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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. Its very close. I am reminded that they, David and Hanna left the AC bar together. Perhaps the only change I would make is they were lured to the spot together and he was killed before they even began to rape her but she certainly saw him die.

    When I wrote that I was unaware of Seans supposed past of date rape and helping Mon with this before. SteveFong has suggested maybe between 3-5 people raped Hanna. I believe that's how many probably set to David first. We all know how Thais like to fight 5 to 1 and never 1 on 1.

    I doubt Sean will ever speak up. Not now that his date rape activities have been exposed. Perhaps he has been paid off or just happy to be put with his life.Not sure now if Sean is guilty of rape or not. He probably did but they couldn't just finger him as he would have named the others and what then. All DNA tested and all guilty. Better to ether kill him or have him run out of town shit scared never to talk again. If all he did was help lure then I think he would talk but his silence tells me he probably raped her but didn't kill her.

    I think u can put a line thru the Thai DNA testing. Was it ever even done. I doubt it. Its said Mon had scratches on him so his DNA would likely be under Hanna's finger nails. Let's face it, the bottom line is if you had nothing to hide and wanted to clear your name u would be screaming the house down to be checked. Sadly Mon and co refused which clearly makes them as guilty as sin. There is no other reason to not b tested.

    I believe the condom was probably unrolled and pushed/ rubbed inside Hanna just to make the story more confusing hence no DNA inside.

    The only way I would ever allow my DNA to be tested is by court order.

    Its a complete invasion of privacy...atleast to most Americans.

    More or less exactly what egyptian Mummies and the Dinosaurus said as well

    .... if they would have been Americans smile.png

  2. So they admitted having sex with her , they admitted they did the crime to a human right official...I'm still confused why so many people still defend them ??

    Maybe because those Thai Human Rights people should expose human rights issues?

    They are not here to investigate if the "confessions" were right or wrong but how

    they were obtained and of course, many other human rights issues relating to this crime.

    (And then, as a government agency, do everything possible to whitewash the actions of their sponsors and employers)

    So no surprise then the findings of a Thai Human Rights Commision would read like this:

    <quote> ... both suspects bore wounds as a result of what they claimed was "the police not treating them properly"<end quote>

    <quote> "However, both suspects insisted [to me] that they had committed the crimes,"<end quote>
  3. Thai and foreign tourists are travelling in greater numbers to Koh Tao and nearby Kon Samui and Pha Ngan in the wake of the Full Moon Party last night on Pha Ngan, resulting in two extra ferry trips to accommodate them.

    Bunsiri Deowanich, the manager of a ferry company, said there had been a 20-per-cent drop in visitor numbers to Koh Tao prior to the arrests of the two suspects.

    A source said that personnel from the provincial port authorities were stationed at all piers to ensure extra security and handle any possible emergency.

    Some 90 per cent of the roughly 15,000 rooms on Koh Tao have been occupied, and around Bt100 million would be spent last night on Full Moon events alone, said the source.

    Understandably, most people are absorbed in the crime. However there is another web of deceit and lies going on here...

    From all reports, this was a very small FMP, even for October. Regardless - why would there suddenly be so many tourists when it is low season?

    Yesterday it was reported that KP has 7500 rooms - so now KT has twice the capacity? People would be standing 3 deep in the beaches! Here is yesterdays fairy tail... (Source BP "Tourists Flock to FMP")

    "W Thaipanit, president of the TA of Koh Phangan, said the number of foreign tourists was unexpectedly high, rooms on Haad Rin were fully booked and nearly all 7,500 rooms on Koh Phangan..."

    The ferry company employees also report very low numbers...

    My question to TAT: Why make such obviously false claims - the tourists who arrive here see the reality, and realise they were lied to. They will discuss this and it only makes people lose trust in your newspapers, and your integrity. If lies are so acceptable, then what else are you lying about?

    Why try to run a PR campaign? Why not show empathy, sympathy, heart broken remorse and plead with tourists to help these islands overcome such an horrific crime. Catch the real killers, not make matters worse by creating the biggest social media outcry in your county's history.

    Nobody is going to be 'happy' with the outcome of this - is it really worth protecting people you obviously should be ashamed of? This is destroying your image in far worse a way than the truth would have. Can you not see that?

    7500 rooms on koh Phangan? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    In 1980 there was around 250 inhabitants and around 80 "Tourist Beds" in Koh Phangan AND Koh Tao

    in 2004 around 50'000 inhabitants and just about the same amount of "Tourist Beds" in Koh Phangan alone.

    Now 10 year later there are suddenly only 7'500 beds on Koh Phangan and 15'000 beds on Koh Tao?

    So, must be those Taotians who "borrowed" our beds? facepalm.gif

  4. I think the 2 minutes missing cctv footage might be of interest to them ! The confusion over the shorts the Burmese were wearing ie: in photo of the three of them on motorbike all dark, in cctv light colour .

    Also the tampered cctv of one of the Ac guys in college Bkk, just to mention a few !

    How can you see those cctv pictures are tampered with?

  5. ...................

    You demonstrate a serious lack of intelligence bordering on retardation. I can't be cruel, just understanding but, given your (now) obvious shortcomings, why don't you leave the serious discussion to those of us with an IQ over 50?


    Hey Sherlock Holmes, Just think for one minute !!!

    If you would have an IQ of over 50, you would have realized,

    there would be no posts, not even headlines in this forum,

    if only people with 50+ IQ would post.

  6. Couple of questions, someone might even find the references to those posts.

    Am I right with the understanding, the police found a condom with Hannah's DNA on it but no other DNA?

    Am I right to assume, if there was only Hannah's DNA, that condom was otherwise "empty"?

    If the information is correct that that condom has not been send for forensic testing, how comes, the police

    knew there is any DNA on those condoms?

    Have I rightly understood, DNA can be obtained by saliva, blood, hair or any other tissue on our bodies?

    So why were the burmese suspects ask to masturbate in order to get "DNA samples"?

    Am I right that those suspected or accused people didn't, couldn't masturbate in order to get DNA samples?

    Could I be right with my assumption, the reason that condom has not been send for forensic testing,
    is the lack of masturbation willingness of the various suspects?

    It was sent for DNA testing and the police have not explained why they were unable to find any DNA inside it. Even if the wearer had failed to ejaculate, he would have left samples of skin tissue and probably pre-ejaculate fluid inside the condom. The failure to find anything seems inexplicable.

    Are you sure the Burmese were asked to masturbate to provide DNA samples? I saw pictures of policemen swabbing their mouths to obtain saliva samples which is more normal practice. If they had been asked to masturbate, that would, of course, not have been shown.

    I know that was done in other investigations here in Thailand but as I said,

    I'm not sure where I read it, in which thread, but somewhere it was mentioned

    the same happen to suspects in the Koh Tao investigations. I think it could have

    been in the same news as the first claim of torture on the initial Burmese


    Now because I'm not sure where I read that, I asked if anyone remembers that link.

    Or the link with the police statement about that condom they found.

  7. It was a warning given in an interview, wasn't it?

    Went back to the original post...

    "could be charged with "

    Yeah sure, I read that too and I never questioned the context of that article [yet].

    My question has always been about the "Headlines"

    No good having headlines telling one thing but in the text saying something else.

    Don't worry jdinasia, my initial thoughts have already been confirmed by Bigjules007.

    Just twisting headlines to get more revenue.

    As I said, I didn't ask questions about the context but the headlines in itself as they

    are very close to:

    <quote> sharing false information could lead to conflicts or misunderstandings ....<end quote>

    Just look how you replied twice to something I did not ask. wink.png

    Purely by omitting that small word "MIGHT" or "COULD BE", to me the headlines imply

    something complete different. So Samui Times and ThaiVisa should take note:

    <quote>People who share false information could be charged with insulting officials. <end quote>.

  8. Couple of questions, someone might even find the references to those posts.

    Am I right with the understanding, the police found a condom with Hannah's DNA on it but no other DNA?
    Am I right to assume, if there was only Hannah's DNA, that condom was otherwise "empty"?

    If the information is correct that that condom has not been send for forensic testing, how comes, the police
    knew there is any DNA on those condoms?

    Have I rightly understood, DNA can be obtained by saliva, blood, hair or any other tissue on our bodies?
    So why were the burmese suspects ask to masturbate in order to get "DNA samples"?
    Am I right that those suspected or accused people didn't, couldn't masturbate in order to get DNA samples?

    Could I be right with my assumption, the reason that condom has not been send for forensic testing,
    is the lack of masturbation willingness of the various suspects?

  9. 16 pages and 368 posts later

    There is still not a single reference to "Police charges for those accusing the police of using scapegoats",

    in this entire thread apart from Samui Times or ThaiVisa and a few "Copy-Paste" forums off course, but absolute

    no credible reference that Police will or has pressed charges against any people being critical of their work yet.

    I would like to see at least one credible reference by Samui Times or ThaiVisa to a single charge by the police

    for defamation for accusing the police of using scapegoats before I jump to any conclusions.

    Or, is it just the usual bad choice of headlines?

    Scaremongering in order to increase clicks?

    I can only assume you are unaware of the case in Phuket (RTNvBigIslandMedia.

    Or the CCA... ETC.

    Your references are to complete different issues and not related to this article.

    First RTN is not RTP and has nothing to do with police being critical in the

    police conduct in relation to the Koh Tao murder inquiry.

    Read again what the headlines of this article clearly states -

    Police charges for those accusing the police of using scapegoats

    Phuketwan repeated a story defaming the RTP online. The RTN is suing them for criminal defamation. Clearly related to defamation online by others. Covered also by the CCA.

    Yes, I'm sure we all know about defamation charges,

    we all know how controversial the Computer Crimes Act is

    but I still don't know who did the police charged for accusing

    them of using scapegoats? Where are those references?

    So, sorry jdinasia, you're not much of a help to my question.

    You keep going on about complete different cases.

    Bring references to reliable sources that there have been any

    "Police charges for those accusing the police of using scapegoats"

    and I will listen.

    Until then, I assume this headlines are just pure "Buffalokee"

    and most of the 380+ comments on here are not thread related "Buffalos ..t"

  10. 16 pages and 368 posts later

    There is still not a single reference to "Police charges for those accusing the police of using scapegoats",

    in this entire thread apart from Samui Times or ThaiVisa and a few "Copy-Paste" forums off course, but absolute

    no credible reference that Police will or has pressed charges against any people being critical of their work yet.

    I would like to see at least one credible reference by Samui Times or ThaiVisa to a single charge by the police

    for defamation for accusing the police of using scapegoats before I jump to any conclusions.

    Or, is it just the usual bad choice of headlines?

    Scaremongering in order to increase clicks?

    Its called propaganda, fabricated rumours to scare the masses, normally distributed by sections of the media that are pro RTP.

    few members on here like to use it too!

    Well finally. took at least 380 comments, completely unrelated to the topic in discussion,

    to get an answer on a question I asked within the first few comments.

    Thanks Bigjules007 to reaffirm what I thought the moment I read the headlines and could not find any

    other media confirming that "Police have charged people for accusing police to use scapegoats".

    I would even have given you a thumbs up if .....

    you would just have left out the last 4 words of your first sentence wink.png

  11. 16 pages and 368 posts later

    There is still not a single reference to "Police charges for those accusing the police of using scapegoats",

    in this entire thread apart from Samui Times or ThaiVisa and a few "Copy-Paste" forums off course, but absolute

    no credible reference that Police will or has pressed charges against any people being critical of their work yet.

    I would like to see at least one credible reference by Samui Times or ThaiVisa to a single charge by the police

    for defamation for accusing the police of using scapegoats before I jump to any conclusions.

    Or, is it just the usual bad choice of headlines?

    Scaremongering in order to increase clicks?

    I can only assume you are unaware of the case in Phuket (RTNvBigIslandMedia.

    Or the CCA... ETC.

    Your references are to complete different issues and not related to this article.

    First RTN is not RTP and has nothing to do with police being critical in the

    police conduct in relation to the Koh Tao murder inquiry.

    Read again what the headlines of this article clearly states -

    Police charges for those accusing the police of using scapegoats

  12. 16 pages and 368 posts later

    There is still not a single reference to "Police charges for those accusing the police of using scapegoats",
    in this entire thread apart from Samui Times or ThaiVisa and a few "Copy-Paste" forums off course, but absolute
    no credible reference that Police will or has pressed charges against any people being critical of their work yet.

    I would like to see at least one credible reference by Samui Times or ThaiVisa to a single charge by the police
    for defamation for accusing the police of using scapegoats before I jump to any conclusions.

    Or, is it just the usual bad choice of headlines?
    Scaremongering in order to increase clicks?

    • Like 1
  13. Yesterday a lawyer contracted by the Myanmar Embassy refuted the confessions

    stating they were obtained under duress. I suppose, a lawyer would do that as he
    has to work in the interest of his clients.

    Today I read, Prinya Sirisarakan said the Burmese confessed to the NHRC of Thailand
    they are guilty. Now I'm not quite sure what the National Human Rights Commision was
    to investigate but I thought they were to investigate Human Rights violations. How
    confessions were obtained and not if the accused confessed or not?

    Is the NHRC an independent Commission?
    Who selected the panel?
    Who pays for their work?

    I for once would trust more on statements of a UN appointed Human Rights Commision
    than any controversial National Human Rights commision anywhere .

  14. I have not seen any international news agency having any references to this claim.

    But, IF the Deputy Police Commissioner-General Pol Col Somyos Pumphanmuang,

    on behalf of the Royal Thai Police, will charge people for criticising the police, then

    he is in utter contempt of the Universal Human Rights and the joint ASEAN declaration

    of human rights signed by the representatives of the government on behalf of the

    Kingdom of Thailand.


    Since when have the RTP been concerned about Rights? ........

    Since last week. wink.png

    [Due to human right issue, police can't collect DNA samples from all individuals.]

    Not quite sure if those remarks where just a "faux pas" like the "bikini speech" or if

    only Thai "Ariens" are considerate to be humans? Sure some educated Thai could clarify

    on how the government stands on this issue

    I can only assume, this week someone must have lost those "Human something" pages.

    As resident in this country I feel it's my duty to show the police how much I love them

    and so send them some FREE links to those "dam articles"



    Now if someone could post, which day's are those Human Rights applied days

    and which days are the "give a s..t about human rights' in the Thai calendar?

  15. Discovered?

    This solution is at least as old as my grandmother.

    Flour, gipsum and water keeps mice at bay.

    Tomorrow, some clever Thai kid will discover America.

    At least some encouraging words for a kid....very mean.

    Hmmm, maybe you're right, so sorry.

    So a few encouraging words from me to this bright kid and of course to you too.

    "Well done kid for your discovery and off course "Veeraparp" for reminding

    me how cruel I was, I don't know how to describe your intelligence but if you go

    over to the cooker and put your ear on the hotplate. If you listen carefully, you

    might be able to hear, how intelligent you are"

  16. Getting back to:

    Police charges for those accusing the police of using scapegoats

    How comes:

    Only ThaiVisa, Samui Times and another couple of foreigner forums

    carry [sorry, copy and pasted] this headlines or mention anything
    close to it

    We all know, this forums might be great for entertainment on a rainy
    afternoon but sure not the most reliable news source available.

    So please Samui Times and ThaiVisa "journalists" where are your

    sources, any transcripts, any links?

    • Like 1
  17. Discovered?

    This solution is at least as old as my grandmother.

    Flour, gipsum and water keeps mice at bay.

    Tomorrow, some clever Thai kid will discover America.

    Bloody right, mate.

    When my kid first put letters together to make words, she ran to me with pride and showed me. I scoffed, saying, "it's been done before, dummy."

    Kids nowadays--everybody thinks they can be a Nobel prize winner. Pfft.


    Waoo, cool kid you got there.

    Why didn't I read about that world changing event in any international news?

    Shame on you. smile.png

  18. Discovered?

    This solution is at least as old as my grandmother.

    Flour, gipsum and water keeps mice at bay.

    Tomorrow, some clever Thai kid will discover America.

    Gypsum is not cement and is not as practical and readily available to Thais as cement. Also, cockroaches LOVE chocolate.

    In fact, cockroaches love chocolate so much that the US FDA allows much higher levels of cockroach parts in chocolate than they do other foods.

    So, give credit where it's due instead of being such a spoil sport.

    Ohhh s***, and I always thought that was nuts. sick.gif

  19. Discovered?

    This solution is at least as old as my grandmother.

    Flour, gipsum and water keeps mice at bay.

    Tomorrow, some clever Thai kid will discover America.

    You're not really fair to a young Thai student, now. Honestly speaking it's a nice way to get rid off these creatures.

    And your last sentence is Thai bashing. My family and friends are Thai. I hope you're not living here with your grandmother.


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