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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. Where does 'likeable' come into it? Any display of indication of wealth will turn the head of Thai women.
  2. You can see why his head has been turned................................and how he managed to leave his brain at Suvarnabhumi airport. Most certainly not knocking what he is doing, but that is not the lifestyle of a resident expat - that is what you do on your winter holiday. Doing the math, and allowing a bit for inflation he will run out of money when he is 72/73 years old. Then he will know what "lonely" really means. A potential member for the Pattaya Flying Club!
  3. So this Aussie guy takes his Superannuation details out with him so he can show/impress strangers. Then brags about spending AUD 60k. He is not a retired expat, he is on a long holiday.
  4. The only regulation you need to be aware of is the one that gives absolute power, and discretion, to the Immigration Officer.
  5. Remind me again how that impacts on the issues at Dover................................
  6. That comment speaks volumes for the rabid ignorance of many remainers.
  7. No! We knew what we were voting AGAINST. You remainers never quite grasped that one - but, hey! that's history, move on - if you can.
  8. Good to see that the scars still run deep................keep whining.
  9. No expert, just experienced. There is no defined process, it is random. DWP rarely over pay more than one payment after death and there is always the periodic Life Certificate as a back stop. 1. I have outlined already. 2 It becomes irrelevant. Consider some of the permutations:- Brit dies, has state pension only - no other assets. ........ nothing to do except advise DWP. IF the British embassy embassy are advised of the death there appears to be a mechanism for DWP to be informed. Unusual because there is no authority to do so, nor any connection between the. However, where I have seen this happen there is rarely an future payment of pension. The system seems to work - solely for state pension, but the same can be achieved by anyone close to the deceased/widow without giving up possession of the deceased's passport (the police will often ask the widow for it). The relevance of this is that it often useful to have the passport, as an ID document, if dealing with the providers of other assets in the estate. If the deceased has other assets and/or private pensions the passport is useful to have - and the British embassy do not advise those companies of the death..........especially where he dies intestate. I hesitate to think how many widows have lost out on the widows benefit attached to occupational pensions - not all Farangs are savvy enough to tee things up in advance of their death; some don't even know what a widows pension is. Similarly, (up until recently) millions of Pounds of Bereavement Payments would have been missed because relatively few knew they were eligible - let alone able to make a claim.
  10. The passport does not need to go anywhere. The only case where there needs to be any contact with the embassy is to obtain the release of the deceased's body from hospital. If death occurred at 'home' the Thai police need to be advised within 24 hours and they advise the relevant embassy. You know very little - who said anything about "simply a phone call or letter"..
  11. Sorry, I didn't realise that you were talking about ILLEGAL access of the account.
  12. So, just exactly how how does the widow access money for the funeral expenses from her late husband's account at HSBC?
  13. Not without the approval of the bank. Try that from Thailand with a sole account based in the UK. Good luck trying that in Thailand as well!!
  14. As with HSBC:- Once we receive formal confirmation of the death, we’ll transfer any joint accounts into the name(s) of the remaining account holder(s), unless there are any disputes over the estate. The remaining account holder(s) will be notified of this change. The account can continue to be used, and the account number will remain the same. New cheque and paying in books will be ordered as required. https://www.hsbc.co.uk/help/life-events/bereavement/faqs/#:~:text=notification of death.-,2.,be notified of this change.
  15. No need to contact the embassy, just advise DWP. It stops, end of story.
  16. Good answer What happens to your pensions after death? that's probably more tricky Not if you have communicated with the pension trustees and completed a beneficiary nomination form. Tricky is getting someone to help after death as the process will be beyond 99% of Thai wives.
  17. You will not be able to make the account a joint account........period.
  18. Greedy b4stards! Soldiers of fortune who have little regard for the traditions of golf - there is more to golf than money as evidence by the wonderful spectacle at St Andrews last week. I can understand some older players (like Mickleson and Westwood) taking King's Shilling but I have greater regard for like of Harrington who haven't.
  19. Brilliant! Looking forward to seeing the results of that experiment. My money remains on Wise. ????
  20. R. I. P. Iain.
  21. No idea - you just mentioned food in the OP, and bleated about the price of Coke. If you want good fish and chips there are better places than W.......
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