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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. In all honesty I can't remember (and the WISE pdf doesn't show the reason). I routinely use the long term funds' option but I cannot guarantee that I used it on this occasion. Actually, I don't usually transfer at weekends - I might take the 72 hour option and wait for Monday to see what the rate is. This was a small transfer (which was for a friend wanting to transfer money to his wife) so I may have used a different reason for transfer.
  2. "Western food"? Thai chicken, Thai sauces, Thai fries (or potatoes), Thai bread and Thai lettuce, tomato etc. 😉
  3. Yes. One example, last Saturday, it took seconds to appear in K Bank. Ser attached.
  4. I have successfully transferred WISE to Kasikorn at weekends
  5. hotandsticky

    Thai Tax

    No. But it could get cloudier.
  6. Your assertion.....can you provide a link to support the claim that it is a myth?
  7. Almost amusing................................but it wasn't.
  8. That is only part of the issue. In Thailand it seems that the role of the police is car is to travel from A to B and not get involved in law enforcement en route. The appalling road kill count is initially down to lack of education and training.............correct policing is a small factor and should come after education.
  9. Well you know that they can't lose face.......................
  10. I didn't. When I came here at age 50 the state pension was a distant thought. Knowing that my state pension would be frozen would not have changed my decision. It is an unfair situation and as laudable as all these Change petitions are, they are p1ssing in the wind - no government has the incentive to change it. As Maya Angelou said "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
  11. Sorry, I disagree with that. There are many people like me (financially comfortable) who chose Thailand for its many qualities. I avoid buying crap (although I have in past) but I will always look for value I could not be happier than I have been over the last 18 years.
  12. Which role did you play?.......😉
  13. No it isn't....especially up country. The conditions/facilities with those street stalls (plus use of cheap oils etc) are the reason.
  14. .....plus other pompous pr1cks and wannabe Thais.....
  15. Nonsense......note the term "IMMEDIATELY entitled" 5 Doctors, dentists, and hospital treatment In the UK, NHS emergency care and primary care provided by GPs is free for all. Secondary care and the provision of free NHS nonemergency hospital treatment is based on being ‘ordinarily resident’ in the UK. It is not affected by your nationality, whether you pay UK taxes or NI contributions or own a property, nor being registered with a GP or having an NHS number. If you are a UK national, you have automatic right of abode in the UK. If you have been living abroad, you pass the ordinarily resident test on resuming settled residence here and are immediately entitled to free NHS non-emergency hospital care . https://www.ageuk.org.uk/globalassets/age-uk/documents/factsheets/fs25_returning_from_abroad_fcs.pdf
  16. Not the first time that an IO was wrong. It was no issue for me as I simply went to the other Buriram Immigration office and changed the date on the TM8.....Bingo! I simply recount the story so others will have the sense to avoid a similar situation by putting a closer date on the application.
  17. Whilst the date is irrelevant, I did have a problem on one occasion when the IO told me to come back nearer my exit date. Now I just put a date that is one month ahead.
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 167 seconds  
  19. My smoking days are decades behind me - before I started traveling to Thailand in 2006 - but I can see that could be a factor for some. I have a daughter living near Birmingham so Emirates flights to BHX are the best option for me. In the days when I headed to East Anglia I was happy to come into Heathrow and often took direct flights - EVA being first choice, and in those days BA over THAI.
  20. Personal choice. Stretching your legs at the midpoint of a 14 hour journey is not a bad thing. The overriding factor me is convenience of arrival point/time - this often results in me not wanting to arrive at Heathrow.
  21. To be fair, he did say "extension on retirement visa....."........ and indeed, he has an extension of stay based on that original retirement visa. I accept that, factually, each extension is a 'new' application - and he could apply e.g. on the basis of retirement or marriage.
  22. I would take QATAR over THAI any day.
  23. I am a Brit and my glass is always at least half full. I am hugely content in Thailand and rarely complain about anything.
  24. No.Please read my posts again. Maneerat could not offer the income method (that was my preferred option). I had to float up 800k by 19 January for an application on 19th March with a 19th June expiry date . Maneerat are great - professional and knowledgeable; it would be great if they could do the income method. I obviously paid 8k.
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