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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. Most people don't..........................and I really think that might have been mentioned if it was an issue.
  2. Whilst I agree that we can all be hypocritical at times the two situations are very different. The Thai immigration policy is better enforced by the Thai authorities than successive UK governments. Not one Satang is handed out to foreigners who come to Thailand and foreigners (in theory) have to show the ability to support themselves, including housing, hospitals and welfare. In the case of Thailand those foreigners have almost exclusively arrived legally.......the rule bending happens later and flourishes on the back of the endemic corruption in the country. Let's see a Farang try and impose his culture, or religion, on Thais/Thailand.
  3. I agree 100% but I fear that you are wasting your breath. Liberalism, wokeness has taken hold and the world has moved too far away from 'normal' and what is right and wrong. I don't believe it can be fixed.
  4. Lowest hanging fruit....................easier for Pattaya's finest to harvest.
  5. Where were you in Thailand in January......I don't recall 'lockdown' happening until later. In fact we returned to Thailand from Sri Lanka on the 14th March and it was all getting serious at that point. I thought the airport closed in April ? Ah lockdown......................my favourite time in Thailand.
  6. Could you elaborate on that statement please - with specific numbers.
  7. Total cr4p IMO.........you must have a softer skin...🙂
  8. No....... and a poor attempt at scaremongering. That would not happen from 'under-cooking' which is not under cooking if the internal temperature is 125 to 140 degrees - which is the rare/medium rare range.
  9. Good answer.............😀
  10. 😆..... it's all about the weather...............honest...
  11. That was a waste of money....................I will do it for free next time. Unlike the local tam ruat I understand what I am witnessing.
  12. Thank you, I will look that up. I have been taking my lead from the likes of Tim Spector, Gary Brecka and to lesser degree Eric Berg and Barbara O'Neill. I am 10 years younger but have had struggled with obesity since my lifestyle in 40/50's. Whilst my focus has been on eating healthier I have also reduced my intake to try to ensure I am in a sustainable calorie deficit. Quality of food is my main thrust whilst also keeping to 2 meals a day (occasionally one, occasionally a 24 hour fast). I don't add sugar to anything and I just can't drink, for example, Thai beers because they are too sweet. I love 99% dark chocolate which I would have gagged at 20 years ago.
  13. Only if there is just one person at that particular desk
  14. That will do you no harm.
  15. Not your day..........lost your chocolate and your wife is no doubt being seen to by this rat....a double whammy.
  16. She will be long gone and probably in the backwaters of Isaan. I am going to take a guess that this incident will not be at the top of Pattaya police's list of "things to do".
  17. Well done for picking up my thought process..... 🙂 Anglia
  18. 🙂... I wish that 40 years ago I knew what I now know about food.
  19. +1 .......and preferably a booth that has 2 people in attendance.
  20. I think the OP is not talking about a Thai wife, but having a joint account with a western partner.
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