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Posts posted by sandrabbit

  1. 2 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

    Lowly crew members often get chucked over the side once the catch is in. Reduces the wage bill. I kid you not.

    I didn't give you a like because of the subject but we occasionally get them washed up on our local beach  in Rayong. It seems they're mostly Cambodian and get shot or just thrown over the side when they complain about getting paid and the conditions of their job. If they're working on a squid boat it's very unlikely any remains would be found as the squid can be very voracious. You hear stories about not being able to identify the bodies so the families can't be informed of their death, it's tragic.

  2. 1 minute ago, Mooner said:

    Ok no need to answer. If you have a android box guys just download Showbox for movies and series and mobdro for sports and news and live channels.

    All free!


    for all tv series + movies it's Exodus but for sports I use cricbox online as it's streams are usually better than those on mobdro but I love the channel buckle up on mobro for flying documentaries. for live tv I use filmon on my laptop as I don't like the android version of it.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mooner said:

    So Allstar charges for his build? There are loads of free builds out there.

    It takes only a short time to learn how to install builds.

    Lots of youtube videos. Watch the tutorial on your phone and install on your android box.

    Easy and free

    I understand what you are saying and I learnt about setting up android boxes on my own but I do worldwide field service on control systems. I have never seen anyone complain on Thai visa about buying a box through Allstar, in fact all I see are compliments so I think he's doing something right for everybody who's new to this. He doesn't hide his knowledge and is helpful on the forums and just asks people to pm him if they need more info or want a box set up by him. I agree there are a lot of tutorials but I didn't use youtube I read up on specific websites on my own and made a lot of mistakes initially but I had plenty of time to learn from them.

    • Like 2
  4. We don't own any guns but I thought that a Thai could have guns in the house, car & business if the right reasons were given, is this true?. I know 2 Thai women who have guns in their cars and one of them has two guns in her car and she would definitely shoot someone if she thought she was threatened. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, cncltd1973 said:

    Settle it the ThunderDome, Harley fashionistas vs 1%ers. The fashionistas have the numbers... now if they can only figure out how to fight



    Harley Davidson should have disappeared in the late 70's because the police were using Kawasaki Z1000's and were faster, could go around corners and were more reliable but then a lobbyist got the government to change the procurement policy and it had to be American and so Harley is still here but still waiting for them to win the world superbikes or motogp. Quite funny here in Rayong as it's starting to look like sons of anarchy with the beer guts and saggy chins as well.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

    "Quite often, at weekends, we (The Rockers) would bike down to the south coast, mostly Ramsgate or Margate, to track down the Mods and give them a good hiding."


    Funny what age does to Rockers memories, most of the time they were on the receiving end of the trouble dished out by Mods.  Most of them assumed that because they had a Bonny (Tiger Cubs in many cases) and matching dirty clothes and leather jackets they were the hard men!

    I have to agree with you, I started my long haired biking career in the late 70's and we just wanted to get drunk and get laid with no fighting. We were no match for the skinheads and I remember when I was younger watching from the side as the skins kicking siht out of them. I will also say I had a great time going to punk concerts at the time and made some skinhead friends who would come to rock/metal concerts as well.

  7. 3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Sad thing is that he is very popular among the Turkish  population that seem to want to become a fundamentalist state. 

    I don't think he is that popular, opposition criticism of him is heavily suppressed now and most Turks still seem to want a secular state. It's similar to Iran in that arranged demonstrations seem to make the government a lot more popular than it actually is.

  8. 3 hours ago, lavender19 said:

    We have problems with inconsiderate ####s blasting music out of there gay pimped up trucks. We live on a quiet beach that is frequented by mostly Thai families eating on the beach. Even they pack up and go home when these knobs turn up.

    come to where we live during Songkran  or the new year and have them lined up side by side playing different music. I have no problem with people enjoying themselves, we live near a Thai resort beach and boy do they know how to party but the lower educated and poorer seem to make the most noise as if shouting here I am!. what I like seeing is when people get off the overnight bus from the north and see older peoples reaction when they see the sea for the first time, makes me almost jealous to have  a reaction like that. I will say that I meet way more nice Thai people on the beach than bad with families from Isaan inviting me to eat with them and making a big fuss of our golden retrievers. It's a strange thing in our village where the Thai's love our dogs but don't give a siht about theirs ......

  9. 7 minutes ago, Allstars said:

    I think you missed the point, which was specifically about the issues with the Amlogic S912 processor.


    By the way, XBMC?Kodi requires at least Android 4.2 to be installed, so how did you install it on a Android 4.0 firmware?

    There is an old version, I followed some links from a website explaining how to install it but it was convoluted and I forget which website. I will post the link for you when I find it again. The version of Kodi is no where near as polished as the current version.

  10. 1 hour ago, Allstars said:

    I have always learned that the experience of the majority trumps that of a single user, who probably isn't even aware of the real issues, because he doesn't use it to t's full extend.

    So if it works it works! I have cheap Thai boxes (from Big C) which work great although I did buy a hdmi stick android box for a 1000 baht which isn't too brilliant but mostly because of the version of android , 4.01.2, but it was an impulse buy to see what it was like. I have an expensive fan cooled android box with a hard drive interface which wasn't compatible with the hard drive I bought lol and even in Thai there was no information about compatibility. I disagree with the above poster and I remove all the siht in Thai from the boxes I buy then put what I want on them.

  11. 20 minutes ago, hdkane said:

    also, if you call someone a racist without proof, you're an intellectual pussy who has exhausted their argument...go home snowflake...i'm no longer employed by institutions that pay people to be quiet and passive...and i've got about 300 years of data on my side...so shut up or let's debate without name calling.


    5 minutes ago, hdkane said:

    Hey pussy...i'm not ready to let you go just now...let's debate...for me, I believe that the problems of Blacks in the USA is attributable to the fact that there are average group differences in intelligence, with blacks scoring 85 on IQ tests, while other groups score significantly higher...consequently, they have fewer problem solving abilities and this impacts everything from academic achievement to criminality to adaptive behavior...your turn mary

    so much for no name calling ...................

  12. 7 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

    Whatever saber-rattling Beijing intends to do, Liaoning certainly isn't going to inspire much fear.  Their naval aviation is so fledgling, it's practically a training carrier.  That said, both sides do appear to be "ramping up".  I said back when the island squatting first started that letting it fester was a really bad idea.  I've kept repeating that because after a point I knew it would be impossible for China to step down, and the potential for conflict would simply and unavoidably auto-escalate.   Well, we're there.  Doves will want to continue a policy of appeasement and simple-minded glad-handing, and history tells us where THAT will lead.  The bilateral "ramping up" can't possibly be leading to a very peaceful place.  Get ready.



    But it seems they're not relying on naval aviation, just AA missiles. Also if you look at exercises attacking carrier forces the submarines take out the carrier easily even with 2 hunter killer subs riding shotgun. There is a video from a British attack submarine filming the US aircraft carriers screws (propellers) for about 20 mins undetected and the carrier group didn't even know they were there. I wouldn't want to be a sailor on an aircraft carrier. 

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