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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. Please post some more pictures of the models in question so that I can attain the proper level of indignation and outrage.

    Here she is, wearing only body paint.

    1972 Alfa Romeo GTV 2000,

    Admire those curves and hear her purr.

    Ain't she beautiful?

    (As requested)

    Ahh nice to see someone without sense for reliability but an eye for beauty ;-)

    I know, it's an absolute beauty and soo much fun ;-)

    Used to be in a relationship with one of them too and as all the pretties,

    it did cost a half a fortune to keep her purring. ;-)

  2. Thais who want to perform business in any other country than Thailand should be treated equally, not being allowed to own and have full control over their investments. This might teach them something... Thais only take, never give - this has to end and it will eventually as soon as ASEAN starts.

    There will be no foreign investors left willing to put money in a black hole they have no control over while Thailand will be flooded with better educated staff who actually have full control over written and spoken English and are willing to work harder for less than the Thais. It will be total mayhem and the Thais will not realize what came over them until they all are out of jobs and out of money. What goes around comes around and Thailand deserves a kick in the butt and a reality check badly.

    Reg. the nominees, the Thais know that only by turning a blind eye on the nominee thing they are able to "lure" (a word that is so hot right now in Thailand) more and more foreign investors into Thailand. This also is the reason why they only talk about 7 instead of 7.000 firms... Thailand - hub of BS coffee1.gif

    I fully agree with you about Thai's should be treated equally as we are here in Thailand

    but don't blame Thais for it, petition and blame your own governments for allowing Thai

    nationals to have more rights in our countries then we have in theirs.

    Maybe instead of expecting Thais to learn from us, our governments and people should

    learn from them? It seams there is still a steady flow of foreigners who want to invest

    in Thailand despite all the restrictions on us, so they might not even be so wrong in

    protecting their interests.

  3. Why should Thais pay the same as farangs? It's their island. There should be a fee for farangs and no fee for Thais.

    How about every other country in the world starts charging Thais more money than the locales because it's "their country?"

    I've always said, if I ever move back to the US and start a business, I'm going to make sure to charge Thais more than anyone else.

    In Laos or Indonesia, Thai people pay more than local people too, not just westerners. smile.png

    In Switzerland, local people get reduction for local transport, swimming pools, museums with their ID card.

    Lichtenstein offers free public transport for it's citizens whilst the rest has to pay.

    In the UK, people pay a fee to enter Clovelly if they are not locals and the government was even

    contemplating a yearly surcharge for non EU foreigners living in Briton of 200 GBP to access the NHS


    So, this "double pricing" is not unique to Thailand.

  4. Maybe it hit something in the air and a part of the tale or wing fell off? This sounds like a very unusual accident. And the pilots did not have time to contact ATC.

    Only speculations but we can not rule out terror.

    It kept flying for a very long time and distance after it squawked an emergency. I don't think the plane broke up at the beginning.

    Nothing that we hear so far sounds like anything that a real pilot would do.

    This is at least the fourth post where you keep mentioning "Real Pilots"

    Are you suggesting the pilots where fake?

    Or why do you have to emphasis what "Real Pilots" would do on every post?

  5. These are desperate times for anyone with a business dependent on tourism in Thailand, whether they rely on Chinese, Russian or any other tourist. The fact is ALL tourist numbers are down compared with previous years. It`s unfair to tarnish all Russians or Chinese with the same brush. But again, as other members have said, the majority of Chinese tourist are controlled where they stay, go and eat And if you aren`t part of that you won`t see their money. Most Russians are ignorant, rude etc etc. But their currency has crashed and they just aren`t here in their numbers.

    Expat friends of mine who`ve been here for years say `teflon thailand`. It`s bounced back from coups, tsunamis, floods etc etc. But this time IS different. the military have been in power longer and tourism has been hit for well over a year now. And there is now light on the horizon that things will change.

    If I didn`t have a business here i would say Thailand deserves everything it gets as far as tourism is concerned. But I do. And it`s a massive worry. Where is the light at the end of this dark tourism tunnel? As some of you know I have a business on Koh Chang. I haven`t spoken to one person who isn`t suffering. With clever minds thailand `could` recover.....but I fear Thailand as a horspot dsetination is and maybe finished....and as `coulda country

    Yes sure, tourism will bounce back - eventually (took Sri Lanka just over 20 years to 'bounce back") but many of the small and medium businesses relying on tourism will not survive and a lot of the big businesses will covered their losses and move on the better places. The biggest loosers will be people employed in the tourist industry.
    Looking at my own statistics and I don't care what government agencies say, it doesn't look to brilliant for the future.
    Total Revenue from online bookings for the year 2014 compared to 2013, went down by 14.5%.
    Total Revenue from direct bookings for the year 2014 compared to 2013, went up by 16.8%.
    Total Revenue from all guests for the year 2014 compared to 2013, went down by 11.1%.
    Although people have spend a bit more money on the rooms, there are less guests in the restaurant.
    In 2014 the average daily spending per customer was down by just over 7% compared to 2013.
    In 2014, only January and July where better than in 2013. Worst months in 2014 were September, October and November with a drop of nearly 40% on bookings compared to the same months in 2013 and due to constant visa changes, I had less long term customers.
    There was no real change on returning guests this x-mas and new year and in the moment I'm fully booked until end of April which helped cushioning a bit of the loss in revenue last autumn but seams, it's not over yet as TAT wants us to believe.
    Looking at just the first three months of the year 2015 it looks anything but rosy.
    If I consider the first three months of 2013 as 100% occupancy and 100% revenue, during the same time in 2014 occupancy went up by 11% and revenue went up by 9% whilst in the same time this year, occupancy and revenue went down 46% compared to last year.
    Now I believe I still belong to the lucky ones as I hardly had any Israeli, Russian or Chinese visitors in the past and don't really dependent on them like some of the big businesses.
    Lucky I have a bit off a cushion under my bottom and don't have to rely entirely on my business here in Thailand to survive but those people who do not have a bit by the side for bad days, will sure need to start making contingency plans.
  6. I'm for it if it keeps the gap year pissheads away. They have done most to ruin the place.

    Let's keep them all on Hat Rin. That place is so ruined it will never be OK again, while P P might come back from the dead if those responsible are kept away.

    There was "Gap Year" tourists on Phi Phi ages before the Tsunami and Phi Phi was still OK.

    After the Tsunami, when most inhabitants on the island lost everything and even before the last victims were identified, the vultures descended on the island. With nothing left but their lives, many started to sell out their places for peanuts and the island has changed dramatically in the 10 years.

    It's Thailand's greed, selfish and short shortsightedness who destroyed that once paradise, not the tourists going there.

    Koh Lipe will be [is] the next victim of that selfish greed and I recon, in due time, one national park after the other will open up and be exploited. Off course, all blame will lie on those "stupid Chinese, rude Russians or other piss head Farang".

    • Like 1
  7. I think tourist should get free tickets and accommodation for Koh Poo Poo when they cross the borders in to Thailand.

    Looking at recent pictures from Maya Bay, I'm sure one could squeeze a couple of million tourists on to Koh Poo Poo.
    Should there not be enough space, pill'em on top of each other like in Koh Fuckit or Pattaya. whistling.gif

    At least might keep other places in Thailand untouched for a tinny bit longer coffee1.gif .

  8. I and most of other farangs hopes that they NEVER come back To Thailand. I travelled a lot but I never saw in My Life SO unfriendly people. Ordinary thai People don't like them Too except business people.

    "Ordinary" Thai people don't like anything "not Thai",

    that includes Russians, Chinese and Farang coffee1.gif

  9. How did the market survive before the Russian flooded in?

    Always goes in cycles. Do you remember when the English currency dropped ? Other emerging markets replaced them.

    They are talking about 100K tourists not millions, I'm sure they will find someone to replace them, always the Chinese market to draw on.laugh.png

    Well not so sure if the Chinese will be coming in masses as TAT thought or wishes they would. Thailand is definitely not the first choice for many Chinese (at least for the "quality tourists") and the anti-Chinese sentiments all over the Thai media will not help boosting those visitors.

    But as you say, others will come and replace the "missing" Russians who most likely are moving and conducting businesses in Cambodia but pretty sure, they are not Chinese.

  10. It seems the approach was OTT. Better intelligence and investigative work would have avoided this waste of resources. Must be very upsetting for people in that community.

    You sound like the naive idiot who would put the Samui Police to do the investigation. The RTA came in unexpectedly and overcame the local police before they could send out warnings

    No, I don't agree with the raid being over the top but yeah, better intelligence would probably have had a much bigger effect.

    Maybe use of northern Police and Army to have a raid here in the south would have been more fruitful too but calling people

    idiots for some fairly reasonable comments, is not much short of being an idiot yourself.

    I heard rumors about the raids already the day before and I don't even live on Samui !!!

  11. Well, I agree to some extend with the General's statement:

    “Please tell the United States that in tailoring you cannot just cut one
    dress and expect it to fit all. There must be many sizes for each to fit.
    That’s why a tailor is needed. "

    Yeah, just as he said, a tailor is needed to make shirts (sure not a butcher),
    I even understand a general is needed to run the armies (sure not a vicar)
    and it would make sense to me, to have politicians running politics.

    Maybe someone should tell him, he's not a tailor ... facepalm.gif

    Now for the "Perfect Excuse" - how lame,
    I had better excuses in primary school. Maybe the the journalist of this article
    should go to school some time where he might learn about "perfect excuses" crazy.gif

  12. To the contrary. After 14 years here of following Thai news, I know EXACTLY how

    Thai politics work. So am pretty sure my grasp of what goes on and why greatly exceeds

    yours. However I cannot really talk about the actual workings of the politics here, or I would be instantly banned on this site. Regarding anarchy, does Arisman exhorting the red shirt rent a mob to bring a million liters of gasoline to Bangkok to burn it down ring any bells for you ? Or maybe news like that does not travel to the village on Nakon Nowhere......

    I recon you must be the only one in the whole Kingdom who knows EXACTLY how Thai politics work.

    BTW, Is that 14 years of following Thai news or ThaiVisa news?

  13. I would venture to guess that the reason for watching it on television was to make sure there was no damage to the eyes. I think this principal got his stuff mixed up. Because someone calls who happens to be from an ethnic group, it doesn't mean the reason for their concern is due to cultural factors.

    Time will tell. Hopefully there will be an explanation.

    Johnstone said in a statement: “The school made this decision

    when we became aware of religious and cultural concerns

    associated with observing an eclipse directly.”

    Then you come along and say:

    "...... it doesn't mean the reason for their concern is due to cultural factors." facepalm.gif

    Scott - I recon as Moderator you should moderate and not comment,

    especially if that comment makes no sense.

  14. Since there is so much comment preaching how bad the "Democracy" in Thailand is, can some one please throw some light on which countries democracy would be good for Thailand? I know someone said Indoesia but that wouldnt work. Thailand is a Buddhist country and Indonesia is Muslim. You may as well say a good model would be one of the Middle East countries (Not all are like Saudi).

    So please lets see what style TV member feel would be good for Thailand

    North Korean democracy might work wink.png

    Nothing will ever work in Thailand as long there is no real education of the masses and people are kept stupid.sad.png

  15. Now I'm a bit confused. Two nearly identical incidents in one day?
    Or is the same story reported from a different angle?

    March 20, 2015 12:33 pm

    An Air Force plane in a mission to spray water to fight haze skidded off the runway
    after one of its tyres blew up
    while trying to take off at Chiang Mai airport .....

    March 20, 2015 02:19 pm

    A Royal Thai Air Force plane skidded off the runway after one of its tyres blew up
    shortly after landing at Chiang Mai airport today?

  16. cheesy.gifthumbsup.gif

    Off course my prediction might be wrong and I would be more than happy if I was
    but such and similar actions we had numerous times over the past few decades
    here on this island and the outcome was always the same (never mind who was in
    power of this country)

    So I can't see anything changing within the Samui structure.

    As Abbot Phra Santi Nontakun once said:
    "Samui people would eat their own heart for profit."

    • Like 2
  17. It is amusing to watch the TV peanut gallery struggle to find a problem with this.

    Soldiers dropping from helicopters certainly looks like a command from very, very high up the command chain and possibly without the local uniformed protection agency ... being able to warn their employers.

    It is absolutely some "Kick a** and take names" drill and if it nets real results ... look for more..."The buck stops here" action in the future.

    You F with the bull ... you get the horns.

    Someone went WAY over the line and the party has just begun.

    Well, sure someone overstepped the line. Question is only,

    who's line. Some very powerful "influential" families here in

    the south who sure don't like to be stepped on their toes.

    You say, "the party has just begun". Yeah would be very nice

    and a bit of Island clean-up wouldn't harm the region here at

    all but I recon, as usual, it's just a big warning shot.

    Probably just a bit of power redistribution, then it's all back to


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