational extrapolation potential movement scenarios all the time. It pains me to say this but it must be said. I believe the huge majority of accidents involving a bike and another vehicle are primarily the fault of the bike rider for lack of one or more of the aforementioned factors which must be being cognitively played out constantly. This case is a perfect example. The pink Fino rider caused that accident, everything else is incidental.

  7. What about guys like me? I like small breasts. The smaller the better, in fact. So, when I hear a woman complain about being small breasted I tell her "Theeeeeey're Great!"


    However! Making fun of a woman's thick ankles is going waaaay over the line and should be punishable with death! I like ankles and I like 'em thick. No bones. There should be two diverging lines from the arch of the foot to the knee. Now those, are ankles. ?


    Reminds me of a story. I bought a girlfriend of mine from way back when, Scottish lass - stoutly built with amazing ankles - a little gold anklet. She put it on and took a step and it snapped mid link. I ravaged her till she was aching LOL Pure animal lust it was....and so satisfying. Once she could walk right again, she admitted she loved it too.   

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