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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Check out Huay Tung Tao for a lazy afternoon by a lakeside.

    You can also take a look at this site: treetopasia.com

    how is Heuy Tong Tao for a saturday afternoon for two kids aged 4 and 3 years old with their brand new bicycles? what time best to go and what time best to leave?

    farang rates for entrance?

    The lake is great for kids of any age. Not much traffic weekdays, not sure about weekends. Just before you hit the lake there is a long track ideally suited for bikes that pretty much follows the entrance. A good places to ride a bike and not worry about vehicles is located on the west side about 2km left of the entrance. Now the back road (to Doi Pui road) is paved all around. I think the fare (same for everyone) is 20 baht per person with a vehicle.

  2. The reason I wrote 'sad' as a comment was that I saw it as sad that you haven't read any better letters regarding Mae Sai Immigration. There have been many good letters printed here over the years, but in my opinion, your friends letter wasn't one of them. His letter didn't tell us anything new or interesting.

  3. Almost as sad, I suppose, as the boredom and loneliness that keeps you reading posts four months old. :o

    You assume too much to criticise accurately, I think.

    Oh, wait, now I see. You are the guy who made that silly comment... :D

    Sad, now silly. At least my faults are easily cataloged alphabetically.

    The "silly" comment I made was on a subject of considerable importance to us who live near the border. Mae Sai Immigration goes to a lot of trouble to help foreigners and is to be highly recommended for their patience and good will towards people who often are completely ignorant of the immigration and visa laws of this country and usually speak very little Thai.

    I read regular complaints on this forum regarding the other immigration offices and I was merely, and I'll admit a little over effusively, trying to congratulate Oneeyed John on what I thought was a very good post.

    My initial reaction was that your comment was just a childish troll and I treated it accordingly. If you took offence at this, so be it, My friend Ulysses G says you're normally a good guy so I'll take his word for it and let the matter rest with out calling you an imbecile which would be my natural reaction under the circumstances.

    My, what a hissy fit you try to to give. :D

  4. My theory is that most alchohol tastes like sh1t and everyone pretends the opposite. I do enjoy an ice cold lager beer when it is hot outside, but, other than that (and some flavored liquors), most alchoholic beverages taste horrible. :D

    All alcoholic beverages taste terrible to me

    Well it looks like UG and Ajarn are both cheap dates :D

    I may be a cheap date, but I'm pure. :o

  5. My theory is that most alchohol tastes like sh1t and everyone pretends the opposite. I do enjoy an ice cold lager beer when it is hot outside, but, other than that (and some flavored liquors), most alchoholic beverages taste horrible. :o

    All alcoholic beverages taste terrible to me

  6. 2 things you have to remember. Eat less and exercise more. All the rest is bullshit. Forget the slimming pills.

    After losing more than 120 kilos, I think you are right. My experience tells me that all I have to do is eat less food and add some excercise... and the weight is lost. Also, it doesn't mean that you can't enjoy what you like. Just eat less of it. Everything else is bullshit

  7. Almost as sad, I suppose, as the boredom and loneliness that keeps you reading posts four months old. :o

    You assume too much to criticise accurately, I think.

    Oh, wait, now I see. You are the guy who made that silly comment... :D

  8. I have the perfect weight loss strategy which I'm experimenting with as I type:-

    Come to Bangalore ==> Drink too much Kingfisher ==> Buy street food ==> Get to know the inside of the bog door intimately ==> Rapid weight loss :D:D


    My advice. Count calories and don't worry about what you are eating as long as you balance your diet with vitamins

  9. Hi all,

    It was an explosion in a House or shed between Laguna 4 and the inner road to the road of Rimping.

    Sorry dont know the names yet, just here.

    We are living on La Guna and yes there was a big blow.

    I couldnt see where it was coming from, but the Thai neighbours where looking arround on the motor bike, and when they where back they told me that it was someone how is always preparing the fire work bombs for the festivals.

    Something has gone wrong and blow up the house.

    Bad luck for this guy.

    So far I have heard there where 2 people very serious injured, not dead.


    Not the same sound...

    Sorry to appear obtuse --but who posted the original post? I thought Malmagician was asking about a noise and now Ajarn is saying that the explosion referred to was 'not the same sound'--same as what? Aircraft overhead, I guess.

    It was simply a sonic boom. I heard it and I saw it in the sky...

    Is it possible to see a sonic boom ?

    I saw it (the plane) in the sky.

  10. The guys in Maesai Immigration have a very difficult time dealing with allsorts of nationality on a daily basis. I've been going there for 6 years or more and have received the best of attention always. This year has been tricky with my marriage type visa but having spent time there today I gained an insight to the difficulty they have. For one the new regulations give them more headaches than we suffer, so much so that form filling on their side is done via a typewriter rather than a computer. They ask a question such as what is your fathers' name and if your response is 'well he died 40 years ago what the heck do you wanna know for', you are not going to get very far. Best just to answer politely and let them do the work.

    I remember slipping a couple of thousand in my passport on my first visit there, thinking it was the way to do things, and it was handed back immediately.

    The paperwork I gave them today ( 2 copies signed) was kept to a minimum, which they appreciate. What they do appreciate even more is to have most every document translated into Thai...marriage cert, proof of income,etc. They can read English but reading Thai doesn't give them a headache.

    The single most important part of our lives here in Thailand is having the ability and permission to stay here, and I think we should be thankful to Maesai Immigration for making it possible in a very pleasant way.

    If you don't believe me, go to Suan Plu Bkk.

    We are very fortunate indeed up here in the north.

    This is the best post I've seen in the Chiang Rai forum for a long time.

    Sad :o

  11. Hi all,

    It was an explosion in a House or shed between Laguna 4 and the inner road to the road of Rimping.

    Sorry dont know the names yet, just here.

    We are living on La Guna and yes there was a big blow.

    I couldnt see where it was coming from, but the Thai neighbours where looking arround on the motor bike, and when they where back they told me that it was someone how is always preparing the fire work bombs for the festivals.

    Something has gone wrong and blow up the house.

    Bad luck for this guy.

    So far I have heard there where 2 people very serious injured, not dead.


    Not the same sound...

    Sorry to appear obtuse --but who posted the original post? I thought Malmagician was asking about a noise and now Ajarn is saying that the explosion referred to was 'not the same sound'--same as what? Aircraft overhead, I guess.

    It was simply a sonic boom. I heard it and I saw it in the sky...

  12. Hi all,

    It was an explosion in a House or shed between Laguna 4 and the inner road to the road of Rimping.

    Sorry dont know the names yet, just here.

    We are living on La Guna and yes there was a big blow.

    I couldnt see where it was coming from, but the Thai neighbours where looking arround on the motor bike, and when they where back they told me that it was someone how is always preparing the fire work bombs for the festivals.

    Something has gone wrong and blow up the house.

    Bad luck for this guy.

    So far I have heard there where 2 people very serious injured, not dead.


    Not the same sound...

  13. I want to have a new window installed in my condo. I was quoted 4500bt by the building's installer. Is that a fair price? Sounds high to me...

    I want a normal two-sliding-door tinted window assembly. They are made with aluminium frames. The standard thai window in condos.

    The size is just over a meter square - 1.1 x 1.15.

    There is already a window there, and therefore it is a simple job - no cutting concrete, or anything.

    4500 ok? Any recommendations for window companies?

    thanks, Mark

    I would say that price is fine. I just installed 2 large sliding glass doors for my terrace, aluminum frame, dark tint, and it was 11K. A buddy who does a lot of renos says the norm is about 10K for a sliding door 200cm X 200CM. So, given that your area is about half that, it seems on par.

    Maybe you paid too much.. I installed the same large size aluminum doors with a mozzie screen/door and paid B5,000 for a fair bit of work on two occasions.

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