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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. Is the re-entry desk open 24 hours a day........ and are aware what happens at Don Muang?
  2. I believe this to relate to EU expats only, but I wonder if it might be the trigger to look at ALL expat accounts. Non-residents can no longer open UK mainstream bank accounts so it could be a logical step. https://lifestylegroup.es/uk-banks-close-accounts-brits-spain/
  3. I agree entirely with the comment but would the carrier see the Thai passport other than at the initial check in? I imagine that the Thai passport will not be produced again until arrival in Thailand.
  4. This looks to be in the wrong section - sound like a TV to Thailand?
  5. You have a year - a pointless exercise IMO. Far better to arrange a usufruct/superficary.
  6. ….and you think there is only one? Add the 3 that I know to the list.
  7. Ha Ha I take your point - but I am still prepared to put my money where my mouth is if there are any takers.????
  8. 90 day reporting is much easier to reinstate. But, I could be wrong - take up the wager if you wish Doctor ????
  9. I think you will understand that is the biggest reason why I believe this will be a permanent change. Already, TM6 is not required for 90 day reporting To switch back to using TM6 makes no sense at all and as for “what happens if..”, some people will not have a TM6 and Immigration would have to issue new ones (as they did previously with lost TM6 cards). I am quite prepared to wager a fistful of Baht that we have seen the last of the TM6.
  10. Thank you OJAS, that joins the dots up quite nicely and should alleviate some of the concerns that some posters had.
  11. Correct, I didn't say that, I don't think that - but good effort at trying to put words in my mouth.
  12. True...but no cost is involved so you are losing nothing... except the effort of one extra report every couple of years
  13. That is correct...it is 14 calendar days as Immigration count the report date as day 1. Last time I received an email 16 (calendar) days before, I submitted the next day and received approval the day after that.
  14. ....and 15 days before, not 7 days
  15. C'mon, you are not THAT naïve surely? He got away with one, same as the odious Dominic Cummings.
  16. You mean your wife's fraud with the cards - or the sloppy collection methods?
  17. Agree....although it is largely superfluous if you have a UK bank card to swipe.
  18. The rest of the world can manage it - and biometrics?, even the Thais couldn't screw that up.............could they?
  19. You cannot get a reentry permit online - but you can do it any Immigration office, or at an airport (personally I would do it before flying).
  20. I found it dated last time I stayed there (pre-Covid) and perhaps living on it's reputation. Nature View is also worth considering.
  21. So you don't think that it is a step forward? You surprise me Dr Jack, with your knowledge and experience of Immigration, I thought that you would see this as a positive......and, come on, you have been around long enough to understand Thai style - introducing the change as 'temporary' covers them against any accusation if flip-flopping if they revert to TM6's. My money is on this becoming permanent.
  22. Do you whine about everything? This is a very sensible step forward by the Thai authorities.. welcome it, rather than have a pointless rant.
  23. Don't apply logic top progress in Thailand. 'Temporary suspension' of 90 day reporting will be next - possibly even this year.
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