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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. I am 72 on Saturday and having the time of my life. I exercise 5 times a week - running/swimming/weights. I have 2 nights on the town inter-acting with beautiful ladies & the other 5 nights I watch free movies. I return to UK each year where I am always cold. I'm lovi' it here.

    Well in this case:


    Let's see if billd766 can bake you a cake smile.png

  2. I think Oscar Wilde said something like - the tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young.

    Just as a teenager doesn't really long for his toys from when he was 6 yrs old - - at an older age, you will not likely long for the "toys" of your more youthful 50… if you do long for them, you will still be playing with them, just maybe slower, more thoughtfully and appreicatively.

    Hmmm, I still prefer to play with Meccano and Lego instead of cutting the lawn.

  3. You want to increase tourists you need to instill confidence. There are too many Thai low life's on the streets scamming, assaulting, robbing, raping and murdering tourists. I would like to see a mandatory one year jail time to any Thai who assaults a farang. The current 500 baht fine just don't build confidence that the government cares about the safety of it's tourists. Let the world know you are serious about crime and things are changing .... But do it and just don't say it !

    What a stupid idea and bordering on being racist. So they should have a minimum of one-year jail for assaulting a white person, but what about assaulting other people? Are you saying that white people are better and need more protection? And what about a farang assaulting a Thai? Surely the same sentencing should apply to everyone. Also, your post is a more than a little hysterical. I suggest you stay away.

    Bordering on being racist?

    Just asked my Thai friends about racism.

    ​They don't see anything wrong with it. coffee1.gif

    So, what's your problem?

  4. This farcical murder investigation circus act gets worse by the day. No matter what anyone here in TV has to say' Police in civilised countries never purposely look for scapegoats, especially in something as heinous as these 2 poor Brits on holiday.

    This just goes to show how far Thais will go to sacrifice anything or everything to keep up the tourist ratings. It defies logical thinking for us everyday normal Farangs who see this as a mockery and an insult to our fellow citizens around the Globe seen as easy walking talking ATM. machines.with endless cash and should therefore be privileged to part with every penny to the Thai coffers.....

    Sorry but should that not have been:

    Thais will go to sacrifice anything or everything to keep tourist away?

  5. What about [purely, utterly hypothetically]:

    The police offered him to be a "false" witness for 500'000 THB
    He runs to the "The Other Man" telling him the police offered him 700'000 THB
    Some negotiations behind closed doors and now the media get's involved.
    Sure that must have been worth more than the 700'000 THB.

    Now let's see over the next few days/weeks, how the prices go up coffee1.gif

  6. One cannot praise this guy enough. Despite a tidy sum having been skimmed off the top of the reward money, he

    had the decency to refuse the still large sum of money offered to him in disgraceful disrespect of the law and

    all victims in this case. Now it might be right for him to be given safe passage out of the country and

    sufficient funds to have a good life elsewhere. Surely the Thai government can do this in thanks for his



    • Like 1
  7. I'm almost certain that they didn't share a cigarette as such. It must've been loaded with some sort of highly potent drug. Only in that case sharing make sense. It's highly unusual for men to share cigarettes. (unless they are gay).

    To be honest, that guy in the video, looks more like Burmese than Thai. Not defending Thais here but the Burmese are capable of such wicked crimes. For many of them rape is a normal act. I'm not joking. Read it for yourself.

    License to rape: How Burma’s military employs systematic sexualized violence



    And, in which century, on which planet were you born?

    • Like 1
  8. He went to the kanman for protection???? Is this t he same on who offered 1Mio Baht as a reward for getting his family off?

    and police offered only 700.000

    He (the village headman) offered 1 million baht if someone can prove him or anyone is his family to be guilty, NOT innocent. People seem to have this all backwards.

    So, if someone can prove that his son is guilty, in this case, he will pay 1 million baht. If someone proves his son is innocent, no money will change hands.

    Nevertheless, offering the police 1 million baht to prove one is guilty seems very "thai", overconfident, and suspicious.....

    Could it be possible that would be, let's say something around 700'000 baht?coffee1.gif

    Framing someone must sure cost a bit more than being a witness to innocence?

    Anyone an Idea where to find that "Price Pist"?

  9. Maybe on the next Tourist Advert, TAT could put a warning, like on the cigaret packets,
    tell people to check before they travel? A big sign about the "Do's and Don't" ?

    Trip Advisor, Lonely Planet, Le Routard, Loose, etc.... are full of stories from people
    who had bad experiences, not just in Thailand. So why not take advice from others?
    Scaremongering? Not cool? Can't happen to me?

    Wish travellers, tourists would take their governments Travel advisories more serious,
    or at least, just have a quick read before they travel and use the same common sense
    as they would at home. Quite a lot of problems could be avoided and not just here in

    Australia has even special advice sections for women travellers and party revellers.








  10. So by enabling them to stay and thus get raped daily, they suffer less?

    Let me give that some thought, and I'll get back to you ….

    I suppose, they accept their personal suffering for the benefit of the families they support back in Myanmar.

    No different than many of the other Burmese workers working on farms, building sites and fishing boats

    who have a pretty rough deal here in Thailand and all to support and feed their poor families back home.

  11. Ah, yes. Gotta make sure the money keeps flowing. Absolutely ZERO concern the brutal murderers are still walking around free.

    Purely idiotic to think people here don't give a thought about those brutal murders. Just because people are concerned about how they make a living after such a tragedy, doesn't mean they show no concern or sympathy for the families of those victims. Just because people try to get tourists back after such a horrible crime, doesn't mean we forgotten about it already.

    Comments like yours show how little concern is given to the thousands of innocent people living here a normal life, often mixed with fear. People who have absolute nothing to do with this incident and could lose their livelihood because of it. The two people killed and their families are not the only victims of this atrocities.

    1000's of migrant workers could lose their jobs and can go back home, if no tourists arrive anymore. Multiply that with the people who rely on those migrant workers in order to make a living back home. Pretty cruel to believe we shouldn't worry about our businesses, our work, how we feed our children, how we survive after such a tragedy that will affect us all.

    Most likely, those people who try to cover up this crime are the least worried about where the money comes from but everyone else is but that has absolute nothing to do with, ZERO concern for the families of the victims.


    Okay, then

    1. You go without making a big public announcement, one intended only to give you more face, and you do your job quietly, out of respect for the victims' families;

    2. Have you been to Koh Tao? I have. It is a very small Thai community. I have no doubt that everyone knows who did it. The local cops most certainly do.

    Let 'em all suffer. I hope the ones who know and won't tell, all go out of business. And the cops who take money from them for looking the other way, or from extorting tourists, I hope they lose everything they have.

    1. Out of respect for the families, 3/4 of the posters here should keep their keyboards locked away.

    2. Have I been to Koh Tao? cheesy.gif

    But you're right, compared to over 4000 migrant workers and uncountable tourists,

    the Thai community, more or less ALL from Koh Phangan, Surat Thani or Chumporn, is indeed very small.

    Now your comment: "I hope they lose everything they have", the first ones to lose everything will be the migrant

    workers who already suffer (silently) under the rule of the big bosses. Many myanmar girls are raped daily by

    their employers and are to afraid to stand up and now, you want them to suffer even more?

    So out of respect and compassion for the latest victims, people forget any respect and compassion for the

    most vulnerable people here on the island. Is that what western people call justice?

    Believe me or not, but most Thai families who own (lease) property on Koh Tao will not even blink with their

    eyes if no tourists arrive anymore. A million baht is peanuts for them.

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