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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Could someone add the vegetarian Khao Soi at Aum Vegetarian restarant? :o

    Personally, I have found the vegetarian Khao Soi delicious. The meat I've had never seems to add to the dish- it just tastes confusing to me.. Also less Tong Sia :D

  2. where can i rent a motorcycle, like a cbr150 or a phantom or tiger or... ?

    i'm not sure what i'm looking for and would like to rent a variety of bikes to try them out for size.

    any locations with reliable bikes at descent prices?

    there's a place just North of TP Gate that has a couple of bigger very used bikes (400cc) for 15-18k/month.. seems a bit high.. comments?


    15 - 18k is too high. More like 4-6k/month for used bike 400cc. If you want t know someone reliable to possibly rent from, call Joe at 251-186. He is a farang

  3. No pumps installed yet, this is the dry season.

    Never rains in CM until May at the earliest.

    I have seen it rain here in January and February, and last year is rained a bit during songkran I believe.

    It pretty much rains every Songkran. Rains start before May.

  4. I do understand how UG and others who make their living from a steady stream of visitors would like to minimize the reputation of Chiang Mai as a dirty place. But even those people without lung diseases probably would prefer not to smell like exhaust fumes.

    Let's be honest: come and visit Chiang Mai and spend your money on bars and used books, but be prepared to stink like smoke. Maybe the TAT can hand out free clothes freshening spray at all ports of embarkation.

    The truth is that most people who live here ALL THE TIME are bothered very little by the air and it just gets on my nerves when a few people who have some kind of medical conditions or who are overly sensitive keep shouting out that the sky is falling when it is not. :o

    I agree with you 100%. Sure, they can come here to complain, but once heard, it is enough..

  5. Just reading these last few messages rgarding southern cooking.. . Does anyone know of a place that serves fried chicken you find in the south? It's made with a sauce that turns it red, and there is the kind roasted with satay-like sauce... What about Martabak? Makes me hungy thinking about it :o

  6. I have never been up north and know very little about CM but considering a move based on the few things I know.

    So the question is, are you sacrificing anything by living in the North versus say Bangkok?

    Specifically, how is the infrastructure? Are your utilities, internet, housing, etc... reliable and to your liking? And, are you able to buy the things you like? I assume a city the size of CM would have a Tesco or something similar and some western themed places.

    thanks in advance

    oh yea, onne more thing. Are u happy with your decision to live there?

    Nobody mentions the real reason (I think) most of the saner people choose to live here is because of the easily accesible nature areas. Some of the most interesting hilltribes, et all, in the area, too. When I lived in Bkk, I remember having to drive 3 hours before I could find some forest in Kanchaburi... Here I am 5 minutes away.. :D

    Currently, I worry about Chiang Mai becoming another Pattaya... :o

  7. The main problem seems to be burning (of rice husks, garbage, and deliberate forest fires) and it affects the entire North which is quite clear to anyone who has ventured out of town in December - May.

    Not sure to what extent localized pollution from traffic within the city would matter.

    It's quite possible the lung cancer rates are higher here than in Bangkok as suggested by academic studies, but it would be even more interesting to see comparative data with for example Chiang Rai, Mae Hong Son, Phrae, Lamphun, Lampang and Nan.

    If you knew how/why these statistics were kept, you wouldn't believe any of them.

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