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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. So, as we thought, she can't. It is also bl00dy ridiculous that these jobsworths take a sledgehammer to crack a nut approach. Anyone of decent standing, who is prepared to supply, say, a copy of their passport should be able to make these confirmations. The outside world seems to think that a member of the corrupt Thailand police force is a suitable witness for, say, a Life Certificate.
  2. Sensible point but Thailand's Siamburi's is not a vast supermarket with own brand products. The exception was probably bulk purchases of cheese where they repackaged smaller portions.....FDA didn't like that apparently. I agree that competition between Thailand supermarket groups is possible and you can see this with Big C, Lotus' and Makro - my Tchibo coffee is nearly always cheaper in Makro. Competition is limited because of the size/power of CP. Saving a few Baht is more challenging because, like the UK, no one supermarket can be the cheapest on every product.
  3. What does legalise mean, in this context.
  4. I know I am being repetitive but it is not a remittance. It is an intra country transfer - and, yes, whilst WISE Payments are similar they are marked as trade finance.
  5. It's not a remittance......
  6. Absolutely true.....and why should there be. A business is there to make a profit - otherwise we all know what happens. A race to the bottom by cutting prices to try and beat the competition has no future; the punters benefit, in the short term, but the end result is fewer businesses and less choice. Siamburi's has had occasional great offers at times - notably the cheeses. Beyond that it a place, amongst others, where can get food from at sensible prices. Those who expect something for nothing - and there are many - will get SFA., If you want an example of price gouging (or ineptitude with initial pricing) look no further than MAKRO. Their own ARO brand of vintage cheese was 199 Baht last week for 450g - now it is 245 Baht, an increase of 23%.
  7. Buddhism (or any other religion) plays no part in tourism. I am very familiar with rural areas and you are exaggerating by saying "many".
  8. I didn't say it was his birthday.......it was a substitute day for 13th October - the anniversary the anniversary of his passing. I was wrong about it being no alcohol sales - sorry about that.
  9. 85 years? That probably explains the over reaction in many of your posts.
  10. Nonsense. They would like to think it would..............
  11. Oh please! Don't go throwing 'culture' at me when many Thais go on the pi55 on Buddha days. Buddhism is NOT a culture it is a religion, and I don't have any. I respect the right of others to have a deity of their choosing - but don't drag me into it. I accept that Monday was King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great Memorial Day and not a Buddha day. Nevertheless, it might have been nice to visit a local restaurant and raise a toast in his memory; still we could not do that on his birthday so why should a memorial day be any different! IMO prohibition doesn't work and it is a symptom of a weak and insecure/controlling administration......... Thailand is a classic example of exactly how it doesn't work! If the authorities cannot trust the Thais with alcohol (election days are a classic) then exclude Farangs from this law. Yes, I do feel sorry for tourists in populated areas who are unaware of this and may have been attracted to Thailand by it's social scene. I have respected Thai culture for over 18 years - this is not culture; it is law - and an outdated inappropriate one at that/
  12. I never had a problem when I lived in the ar5e end of Buriram - as long as I used the local Kodak shop; he had a printout of the HMPO specifications on his wall.
  13. It is not a bank/office holiday. Never mind the tourist industry this an antiquated law that needs abolishing. Prohibition has never worked - and certainly not in Thailand.
  14. If you are that nervous, consider using the services of an agent who will use their card.
  15. I would. ..... and I have banged some beautiful English women in the past.
  16. Many who didn't have the shots are indeed dead.....................
  17. Not usually with drunken Indians though. Selfies, and with their peer group, yes.
  18. I have seen those coconut pick ups down on their back axle, so I am sure there must be a stability issue.
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 234 seconds  
  20. I am there with your friend, that has been my chosen route for 12 years - and it avoids having to play Jenga or Connect 4............
  21. You may wish to review that self-deprecating comment.
  22. Surely you mean "self-anointed"
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