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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. LOL.

    You do realize that you contradict yourself in that ad hominem smile.png

    You're the only one who sees that & I doubt whether you've seen latin used outside of wikipedia or the discovery channel before.

    By the way... Every time you use the term "lol" or the like, which I see you do a lot, you make it clear to the entire board that you're not only avoiding issues but are also incapable of argument.


    Hey, I speak Ladin - at home!!! sad.png

    But suppose you're right, he hasn't seen me yet I think smile.png

  2. The burden of proof is on you JD, I did a search and everything I found so far says, 5 -10 days. That is for the test not because of backlog. Hopefully there is a knowledgeable poster her who can clear this up.

    Getting it done in hours JD? Links please.


    UK source


    This technique is particularly fast, taking a matter of hours, and has a specificity of about 1 in ten billion.

    So what's the specificity of those online DNA kits for bloggers?

  3. From a former USDNA forensic amalyst:

    DNA time scale.



    Technical steps

    Body fluid screening 6 hours 30 minutes

    DNA Extractions Total time so far: 22 hours

    DNA Quantitation Total time so far 26 hours 15minutes

    PCR Total time spent so far : 32 hours 30 minutes

    DNA Typing Total time spent so far: 50 hours 45 minutes

    Technical/administrative reviews Total time spent on case 54 hours 15 minutes.

    Link here: http://www.patc.com/weeklyarticles/dna-timeline.shtml


    What point is it in pointing out US data?

    Obviously you're one of those people this and past government's keep telling"

    "You do not understand Thailand and need clarification"

    We're in Thailand, all testing will be done "later" and is available by "tomorrow".

    Unfailable! Anything else is just in your imagination.

    • Like 1
  4. In light of recent Facebook posts by Sean Mcanna I think he isn't blaming the headmans family, that's what I'm way saying.

    In light of recent Facebook posts by Sean Mcanna I think he said:

    In light of recent Facebook posts by Sean Mcanna he clearly stated:

    "I DON'T KNOW!!!"

    "I DON"T KNOW!!!

    Some people prefer to read between the lines then what's actually written.


  5. Thai people should make their own organization that offers rewards for cops demanding bribes. Then give the people who catch the police rewards. I think it's a MUCH better idea.

    Now don't be silly.

    If catching people bribing the police is "against people's rights"

    I'm sure, catching police taking bribes is "against people's rights" too

    (I wanted to say "against police's rights" but just realised, occasionally they are people too)

    Basically offering or asking and accepting a bribe it's illegal on paper

    but should anyone report on corruption, that's "against Peoples rights"


    • Like 2
  6. Looking at all the headlines on this forum tonight and what the British Embassy have said, "there are a lot of holes in the report that need clearing up" or words to that effect. The more it looks like these two guys will get off, if only for reasonable cause. The whole thing seems to now be blown out of proportion and all seems to be swinging in their favour. See where it goes from here.

    If this were not Thailand I might agree with you.

    The trial doesn't go to a jury. Judges decide the case. They will look at evidence. They will totally ignore rumors that cannot be verified.

    And this is where a judge with any common sense will see that there is no credible evidence to suggest that these 2 Burmese boys could of possibly committed this vicious and unprovoked attack.

    Contaminated dna evidence!

    Confession made under duress!

    Withdrawn confessions!

    Conflicting accounts of alleged perpetrators movements on night of the murders.

    Contaminated crime scene

    Witheld/ doctored cctv footage

    Selective dna testing.

    Should I go on JD?

    Good to see your still holding that candle up for the RTP. Someone has to I suppose.

    Should I go on JD?

    Judges can be compromised.

    and on those compromises they will be judged!

  7. There are allegations on the cloud site of McAnna that he 'introduced' 2 Canadian girls to 7 of his Thai 'friends'.

    The girls woke up some hours later having been assaulted.

    It further states that McAnna failed to keep in touch with them as promised and they are both suffering serious psychological trauma

    as a result of the assaults.

    It was also stated on a previous post that both Scotland Yard and the Canadian police want to question McAnna.

    Does anyone have information that can verify the accuracy or not of these points?

    All ive heard is a rumour by a poster here, asked to show any link or report he didnt......

    Ive seen nothing on any other site following the case, even the ones looking into sean

    You dont think that wouldnt have come up with all the blog sites like CSI LA by now ?

    I however remain open to any proof or reports saying otherwise.

    I too will remain unconvinced until there is evidence.

    CSI is courting Sean so probably would keep that information for release later (if they have it) until they

    are sure he wont respond to gentle persuasion via spamming his site!


    I wonder, is "Spamming" the "digital" equivalent to the "analog" torturing?

  8. Revealed: Scot who fled Thai gangsters over link to murder of ...


    23 Sep 2014 - SEAN McANNA admitted possessing indecent images of children last year, it has emerged.

    Good morning Graham,

    maybe you start reading all the relevant threads before you post

    Sure this has been on TV since the start of all this s**t. and been

    discussed a hundred times already.

  9. Posted on Time.com link below


    "The Investigation Into Thailands Backpacker Slayings Is Officially a Farce"


    Well first of all, how may Thai people check any of the foreign media sites?

    Do the people in power really think they can block foreign people in foreign

    countries accessing foreign websites?

    Secondly, who doesn't use a proxi server to access the internet in this century?

    I thought, spam scanner, virus scanner, proxi server are just the basics of

    internet security?

    ZenMate is free for Chrome and alows you to watch TV programs that are restricted

    to a country or access any blocked sites.

  10. I believe the owner, and i sypathise with his plight, and his comment of people who have taken out loans with (Well guess) i well understand. But what worries me more is that these people (The locals) look on foreign businesses as something that will probably end up in their hands one way or another, depending on their desire to own what they did not build or work for...... Thailand is littered with these stories, and a lot of them involve violence..... Everyone pays in Thailand, some with money, and some with their life........ I was given a piece of good advice 25 years ago in a bar, " Take it from me mate, don't have anything you can't pick up and run away with in SE Asia" Good advice, becoming more relevant day by day..........



    Yeap, spot on!!!

    Sounds very similar to one of my early experiences, only I didn't take

    the drugs offered to me by Khun ..................

    I still have a bit of "Emergency Funds" for tough times.

    • Like 1
  11. Can't say if they are thousands cancelling as we speak BUT

    During last years October and November Full Moon Party days I had 286 beds/nights

    booked and paid for. Not a single cancellation or "no shows".

    For the first November week in 2013 I had an occupancy rate of 82%

    During this years October and November Full Moon Party I had bookings for 27 beds/nights

    From the 27 beds/nights bookings, I had 8 nights cancelled and 12 just didn't turn up.

    For the first November week in 2014, I have an occupancy rate of 26%

    Now I'm lucky, we are only a small resort with a pretty good reputation and still have

    some customers, mainly Holiday people or People attending Yoga and dive courses

    but NO party tourists. Those resorts without a decent reputation or the ones who rely

    on Party Tourists, are having a hard time.

    No problem for me personally, just gives me a well deserved rest but for others running

    businesses here, times have become pretty tough for the small or medium businesses

    here on the island as many of them have taken out loans to expand their places whilst

    there was a tourist boom. Now, they can't pay back their debts to, .... well guess.

    Again, the "Cream de la cream" have nothing to worry, if it's not tourist money flowing

    into their pockets, then it's money or land from failed businesses.

    If so, and I don't really believe you, but if so, how much do you pay the locals and BIB for caretaking YOUR business???????????????

    I believe the owner, and i sypathise with his plight, and his comment of people who have taken out loans with (Well guess) i well understand. But what worries me more is that these people (The locals) look on foreign businesses as something that will probably end up in their hands one way or another, depending on their desire to own what they did not build or work for...... Thailand is littered with these stories, and a lot of them involve violence..... Everyone pays in Thailand, some with money, and some with their life........ I was given a piece of good advice 25 years ago in a bar, " Take it from me mate, don't have anything you can't pick up and run away with in SE Asia" Good advice, becoming more relevant day by day..........

    Fully agree with you. This is not my first business I had here on the islands.

    My first business I had, I sold within a year. Why? Most "customers" were of the kind who

    comes with the entire family, friends or "business partners". eat, drink then leave without

    paying and trust me, you don't want to run behind them with the unpaid bill.

    Second place I had, I was threatened with a machete and gun wielding Thai guy because

    of 30'000 baht I was not prepared to give him. [He was followed by two Burmese laborers

    who had no choice but to do what he told them to do and I can easily see, how either they

    witnessed me attacking the Thai guy or they would have been the culprits if things would

    have gone out of hands]

    What did I do? Well, I grabbed my Passport and other important documents, some clothes,

    my laptop and the entire customer database and went to stay with his neighbours. Same

    family but obviously a little bit more influence.

    On the one hand the family turned their back and didn't wanted to see anything as they were,

    and still are, afraid of this drugged up crazy family member. On the other hand, the same

    people who turned their back gave me shelter and protection from this crazy guy.

    BTW - that resort isn't doing very well since several years now and is up for sell

    75'000'000 thb if anyone is interested cheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  12. Mole, thanks for the advice. Lomprayah, that was the service I was thinking of using. If I book several days in advance they pick me up pick me up in Samui and on the way back they would drop me at the airport.

    My original plan was:

    November 12th

    - arrive at Samui airport from Pattaya at 17.30 - (last ferry leaves 18.30 so stay in Samui 1 night)

    - get van from airport to hotel in Chaweng

    November 13th

    - Get Lompraya to pick me up from hotel (book via internet now)

    - Take Lompraya Catamaran from Nathon pier to Koh Phangan

    November 17th

    - Take Lompraya Catamaran from to Koh Phangan to Samui at 7.15 am (book via internet now)

    - Get Lompraya to take me to airport (book via internet now)

    Seemed simple to me - then a friend of mine said that sometimes the ferry doesn't run if the weather is bad. It seems though that I would know by the 15th what the weather would be like and even if the catamaran ran late, I would still make the 11.15 am flight if I leave at 7.15 am from Koh Phangan.

    Do you agree???

    I would say, stick to your plan.

    Last time Lomprayah didn't run because of bad weather was about 4 or 5 years ago.

    As you should check-in about half an hour before departure, even if Lomprayah wouldn't

    run, you still have the options to just catch the Songserm boat to Naton or for sure the

    08:00 Seatran boat to Bophut and you still would be at the Airport before 10:00 AM

    Wish you happy holidays

  13. First of all, there is no ferries from Samui to Koh Phangan.

    You have the choice to take the 07:00 Songserm Boat from Tongssala to Naton
    but you'll have to count at least 2 hours from Koh Phangan to Airport.

    Seatran Discovery has a boat leaving at 08:00 and you should be around 09:00
    at the airport; They have additional minibus transfer to the Airport too.

    With the early Lomprayah Catamaran at 07:15, you should be at the airport
    around 08:30

    Book Lomprayah at least three days in advance on the internet and you'll get free
    transfer to the airport. Book it at the Lomprayah office or any agent and you'll have
    to pay an extra 150THB for transfer.


  14. This case will provide a realisation of sorts -

    Thousands are cancelling as we speak-

    Really. Who is cancelling? Most people are not following this case that closely

    Can't say if they are thousands cancelling as we speak BUT

    During last years October and November Full Moon Party days I had 286 beds/nights

    booked and paid for. Not a single cancellation or "no shows".

    For the first November week in 2013 I had an occupancy rate of 82%

    During this years October and November Full Moon Party I had bookings for 27 beds/nights

    From the 27 beds/nights bookings, I had 8 nights cancelled and 12 just didn't turn up.

    For the first November week in 2014, I have an occupancy rate of 26%

    Now I'm lucky, we are only a small resort with a pretty good reputation and still have

    some customers, mainly Holiday people or People attending Yoga and dive courses

    but NO party tourists. Those resorts without a decent reputation or the ones who rely

    on Party Tourists, are having a hard time.

    No problem for me personally, just gives me a well deserved rest but for others running

    businesses here, times have become pretty tough for the small or medium businesses

    here on the island as many of them have taken out loans to expand their places whilst

    there was a tourist boom. Now, they can't pay back their debts to, .... well guess.

    Again, the "Cream de la cream" have nothing to worry, if it's not tourist money flowing

    into their pockets, then it's money or land from failed businesses.

    If so, and I don't really believe you, but if so, how much do you pay the locals and BIB for caretaking YOUR business???????????????

    What you want to believe or not, is entirely up to you.

    If you're interested how much the going rate for protection is,

    you're welcome to buy my business here and find out by yourself.

    • Like 1
  15. The problem is that the real killers have NOT been caught and still remain free on Koh Tao. It is even starting to look as though they may in fact be serial killers. If true, Koh Tao is NOT safe for any tourist and should be avoided like the plague.

    In fact, it might not be such a bad idea to start a BOYCOTT KOH TAO campaign.

    Well, you could always start a campaign on change.org and address it to all

    the different travel agencies around Europe to boykot Thailand all together.

    There are nearly 50'000 signatures on a [nearly wasted] petition because the

    wording is not thought out very well and governments don't like to be intefered.

    But a petition addressed at the private sector sure would hurt Thailand more

    then any friendly, polite few words from an Ambassadors during a game of golf.

  16. Your Excellency PM Prayuth Can-ocha, the opportunity to swing around Thai and World opinion and give back

    credibility to Thailand is presented on a golden plate. The timing is just right.

    The worlds media attention is still on Thailand due to this appalling investigations into the Koh Tao murders.

    World media has highlighted murder, corruption, drug dealing and human rights violations. Every single issue

    Thailand has been condemned for in the past in one spot. Presented on a golden plate, ripe for easy picking.

    So, wouldn't it be just the right time to show the international community how sincere his Excellency is

    with the claims about bringing happiness back to people, eradicate corruption, battle against inequality?

    I'm convinced, if the government would make an example and prosecute anyone involved with any "criminal

    activities" exposed in this one single murder case on Koh Tao and punish them accordingly, World and Thai

    opinion would instantly change for the better.

    America might [or might not] put you back up in the second thier on the next TIP report.

    Economic forecasts might [or might not] improve again

    Tourism might [or might not] bounce back again

    But for sure, your popularity rating will increase dramatically and no one

    will remember those couple of small but damaging "faux pas" from the past.

  17. Has anyone looked at the evidence of the Village heads son on CSI la?

    They have multiple comparison pictures of him and the security camera of the guy running away from the scene on the island and it looks just like him..

    Friends in the school say he was not there on the 15th but showed up on the 16th with scratches on his arms and neck.

    The security camera phootage showing him at school seems to be doctored because of multiple coloring of time and date.

    The last thing is he never got the dna test..

    Im not saying he did it but these things are worth investigating and people here should look at the pictures on csi la facebook because it is really compelling.

    Ohhh, you mean because it looks like this:
    So, your assume those images have been tampered with because
    someone put the settings to: - Automatic, White or Black on mixed background
    One can easily change those letter settings.
    - Top, Bottom, Left or Right
    - Black on light background
    - White on dark background
    - White with black outlines on any background
    ....... and many, many more
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