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Posts posted by Cereal

  1. High on drugs (quite likely yabba)....the scourge of society. Can't recall ever reading a story about a person who smoked some weed and then went out and robbed someone, stabbed someone, broke into a house to steal something...


    How does a country put an end to this? Clearly the war on drugs as in the USA's case has been a total failure. Perhaps the idea is simply to totally legalize everything and let the government control the sale.

    • Sad 1
  2. I like tattoos and have 5. None are visible unless I'm at the beach. They're personal and every one has a special meaning to me. Including the one that says "Harmony" in Japanese. However, I took a Japanese friend with me when I got it, so I knew I what I was getting. That's important!


    Tattoo artists should be held legally responsible for mistakes like that. They should be forced to carry malpractice insurance like doctors.

  3. Thai Immigration could help put a damper on this simply by demanding tourists entering the Kingdom show a minimum amount of money per day in cash. $100/day for example. You want a 30 day visa? Show me $3000 cash. Traveler's cheques will suffice as well. Bhutan does it. They don't get a lot of tourists but they do get quality ones.


    Of course, this would probably eliminate a ton of tourists from the LOS. Of course, they'd all pretty much be the type of tourists who don't spend anything anyway.


    There no proof this guy is a begpacker. People I personally find deplorable lowlife scum by the way. He could simply be  hitch-hiking, an activity that took my generation from coast to coast back in Worgeordie's day!

  4. Tragic, but I find this part a little unbelievable: the girl's boyfriend had left Thursday night to go with friends to work on a school report and came back at 6am Friday.


    That would set alarm bells off in my head if I were an investigating cop at that crime scene.


    1) Who buggers off and stays out all night working on school stuff? Especially in Thailand?


    2) Were the boyfriend and girlfriend fighting?


    3) Had she threatened to break up with him?


    4) Check the bank account of the step-father - any large deposits recently that can't be accounted for?


    5) Who was the boyfriend with? Females? Any romantic links between him and another girl?


    6) Did the boyfriend want to break up with the girlfriend but couldn't find a way out without losing face?


    I hope none of these are the case, but if I was a detective I'd sure as heck be asking these questions.



    • Thanks 1
  5. I find it challenging to feel sorry for people like this. If he'd been in Cambodia as long as is reported and had no inkling that flying a drone over a political rally Hun Sen would undoubtedly disapprove of was not a good idea, he's an idiot. 


    My bet is that he was trying to stir up cr@p and inflame / incite the passions of the opposition party supporters.


    He lost because he never had a chance of winning.


    I live in Laos. Everyone knows what the state of corruption is like here. Still, there is no way I'd stand around in front of the President's house with a sign proclaiming it. If I did, I'd end up in jail and deservedly so.


    Nope, no support for his idiotic actions at all. he got what he deserved. As harsh as that is.

    • Like 1
  6. All the posters here rambling on about how dangerous Thai roads are, and they most certainly are, have obviously never lived and driven around China. The problems there with insane drivers and ignored traffic laws are the equal to Thailand. The biggest difference is that so many Chinese vehicles are electric and you can't hear them at all. Walking on the sidewalk is scary enough because that's where electric motorbikes drive!

    • Sad 1
  7. 22 hours ago, pegman said:

    Seems he has spent pretty much his entire adult life in prison and he wants to finish it there too. When he fled to Thailand in 1994 he was on parole for a 21 year sentence. This saga has been well publized. He fought extradition  back to Thailand to face the murder charge. It ended up at the Supreme Court of Canada where he won. Some how the Canadian gov got around that and shipped him back. 


    The Canadian government got an assurance, quite likely from a very high ranking individual and written down, signed stamped etc, that the guy would not be put to death. That is where Canada draws the line. They will not extradite anyone for a crime in another country if the sentence is death. That person will stay in prison in Canada.

  8. 3 hours ago, greenchair said:

    There is no need for that racist comment. 

    This is about travel insurance. If you want to go down the road of comparing thai women to foreign. Let me show you some pictures of some fat thai past their use by date of 25. 

    I've read that comment a couple of times. I even read it backwards. I cannot find any racist content in it whatsoever.


    The word racist gets tossed around with such wanton abandon these days it has completely lost the significance of its meaning. What he said is generally true. SE Asian women tend to keep their figures and looks far after the typical Caucasian Western woman has lost theirs. My wife is 42 and had a body that would make most Canadian teenagers jealous and she is 100% average around here.

    • Like 1
  9. 19 hours ago, CLW said:

    Time of accident at 4:15am. Most likely that alcohol or drugs might have played a role, too.

    I can't see why someone would be confused over this. The assumption may or may not be correct, but assuming it is certainly within the realm of possibility considering: male, 24, 4:15am, big bike.


    And those that say this could happen on any bike, even a Honda Wave 100cc are somewhat correct. Where they are off point is this; a Honda Wave will do 60km/hr and so will a Honda CBR 600R. The difference is a CBR600 will take perhaps 2 seconds and a Wave will take a lot longer than than. It is not top speed (which is designated as fast) it is how long it takes to get there (which is designated as quick).


    Quick kills because it is infinitely harder to control.

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