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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. So you think the OP has the full details? Come on...
  2. Hopefully, they didn't listen to you........unless they were in an at risk group.
  3. Well, we certainly burned a few who had "Covid" down as the cause of death.
  4. Absolutely true. Now we have experienced much higher number of influenza cases. I part own a crematorium in the UK and our numbers are currently not far off what we saw during Covid...but not one COVID death has been recorded.
  5. Bye. You will like it there, it's cheaper and they have Angkor beer.
  6. There is more to this story than the content of the OP.
  7. Even whorehouses are open for business between 2 pm and 5 pm................. (not that they exist in Thailand because there is no prostitution).
  8. It certainly is...............................unless you want to label 'trading' as an 'investment'.
  9. With the agent.........or their customers
  10. +1 Very professional
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 178 seconds  
  12. I love it! 😀........now THAT is Thai culture.
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