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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. Did i read on hear Sean is in Italy with a girlfriend ?

    If he is funny it is a country with no extradition treaty with Thailand.

    I am sure Sean is involved, you don't live somewhere for 18 months basically bumming a living without getting involved in the dark side.

    1: I have no idea but just because a country doesn't have an extradition treaty with another country,

    does that mean they will never extradite anyone to a country they have no extradition treaty?

    2: I live since nearly 40 years on this islands (with short interruptions) and although I know quite a

    few, I had never the desire or the need to get involved with the "dark side" of this islands.

  2. this is retarded,

    someone comes on here and posts 5 day old news, without a link


    there are now 200 likes on the Facebook page for the two murdered vacationers to Thailand

    my guess is 150 came from the Bangkok expats page that I posted too,

    I believe the more pressure we exert, the better,

    of course, I probably will not ever go to Thailand again after this anyway

    I just can't see how Facebook could possibly put pressure on the Thai government.

    If you want to put pressure on anyone, then maybe petition the UK government to
    keep lobbying the Thai government to share information (and not only 13 years after
    the crime was committed) or invite them (has been done before) to help with the

    You will see that, although justice still has not been served in the Koh Samui incident
    with the Australian and the two chinese students, some results have been achieved
    by the power of the people.

    Check: http://tinyurl.com/nb8p54e

    • Like 1
  3. Don't you think it's unwise for her to visit this island at this time to promote tourism? If you can't see this, then we have no common ground. Sorry.

    Contrary, it's exactly the right time for her to visit the islands and see for herself, how

    "Party Tourism" has <deleted!> up this places. Hopefully she's going back to Bangkok with

    the recommendations to stop this huge parties with all the bad side effects and promote

    the places as "Holiday destination" and not just three day party frenzy.

    With those infamous parties gone, we might eventually even get "real" tourists back

    again, people who come to relax and enjoy the beauty of this islands and not just people

    rushing from one party ghetto to the next getting ripped off wherever they go.

    Sure it would not stop crime completely but be assured, quite a lot of "undesirable people"

    (foreigners and Thai) would not be on the islands anymore.

    Sure no point of her coming here if tourism would be booming, is there?

    Quote from her visit agenda: The visit is expected to bring about more effective preventive measures against crime following the backpacker deaths, which has put Thai tourism in a bad light in the eyes of foreigners. The governor said he would request a budget for the installation of additional security cameras and streetlights on the island, as part of increased security measures. Chatpong said that money would also be spent on a campaign to refresh the image of Koh Tao in preparation for the upcoming high season late this year.

    My paraphrase: we'll try and make it harder for the murdering scum to commit more rapes and murders, then we will pronounce KT is safe.

    As to your comment: Hopefully she's going back to Bangkok with

    the recommendations to stop this huge parties with all the bad side effects

    So in your words - murder and rape is only a bad side effect? I think you really ought to understand what 'compassion for the victims' means.

    I'm sorry, where did I say "ONLY bad side effects"?

    ​If I would be American, I would have said "collateral damage" but they are not.

    Now maybe you could teach me a lesson about "Compassion for the victims"?

    As there are so many victims of this crime, will I need to prioritise my compassion?

    Well, let's just leave it at this, no point arguing. As you said earlier:

    If you can't see this, then we have no common ground.

  4. I believe 3 men 2 Thai and 1 foreigner were attacking Hannah and David went to save her. He is atrue


    Is the foreigner Sean?

    I dont know but. He did say he was supposed to meet David,but did not. But he was accosted at the bar after the crime. It's obvious he was very near at the time of crime. In his story . He was just quietly sitting in the bar at 4 0clock in the morning and two of bar people casually walked inand threatened to stitch him up for acrime that was committed a little bit beforehand. The bar owner says he was covered in blood splatter , Like we got as much on you as you have on us. He was seennear the scene playing his guitar. His story does not add up. The use of a condomto hide dna is a foreigner thing and he may have used two condoms which is why no sperm was found at the scene. Thai are not bright enough to plan that. Must be aforeiger

    Not a very bright comment either is it? First of all,

    "He was seen near the scene playing his guitar".

    No one saw him near the scene. People say they saw three man at the

    beach singing songs and playing guitar but I haven't read anywhere that

    the guitar player was indeed Sean.

    Now I am surprised how little "sex education" some of the TV members

    have, Anyone thinking wearing two condoms would be safer, either think

    again or apply for a job by the BIB.

    Using two condoms at the same time is actually a real bad idea as it creates

    an excess amount of additional friction and thus increases the chance that

    one or both condoms will break.

  5. Don't you think it's unwise for her to visit this island at this time to promote tourism? If you can't see this, then we have no common ground. Sorry.

    Contrary, it's exactly the right time for her to visit the islands and see for herself, how

    "Party Tourism" has <deleted!> up this places. Hopefully she's going back to Bangkok with

    the recommendations to stop this huge parties with all the bad side effects and promote

    the places as "Holiday destination" and not just three day party frenzy.

    With those infamous parties gone, we might eventually even get "real" tourists back

    again, people who come to relax and enjoy the beauty of this islands and not just people

    rushing from one party ghetto to the next getting ripped off wherever they go.

    Sure it would not stop crime completely but be assured, quite a lot of "undesirable people"

    (foreigners and Thai) would not be on the islands anymore.

    Sure no point of her coming here if tourism would be booming, is there?

    • Like 1
  6. Back to topic. Arresting the murderers should be her priority if she wants tourism to continue. Then put safety nets in place, like removing corruption at all levels.

    As a Tourist Minister, if she does her job right, her concerned is tourism and not crime.

    You don't seriously expect the Ministry of Tourism and Sport to start solving crimes, are you?

    What I do expect her to do is to focus her energies on supporting the authorities to bring the murderers to justice, rather than prioritise Tourism. It's insensitive at this stage of the investigation, and it's as if she doesn't care too much if the killers are roaming the island free of any justice.

    Your assumption she doesn't care if the killers still roam the island (If they still there)

    because she (hopefully) is doing the job she is supposed to do within her Ministry,

    is about as good as the assumption of the police that it must have been a foreigner.

    Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions .......

  7. Ah, yes. Gotta make sure the money keeps flowing. Absolutely ZERO concern the brutal murderers are still walking around free.

    Purely idiotic to think people here don't give a thought about those brutal murders. Just because people are concerned about how they make a living after such a tragedy, doesn't mean they show no concern or sympathy for the families of those victims. Just because people try to get tourists back after such a horrible crime, doesn't mean we forgotten about it already.

    Comments like yours show how little concern is given to the thousands of innocent people living here a normal life, often mixed with fear. People who have absolute nothing to do with this incident and could lose their livelihood because of it. The two people killed and their families are not the only victims of this atrocities.

    1000's of migrant workers could lose their jobs and can go back home, if no tourists arrive anymore. Multiply that with the people who rely on those migrant workers in order to make a living back home. Pretty cruel to believe we shouldn't worry about our businesses, our work, how we feed our children, how we survive after such a tragedy that will affect us all.

    Most likely, those people who try to cover up this crime are the least worried about where the money comes from but everyone else is but that has absolute nothing to do with, ZERO concern for the families of the victims.

    the innocent people need to give up the murderers then dont they - or maybe the 100's of migrant workers should be glad to be alive - spare a thought for the victims - people like you send the criminals to swim with dolphins!!

    So you assume that all those innocent people who stayed on Koh Tao on the night of the murder know anything?

    You statement implies that everyone who lives, works or is on holiday here is guilty of diverting the cause of justice?

    I assume you're innocent and have also no idea who the killers are.

    So, who would YOU frame for the those murderers, just to give up some criminals you have no idea about?

  8. People might lose their jobs and livelihoods? Tough shit!

    Hit them where it hurts and then maybe someone will talk!

    So Noi657, your saying, collective punishment for people who have absolute no clue, no connection to a crime is OK?

    If that's the case, I hope Immigration will deport you back to your country tomorrow as there are quite a few British criminals hiding in Thailand and as you're British, you need to be punished too.

    What a bulls##t.

  9. Back to topic. Arresting the murderers should be her priority if she wants tourism to continue. Then put safety nets in place, like removing corruption at all levels.

    As a Tourist Minister, if she does her job right, her concerned is tourism and not crime.

    You don't seriously expect the Ministry of Tourism and Sport to start solving crimes, are you?

  10. This is not only like a punch in the face of the poor parents of this unfortunate couple, but a punch in the face of international justice! Thailand's police force as a whole should be ashamed of themselves. I have no sympathy anymore for this bunch of morons. A uniform doesn't make a person a good or trustworthly person, heart and soul does, but it seems the main requirement to get into Thailand's police force is the very absence of heart and soul... If I woud be Hannah's or David's father, I would get in touch with Sean, then spend my last dime on the best undercover investigator I can get, send him to Koh Tao, find out who did it and then pay a Nakhon hitman to pull the plug on both thugs and send me photos. Anyone who trusts in "justice being served" here in Thailand could also start writing letters to Santa Claus now, because the reality level is about similar... I am upset and disgusted and feel so utterly sorry for the parents. Such a shame!

    If I woud be Hannah's or David's father, I would get in touch with Sean, then spend my last dime on the best undercover investigator I can get, send him to Koh Tao, find out who did it ....

    If 500'000THB from the "Orient Thai" owners, an other 200'000THB from the police donations

    and 1 MillionTHB from Mr. Warot's didn't help to loosen someones tongue (until now), do you

    honestly think, an outsider would find out anything on such a small island. I think he would be

    lucky not to get killed himself.

    As horrible as it might sound, I think Hannah's and David's family will need to learn to come to

    terms that the killers might never be found and carry on with their lives. Although I must say,

    if such a tragedy would hit my family, I could not see a reason for anything anymore, I probably

    die from a heart attack.

    Still, let's hope, eventually and if it takes years to wait, someone will talk.

    (hmmm, just wonder, is there any "use by date" on those rewards?)

    • Like 1
  11. I believe 3 men 2 Thai and 1 foreigner were attacking Hannah and David went to save her. He is atrue hero.

    Is the foreigner Sean?

    Let's assume Sean would be part of this "gang" how comes no one pointed

    the fingers at him?

    Considering Thai's do have the habit of pointing fingers at foreigners, for any

    reason, considering the awards on offer, no one, until 10 days later, pointed

    the finger at him.

    Worried if he would be caught he would sing like a birdy? If that would be

    the case, I'm fairly sure, he would be lying there with the other two victims

    and not just been threatened - several days after the murder happen.

  12. This makes me wonder how so many new foreign owned businesses are opening up on KT and here on KP - I see hardly any Thai staff working in restaurants for example, majority Myanmar nationals...

    How will this affect the diving industry? Well, there will most certainly be a shortage of qualified DMs as most are Farangs working illegally while they pursuit their hobby. That will certainly stop now - at least for a while. This is only my impression - I am not involved with the diving industry.

    They should not stop with KT - KP has way more Myanmar (workers and/or other).

    At the same time it would be good to improve the migrant labor work and living conditions; they do not have a dream life on these islands, and generally they are nice people.

    When and where did you see "Foreign Owned Businesses" here on the island?

    We might have paid for it but sure, we don't own it!

  13. Come on Sean, speak! Did you really have such a bad accident that you needed someone to play "mummy" and wipe blood off your face for you?

    Tell us the nature of the accident and the circumstances. We need to know the credibility of Mr "I was in Bangkok" Warot's revelations.

    Well, considering how Thais do like pointing fingers, considering the reward offered,

    considering that they pointed the fingers at the victims, their friends and now even

    at social media, I'm absolutely amazed that no one pointed the finger at the "blood

    covered" farang right from the start.

    Sean must have some bloody good connections very, very high up, if people were

    so scared to point their finger at a farang for so long.

    Just wait till tomorrow and the police and press will make us believe this atrocities

    did never happen and is just in the imagination of some disgruntled farang as it's

    just impossible such a thing would happen, here on the islands.

  14. Or, are you implying that if the US has "unsolved" crimes, it's

    perfectly OK for Thailand to have a complete unprofessional

    police force and we should just sit back and accept?

    Not all, its to do with fact that there are certain members on TV who feel they have to inject the US into every thread on TV

    they just cant help themselves and feel its their patriot duty to "fly the star & stripes" every chance they get

    Not just Americans but the British, Australians, Kiwis, ......

    do exactly the same.

    • Like 1
  15. Suppose the problem with overpriced lottery tickets would easily be solved.

    Half the lottery ticket price and everyone in the kingdom would notice

    Quarter the payouts, no one would ever realise as no one ever wins BIG prices anyway.

    Kill two flies at once; People are happy, government coffers are happy.

    Everyone happy smile.png

    "Quarter the payouts, no one would ever realise as no one ever wins BIG prices anyway."

    Don't know much about the Thai lottery do you? Why do you think people buy the tickets?

    So how many times you read "ordinary" people have won millions?

    I do know that the couple just round from our soi won 64 million but I suppose that's nothing to someone as rich as you.

    Incidentally they still push their handcart into the market every evening to sell meals.

    And how long is the q outside their home? smile.png

    BTW, any idea how much I have in my account?

    I didn't check since a while but as you're up to date how rich I am

    you might PM it to me? tongue.png

  16. Suppose the problem with overpriced lottery tickets would easily be solved.

    Half the lottery ticket price and everyone in the kingdom would notice

    Quarter the payouts, no one would ever realise as no one ever wins BIG prices anyway.

    Kill two flies at once; People are happy, government coffers are happy.

    Everyone happy smile.png

    "Quarter the payouts, no one would ever realise as no one ever wins BIG prices anyway."

    Don't know much about the Thai lottery do you? Why do you think people buy the tickets?

    So how many times you read "ordinary" people have won millions?

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