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Posts posted by sandrabbit

  1. On ‎26‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 10:29 AM, jonwilly said:

    Would one of the EXPERTS treat me as a VIRGIN and explain in basic just how Expat TV "Connects' without going through a Computer.

    I am one of the MUGS who has True Platinum at B24K /year and this deteriorates in Channels as the years go bye.

    I will be happy if I can get UK TV and watch Formula 1 and the Motorcycle racing.



    No time waster Please.

    get an android box and install mobdro then watch F1 on Skysports F1 and motogp on BTsports2

  2. 3 hours ago, webfact said:

    Surin Governor Attaporn Singhawichai released a group of 250 people including police officers, soldiers and local administrative officials as well as those from the provincial offices of public health and the Excise Department. 

    That's nice of him releasing them into the wild.

    3 hours ago, webfact said:

    Check points will be set up at various locations particularly where crimes and road accidents had often been reported in the past. 

    So the locals will know the places to bypass.

    3 hours ago, webfact said:

    Teenagers with behavioral issues will be asked to join the police operation to help the officers keep their peers under control.

    So drunken motorcycle racing teenagers on yaba will be assisting the police. (With compulsory noisy exhaust).

  3. Red necked keelbacks and rat snakes are the two most common snakes we get in our garden in Rayong. The Thai's don't mess about they just kill the snakes straight away. Below is an excerpt from Vern's excellent snakes of Thailand pdf. Just found this as well - This is the only genus of snake in the world that is actually both poisonous and venomous. The fluid at the nape of the neck is a poison that this genus secretes when threatened. This species is also rear-fanged venomous and can deliver a lethal bite.



    Red Necked Keelback

    This snake is popular for collectors keeping

    them as pets. They are exceptionally beautiful,

    and usually mild-tempered. Many of them just

    never strike at all. Others, strike occasionally or

    often, and yet it didn’t cause anyone grief for a

    long time. Then, someone let one bite down for

    over 30 seconds. The snake was able to chew

    the venom into the bite site. This caused severe


    Recently a father in Phuket contacted me to give

    him information about this snake. His son was

    envenomated while playing with one of these

    snakes. The teen boy nearly died of renal failure.

    © 2014 Vern Lovic - ThailandSnakes.com.

  4. 20 hours ago, zxc said:

    My experience in Sakon Nakhon is the same as Sandrabbit's; they pushed hard for me to apply for a retirement visa as they can process this themselves, whereas a marriage visa needs to go to another office for approval. (I think KhonKaen)

    Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

    I think Rayong office send the applications to Bangkok for processing.

    • Like 1
  5. I did it the beginning of the year in Rayong immigration, it's very stressful. I had more than 1 million baht in my account and the boss kept trying to get me to renew my retirement visa as it's easier for them and for me. I wanted to get this done in case they made the rules harder in the future, I've put nearly 400K pounds into the Thai economy and want to be sure about everything as I've committed myself to living here, my wife is from a close family and she didn't want to move to the UK so I sold my house in the UK as I found out renting is fkn bonkers - so many idiots. When they did the house visit they saw it was a home, the immigration guy loved our dogs. It's hard work going for marriage visa, if you  have money in a Thai bank then retirement is the easier route.

    • Like 1
  6. An Australian friend was in his boat near Koh Samet over the weekend and said he thought he saw some box jellyfish. I know they do come this far north but I thought once rainy season finished they disappeared to pastures new, seems they  like they east side. Also there is a swimming area netted off in front of Kiang Talay  Resort on Hat Mae Rhumpung beach near Ban Phe, wonder if that's for jellyfish as I've seen some biggies washed up recently.

  7. 3 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    So he died when being rescued from the sea?! As he was calling out for help, he was still alive !

    If so then you need to do CPR immidiately !! Not waiting for an ambulance to come and then start.

    How long it takes for an ambulance to come? Way to long.

    Instant CPR is critical !

    It's the island of Koh Samet with basic medical facilities so  don't expect an ambulance, even with a speedboat it's then nearly 20 mins to Ban Phe especially with the sea as it was yesterday then nearly 30 mins to Bangkok Rayong hospital - guy didn't stand a chance.


    Young Chinese woman the week before ...

  8. 3 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

    The indigenous peoples' grievance industry is in full swing again. Some Native Americans marked yesterday not as Thanksgiving but as "a national day of mourning". I'm guessing there are still Anglo-Saxons who feel aggrieved by the Norman invasion in 1066


    The bloody Normans conquered Wales and as part of our surrender terms we asked for a Welsh  prince but they give us a Norman prince and so when they became the English we ended up having an English prince of Wales, the best joke ever played on the Welsh and so many of my country folk wave flags at the current incumbent .....

  9. Instead of going to Koh Samet go 35kms east to Laem Mae Phim, best beaches in the area and if as you say don't mind spending a bit then stay at the Novotel or Marriot and have km's of empty beaches but both hotels have nothing near them except beaches and the Marriot is stunning. Alternatively you could pm me and stay at our brand new resort which is at Hat Mae Rhumpung west of Ban Phe, 1.5kms from the beach - wink, wink. Koh Samet will be busy but the military is quite strict on there and the nightlife closes at midnight, maybe some of the small bars stay open later but resorts like Ploy & Silver Sands are well policed.


    My sister in law lives in Ayutthaya and I have to say my wife and I think it's absolutely boring and the ruins just look like red brick chimneys from old UK potteries.   

  10. 18 minutes ago, gemguy said:

    No Mafia........just bigger fish and little fish that work things out amongst themselves as to who gets the most money and who gets less money while they all find ways and means of making money and capitalizing quasi legally.

    All else is somewhat irrelevant in the end while Laws and Regulations and Environmental issues are not their concern while bringing up such issues while pointing out the perpetrators and or laying blame on all the many "fishy" participants is a great loss of face for them.

    The well deserved publicized indignities are naturally met with hostilities in an effort to absolve themselves of any wrong doing on their part

    In their minds they have done nothing wrong...nothing at all while they will never admit any wrong doing and always try to shift the blame back on to the people attempting to correct the problems caused by all the fishy conduct.

    In their minds there were no problems until now....

    So who is to blame for the problem(s) ......????

    Certainly not them, is how they are thinking.

    A good example of the collective and widespread irresponsible and unaccountable mentality of the public at large in Thailand


    too many sangsom's?

  11. 3 minutes ago, dcsw53 said:

    Has it occurred to these people that they may be the reason tourist numbers are down.


    I went two years ago with my teenage kids who were terrified by the way boats and jet skis were driven there. I would not go back if given a free holiday and know many people who share my view. We love white knuckle events, but not the sort of day when you are just glad to be alive at the end of it.


    Mafia there may be, and they are a good peg to hang this excuse on. Jellyfish and the wrong kind of sand have been lined up for next year.

    Some of the speed boat drivers do approach the beaches way too fast and I think a French woman was run over swimming at night on Wong Duen beach. Also the idiots riding the jetskis could stay away from people swimming in the shallows.

  12. On ‎21‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 11:25 AM, webfact said:

    Naew Na reported yesterday that 100 park officials, soldiers and police had set up roadblocks all over the island and were checking work permits, forbidding tents on the beaches, closing down jetski operations and trying to stop speedboats - though they failed to have much impact in the last of these.

    I don't understand them not allowing people to camp on the beaches, there is not enough accommodation on the island to cope if they stop this as during songkran and the new year you can't move due to the amount of young Thais partying there. As for the speed boats, companies like white shark actually provide a needed service as the slow ferry services are quite inflexible. We would hire a boat from white shark and cross to the island about midnight and go partying at ploy then get picked up between 3 & 4 am to go back to the mainland for a reasonable price. If you want to avoid the national park fee at Na Dan then don't walk straight to Sai Kaew, walk down the streets to the left of the main road past the wat.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    Wrong link, ELCBs as described have been outlawed on domestic installation in most (if not all) of the world for many years.


    What many are describing as an ELCB is actually an RCD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Residual-current_device


    RCDs don't NEED an earth to function, but they will provide better protection from shock if earth is provided. Class-1 appliances (mostly white goods and desktop PCs) should never be operated without a ground even if RCD protection is installed.




    Agreed, a lot of electrical goods like washing machines, fridges which have a metal enclosure will have a filter capacitor which is connected between the live and earth so without an earth connection the case will have some voltage on it. A house I had in the UK had a damaged earth to one of the sockets in the kitchen and I was getting small shocks off my washing machine, when I measured I had 65v to ground.

  14. We'd heard they sacked all the national park people on the mainland at Hat Mae Rhumpung beach so it's continuing on the island. I'd be a bit nervous if I had bought a condo on the island, we had advised people in the past to never buy anything on the island due to it being a national park and you never know what will happen in the future. I'm surprised that Rayong Resort hasn't been targeted as it's right in the national park on the mainland, they were just told to remove their pier. There is a two seater sports car in the entrance which belonged to the King so I don't know if that has any relevance. The army has been quite strict for a while making bars close at midnight in the Ban Phe & Samet areas.


    They had been taking the national park fees on Koh Samet and they had never been doing anything to the park infrastructure with them, it's only recently that they made the roads better as they were a mudbath in the rainy season.

  15. 12 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

    Trump dismissed the official claim that there is no link between vaccines and autism, claiming there has been a cover up to suppress the truth and that “nay-sayers will understand soon.”

    I just found this and if this is true it's been ignored by the press.



  16. There has been a big public debate in the UK about this subject and numerous studies have shown it not to be true. I know 2 couples who thought their child became autistic after being vaccinated with one child having the three in one measles mumps rubella vaccination and the other having the single rubella inoculation because of the controversy. I found this article in the Oxford Journals, it's quite comprehensive but it is a long technical read.



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