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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. The date of the first hearing is interesting.

    If she is found guilty, cut a deal with her, Have her reveal her brothers location and she will not go to prison for 10 years. Once she gives the location, The Thai Army sends a helicopter with special forces to capture him and bring him back to Thailand to face charges. But it will have to be done in a way that she can not alert her brother that he is going to be taken. If the United States can do this getting Terrorist, why can Thailand do the same thing?



  2. If there is anything that will guarantee no reconciliation it's taking YL to trail over this. It's vindictive and misguided.

    I refuse to believe she profited from any of this or ever had any intention to profit from it...why would she...she already has enough money. I also will not believe she did anything with malicious intent and those are the only reasons she should be found guilty if either of those two can be proved beyond any doubt. She might be blamed for poor judgement, for being naive, for not listening or not acting fast enough or just not being very bright, but none of those are jail-able offenses. This is simply an out-of-control, rabid government out to get Thaksin anyway they can and if that means putting his sister in jail in lieu of him then that is what they will do.

    The charge is negligence and not corruption. There are no evidence connecting her to corruption. If negligence was the charge, then there are a laundry list of past PMs that have schemes mired in corruption. The Thai Khen Khaeg which cost 1.49T B by Ahbisit, Chuan's Phuket land corruption and even Chavalit financial crisis debacle were result of negligence. The Supreme Court has the responsibility to accept the case and the verdict will tell if this is another purge attempt on the Shins or if proper due process of law was practiced, rule her not guilty.

    Whatever anyone else did or didn't do isn't worth chicken shit. This case is about Yingluck and the way she managed her flagship rice financing scheme, to which she appointed herself chairperson.

    She says on FB, or at least her ghost writers do, that she always acted honestly as PM.

    Eric, do you believe that to be the case, that Yingluck always acted honestly, which means always told the truth too?

    I'm absolutely convinced she always did the best according to her knowledge whistling.gif

    Off course she always acted honestly and said the truth but it's Thai honesty,

    it's Thai truth and should you not quite understand it, some kind of obscure,

    clear clarification will follow. coffee1.gif

  3. Suppose not many people in this forum have ever heard about civil courage.
    I'm very thankful, the world is not made up entirely of such cowards and there
    are still enough humans around who do show compassion and occasionally
    make other peoples problems be their own problem and do make a difference.

    I recon, those people condemning Mark are exactly the same type of people
    who would stand watching, how a couple is raped, tortured and killed in front
    of their very own eyes and do nothing.

    Probably those people who said to look away or it was none of Marks business
    to cross the road, are the same people who would turn around and walk away
    if anyone in distress needed help but probably they are the first to shout for
    castration, incarceration or the death penalty.

    As for Mark killing someone. Yes, I'm sure he's very much aware of that and
    probably regrets the outcome of that altercation more than everyone else and
    sure, that will lie very heavy in his mind for the rest of his life.

    Murder? Can't see anything premeditated in the death of that security guard.
    Self defense? Maybe but in my opinion, more like an unfortunate accident.

  4. I'm sure he knows the reasons why the US won't let him in, so there really wasn't any reason to reiterate their stance, I was just being facetious in my earlier post, and don't really see the big deal about not letting him into the USA.

    I have a love hate relationship with the USA , many of them still support terrorist organisations such as the IRAQ and often fundraise on their behalf but yet have such a Hardon for Islamic terror groups?

    They have lapse immigration laws when it suits, I personally know a lad who has lived and worked there for nearly 3 years with no SS card and no green card and is also a part time firefighter.

    It's a great place to visit and I have many friends living all over the various states and I've never had a bad time or experience in th numerous times I've been. Oh apart from eating grits!!! That left me feeling very unwell!! 5555

    America is no different from lots of other countries as in they think they're the best but in reality they're no better or worse it's all down to how you personally interact with the people that's makes it good or bad.

    Just like here, I have more grief from farangs on this site than I have from Thais around my local area. ?

    I think you have to read that article again.

    It said the US is not inviting him in. It doesn't say, they banned him from entering the USA.

    Slightly different. I'm sure there is absolute no problem for him to go on a quick shopping trip

    to New York if he wishes.

    • Like 2
  5. I know these laws do not apply in Thailand but for an insight into the way someone is charged with murder the following must be proved in Australia. (NSW)

    Murder, as defined by s 18(1)(a) Crimes Act 1900, is made out where a voluntary act or omission of the accused causes the death of the deceased and the act is committed with:


    an intent to inflict grievous bodily harm, or


    an intent to kill, or


    reckless indifference to human life, or


    committed by the accused or some accomplice with him or her in an attempt to commit, or during or immediately after the commission of, an offence punishable by at least 25 years imprisonment (constructive murder).

    As I was not present or do not know what evidence police have, then I would never say never until I became aware of all the circumstances. However, the hardest aspect to prove is the intent, so unless one knows what, if any admissions, the alleged murderer made, no one can say, with conviction, that it was self defence.

    There are additional issues that commonly arise in murder trails.

    Voluntary act of the accused.

    • Causation

    • Intoxication

    • Self-defence and excessive self-defence

    • Provocation

    • Substantial impairment by abnormality of mind

    In so far as self defence, it s the responsibility of the prosecution, to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that the person did not carry out the conduct in self defence.

    Thailand law defines murder as the unlawful killing of a person usually committed with intent and malice, so it would be assumed that police must prove he committed the act in this manner.

    Apparently, the Thai penal code relates to murder under section 288 and the penalty, if convicted, is death, or a term of imprisonment from 15 to 20 years.

    Under section 290 the following applies. Whoever, causes death to the other person by inflicting injury upon the body of such person without intent to cause death, shall be punished with imprisonment of three to fifteen years.

    With Thai law, murder is murder and yes there is self defence, justifiable and unjustifiable, so again, unless one knows all the circumstances and what evidence has been obtained, then one should not proffer reasons for this person to be charged with or not charged with murder or self defence.. Self defence may come into play but we will all have to wait and see. I have read some stories on line which allege the expat also slashed the face of the deceased during the melee. If this is true then an argument for justifiable self defence, in my opinion, would go out the door.

    Many say that to carry a knife is ok as it can be used for many other things. Granted, but why, when a life is lost through a stabbing, this argument is always brought into play. All I can say that any one who carries any type of knife while out socially or even for protection is a fool, anyone who uses it in a fight is an absolute idiot.

    So all you armchair detectives please relax and wait until the full circumstances are known before offering you knowledge to us laymen.

    I just checked and can confirm, Thailand is still a sovereign country,

    not part of Australia, USA, UK or any other country. So whatever

    law there might be in your country is absolute, completely irrelevant

    unless of course, one wants to migrate to Australia, USA, UK or any

    other country.

    So just hope we don't get detailed inside views of the penal codes

    of the other 195 or so countries in this thread

  6. Interesting if others in pack say he was in bar, as they are perjuring themselves and nothing they say should be believed. How about arresting them too? Unless he almost immediately stabbed the man, but rather stabbed the guard when he was being chased by 4-5 of them away from place of business they were hired to secure, clearly self defense.

    I would hardly call that little knife an offensive weapon. Enough to make sane person back off, but hardly the sword that taxi driver used to slice tourist in BKK. And not that hard to beat to death or cripple an older man when set upon by gang of 4-5 young fairly fit men. Why was he charged at all? Shouldn't DA or grand jury look at evidence? Oh, but this is a farang....

    Police perhaps suggesting he get the flu and go to Singapore for treatment?

    I see, quite a few people have a problem understanding

    the difference between being accused, being charged or

    being convicted. coffee1.gif

  7. Sounds to me like self defense. He will walk. This will teach bouncers a lesson for the future.

    Thats bullsuger mate, he killed a person. HE KILLED A PERSON, wether or not you people class Thai people as persons, I am sorry, I do. My wife is Thai, my sister in laws are thai, and my brother in law, and inlaws are, Thai. Dont you understand????? He didnt kill a Thai. He killed a brother, an uncle, a son, a friend, a PERSON!!!!!!! and he had no right to take that life.....Not at all.

    Wonder how long it goes until you will post your sad story how a brother,

    an uncle, a son, a friend or your wife "focked" you over and the rest of the

    family just turned their backs and didn't see anything.

    Or will you just quietly commit suicide?

  8. You misunderstand my point monkeycountry. The unions in New York are just the mafia's tool through which they exercise control there. Whether there are unions in Samui is irrelevant.

    I am sure you are right. In any case posters above with the right connections and inside information have already established that the Japanese Yakuza, Chinese triads (recently eliminated at Fishermans Village), russian mafia, Bandidos and the military from the radar station share control of Samui. Rumor has it that they all have a secret meeting once a month at the radar station where they split the earnings and continue to plot how to take over the bungee jump and dinkyrock biggrin.png

    With your condition crazy.gif ,

    you shouldn't start drinking this early.burp.gif

  9. ..................................... the worst thing they will do to you is close your illegal business if you do not pay.

    So if the worst they will do is close your illegal business,

    I wonder why I read in the headline:

    Koh Samui ‘influential person’ gunned down

    Now go and eat an other banana

  10. I don't think you can name even one hotel on Samui that pays protection money to anyone.

    The only people who pay protection money are the usual semi illegal businesses such as bars, jetskis and taxis who pay the police in order to avoid the usual trouble with licenses, lack of meter use, closing hours and prostitution.

    Just one of many but maybe try:


    or check out:

    Bandidos Incorporated: A Motorcycle Gang with Island Fever

    and then tell me again, there's no mafia in Samui .coffee1.gif

    Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there wink.png

    I never said there was no mafia/gangsters in Samui, I am simply saying that they do not run anything worth mentioning. We are talking about taxis, jetskis, bars and drugdealers.

    I have never even heard of dinkyrock, but from what I can see on your link (only skimmed a few posts) it is a case of fraud/corruption where a foreigner lost a relatively small investment due to fake paperwork and bad lawyers, and then complained about it on facebook :-). This does not have much to do with hotels paying protection money to the mafia does it?

    Yes, there was a few bandidos guys a few years back who tried their luck with small time extortion and real estate, and then they went to prison and/or got deported. Are those seriously the guys you claim run Samui? :-)

    Small time extortion? You kidding? cheesy.gif

    68'000'000 US$ just from "a few guys" small time extortion?

    So wonder just how much the "big guys" like the Yacuzza, Russian,

    Chinese, European and Thai syndicates are turning over in Samui alone.

    But yes, you might be right, they might not extort money on a weekly or

    monthly base, they just come and take over your business but it seams

    to me, for you it is just small time crocks, nothing to do with organised

    crime, controlling many types of businesses on the island from the taxi

    services, stalls, shops, lawyers, police right up to the court house facepalm.gif

    "The investigation found that the Bandidos gang imported more than

    three billion baht (€62.7m) and laundered it in Koh Samui in the form

    of investments in several tourist businesses," including real estate,

    resorts, bars and the bungee-jumping business, Piyawat said.

    Although even the Thai Immigration office said, there is Yacuzza,

    European, Russian, Chinese and Thai crime syndicates operating

    in Samui ranging from narcotics, real estate scams,money laundering,

    extortion, trafficking .... MONKEYCOUNTRY still tries to insist,

    no mafia activities exist.


    BTW, those guys up at the Radar Station do not sleep there unless they

    sleep whilst on duty. Otherwise they have their base and sleep down in

    their barracks in Samui, some with their famillies, some in two and four

    bed dorms, at least the last time I stayed there wink.png

    Now go an eat a banana.

    • Like 1
  11. Got a call from a Thai woman friend i have known for years this afternoon who lives on Samui. Can not discuss much of the details but she was invited to dinner with Mr. Influential when the shooting took place. As i have mentioned before a number of mafias are in control of the island both Thai and foreign. So if you have no problems supporting your local mafia continue visiting the Full Moon Party, Koh Samui and Koh Tao. I won,t get near the place. My Thai friends and family understand this and we meet elsewhere.

    I love it when people who don't really know anything try to give the impression they know it all :-)

    Most major businesses on Samui, such as the major hotels, are owned and run by people in Bangkok. I am sure there are some local and foreign wannabe gangster types, but they don't control anything worth mentioning.

    What does ownership have to do with gangsterism? If you believe that these hotels, etc. that you speak of are above paying protection money then you are deluded.

    Jeez, it wasn't that long ago since the taxi mafia on Phuket held every major hotel to ransom.

    I don't think you can name even one hotel on Samui that pays protection money to anyone.

    The only people who pay protection money are the usual semi illegal businesses such as bars, jetskis and taxis who pay the police in order to avoid the usual trouble with licenses, lack of meter use, closing hours and prostitution.

    Just one of many but maybe try:


    or check out:

    Bandidos Incorporated: A Motorcycle Gang with Island Fever

    and then tell me again, there's no mafia in Samui .coffee1.gif

    Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there wink.png

    • Like 1
  12. Well if there's a 7% of the population are hardcore UDD terrorists according to one bozo on here, that's a paltry 4,500,000-5,000,000 to contend with and fight, that's more than the entire RTA !!!

    Some people just talk utter <deleted>!!!

    Right place at the right time for the RTA and wrong place and the right time for rhe assailants!!!

    If the Reds were close to starting a civil war last April and unless 5 million of them have been arrested and detained and the 1 million plus weapons have been removed from the hands of the bad guys, then seriously if they really really really wanted to destabilise the country they could!!

    Couple of high profile attacks on tourists locations send the economy and tourism into free fall, it makes NO SENSE To lob a grenade and shoot up a court house, no sense at all, but it's easy to see that it's easy to point fingers in certain directions to the North East as its another convention way of maintaining martial law isn't it ? ?

    You want to make an impact you do it with a spectacular, that's a show of force with serious manpower and weaponry and don't say it's not possible, of course it is if you seriously thought civil war was on the cards!!!!

    Fat Haggis - you didn't expect anything to make sense did you? wink.png

    If it would make sense, it wouldn't be in Thailand whistling.gif

  13. Ang Thong police superintendent Colonel Chutrakool Yosmadee said he would review the report from social workers before drawing a conclusion on charging and prosecuting the boy.

    What the hell does a social worker have to do with charging someone who rapes an eight year old child? The charges or lack thereof will probably rely on the usual money factor.

    My god, first post in the list is the usual anti-Thai rhetoric and pulls out the usual urban myth that all events involving Thai police are corrupt and involve money. Had, and known several people who have had, dealings with Thai police on several different types of matters, and the only ones that included some payment to police were traffic related, and even then not always.

    In western countries crimes involving underage participants will have social workers, and often psychiatrists, involved, and their reports will help decide how charges proceed and the outcome in court. But don't let that stop some ignorant TV posters.

    Just been reading again and again through PIMAY1 statement,

    trying to find the "usual anti Thai rhetoric". In could not find any

    reference to corruption or money involving Thai police either.

    I must honestly say RONDII, no clue what you're refering to. Only

    you are referring to money, corruption and how the west would

    handle such an incident.

    But yes, don't let that stop you from ranting on about your own



    • Like 2
  14. Are they suggesting that foreign business owners NEED protection from local "businessmen" like this in order to conduct business in Thailand? Should look good for future investors.

    Normally not I guess but a lot of foreign scums are involved in running bars, resorts without licenses so yes they do need protection.

    I would say:

    Normally yes, in a way or an other but a lot of Thai and Foreign scum are involved in running bars, resorts and other illegal businesses and need more protection. It's just a matter of price but everyone will need eventually some kind of protection if they are living in Thailand.

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