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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. I suggest that you avoid high season; and Treetown - that is the same for motorbikes (especially with all food carts/vendors parked down the centre).
  2. Me too......................what evidence brought you to that conclusion.
  3. Grain?
  4. No......not necessary - they are usually quite obvious.
  5. Seek contentment, be happy in your skin, learn to enjoy your own company and don't think that everything looks better through the bottom of a beer glass. Then decide what to do with your time.
  6. Oh no! Don't say you missed it.........................😉
  7. Speed alone rarely kills. Speeding + poor driving ability + alcohol will often = death.
  8. Perhaps you think too much. Just make use of the services they offer. Fractional Reserve Banking has been around since the Medici's in Florence in the late 15th century and banking since Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena formed in 1472. It's not going away.
  9. No, I don't need to this is an English language forum .....but I have spell checker - just in case I ever accidently find myself on a Dutch forum.. I wasn't picking up your spelling, I was asking a genuine question. Why do you think they are rubbish?
  10. "ar rubish"................................ at what?
  11. That is 100% correct. The two woman I had this week were 55kg and 65kg
  12. True.....but you also need to eliminate the corruption option. Everyone knows that whatever the prosecution, corruption can be a way out.
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 205 seconds  
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 196 seconds  
  15. In all honesty I can't remember (and the WISE pdf doesn't show the reason). I routinely use the long term funds' option but I cannot guarantee that I used it on this occasion. Actually, I don't usually transfer at weekends - I might take the 72 hour option and wait for Monday to see what the rate is. This was a small transfer (which was for a friend wanting to transfer money to his wife) so I may have used a different reason for transfer.
  16. "Western food"? Thai chicken, Thai sauces, Thai fries (or potatoes), Thai bread and Thai lettuce, tomato etc. 😉
  17. Yes. One example, last Saturday, it took seconds to appear in K Bank. Ser attached.
  18. I have successfully transferred WISE to Kasikorn at weekends
  19. hotandsticky

    Thai Tax

    No. But it could get cloudier.
  20. Your assertion.....can you provide a link to support the claim that it is a myth?
  21. Almost amusing................................but it wasn't.
  22. That is only part of the issue. In Thailand it seems that the role of the police is car is to travel from A to B and not get involved in law enforcement en route. The appalling road kill count is initially down to lack of education and training.............correct policing is a small factor and should come after education.
  23. Well you know that they can't lose face.......................
  24. I didn't. When I came here at age 50 the state pension was a distant thought. Knowing that my state pension would be frozen would not have changed my decision. It is an unfair situation and as laudable as all these Change petitions are, they are p1ssing in the wind - no government has the incentive to change it. As Maya Angelou said "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
  25. Sorry, I disagree with that. There are many people like me (financially comfortable) who chose Thailand for its many qualities. I avoid buying crap (although I have in past) but I will always look for value I could not be happier than I have been over the last 18 years.
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