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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Ajarn used to pull up to the front of my shop, beep his horn loudly and yell out, "bring me a Citylife, proprietor". I'd quickly trot one out, he'd grab it - asking how I was doing - gun his engine and take off leaving me in a cloud of smoke!

    Hasn't been around lately though. :D

    I haven't been around because the traffic flow doesn't allow me to park at all. Never beeped my horn though :o

  2. Pim does a great job.

    I enjoy Citylife and think that it is the best magazine of its type in Thailand. I also feel that advertisers get more than their money's worth because at the first of every month all the expats are looking for it. :o

    I used to look for it every month, but I realized that most of the writing isn't interesting to me, and the ads and such are the same each month... But it is the best magazine in Chiang Mai, in my opinion.

  3. I noticed some new chocolate places around Chiang Mai. How does Duc de Prasin chocolates compare with others you've tried ?

    Oops, sorry about the double post... I got an error so I thought the first one didn't go.

    Is 'Duc de Prasin' just a fancy name for thai (cheap) chocolate?

    Or is it the name of a place? Where is it?

  4. Thai airways does the best pies, closely followed by kasems IMO

    In my experience with Pies here, the best place is Chalerm Resort at Kp #141 on the Doi Saket/ Chiang Rai road. I have been a regular visitor more than 20 years and I really enjoy their Western style pies. Oh, they have food, too. :o

    The second best place is the Chalerm Resort's place at the Airport Plaza. They make their own pies...

  5. First, you sound like a newbie when buying anything here. Just not enough time in the trenches maybe. Second, 2 million baht isn't much, even by Thai Standards. I'd suggest 5-10 million baht as a start.

    Money leaves the pocket very fast and furious on projects such as yours.

  6. I eat Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner at several places every year (on different days), but in all honesty, Bake and Bite Chang Klan Road branch has the best tasting turkey dinners - by far - and is much less expensive than other places.

    They also will deliver to your home.

    PM me for Gai's phone number.

    I agree with you 98% :D

    Last year, on her delivery to me, she forgot to add their great stuffing :D

    I've used them for the last 4 years. Everything they have is delicious :o

  7. never hear deum. Always hear kin. Education hasn't sat still since 1960. You may not have noticed.

    Maybe it's the crowd yer hangin with. Bargirls ?

    Since you are not learning thai, I think you don't know what you are talking about.

    One of the reasons for studying Thai at AUA is the quality you get. People who talk thai with you can tell you where you got your Thai. A person with a non-bargirl type of thai will be respected more.

  8. I didn't like AUA. They use a 1960 textbook amd 19th century teaching methodology. For example, They teach you to say 'deum' for 'drink' but forget to tell you it's so formal you'll probably never hear it. I found some of the teachers rude and impatient - maybe I was unlucky.

    I hear 'duem' used a lot by native speakers. Might be 'formal', but it certainly is used a lot. Have there been many changes to Thai learning since the sixties? Doubt it.

  9. aua is a waste, never experienced such a rotten service anywhere...even McDs' has nicer employees.

    Got a feeling you are more of a waste than AUA. I studied there with Ajarn Oranute for 6 months. She was the best teacher I have ever had, and I learned an enormous amount of useful Thai ...

    so because you had a great experience that makes mine and my mates experience less a waste? nice deduction.

    That is your deduction, not mine :o

  10. I have two of the wireless setups, one for ubc, one for satelite tv. Have had them for about 4 years with no problems.. My cost was 1500 baht. Great devices :o

  11. Some say the burning season only last one or two months, I say it lasts a lot longer.

    If there is nothing wrong with you already, one barely notices 'burning season' or pollution in general in Chiang Mai. People with breathing problems apparently do. Last year was extremely unusual because of weather conditions, and the smoke really only bothered me for 3 or 4 days, but the media blew the whole thing way out of proportion and really screwed up tourism for a long time after things had returned to normal. :o .

    UG, how can you say the media blew it out of proportion, if anything they underplayed it in my view. I haven't googled it to find the data but as I recall the number of hospital admissions and the death rate soared as a result of last years fires. The fact alone that airports were closed in the North as a result of the lack of visibility gives some clues as to the magnitude of the associated health problems.

    I submit it is bad reasoning to conclude that something that has never happened before should be the basis by which one gauges an areas liveability. It would be just as ludicrous to warn people to stay away from Phuket because of tsunami hazards. Both are rare environmental events.

    I've been living here for 22 years, and every year the airports close...

  12. I am looking for real Burmese food, not Burmese influenced dishes. I mean things like the dried tea salad and a sour vegetable dish I can't really pronounce, that sort of thing. Is there such a place in Chiang Mai? I miss this food from when I lived in San Francisco. I also don't understand why there aren't Burmese and Malaysian restaurants all over Thailand; its like there is no interest in neighboring cuisines. Cambodian food we can do without ...

    Maybe there aren't Burmese or Malaysian restaurants around, but the food is. Unlike San Fran, most folks do not get their food from a restaurant in that sense, but from hawkers on every corner... Look around and I'm sure you can find whatever your heart desires

  13. Palm trees and so called banana trees, the latter of which are fast-growing, don't make a mess and look nice.

    The only mess they make is their continual rooting all over. I planted three banana trees, which when they were ready, turned into twenty rootings, effectively destroying anything else I plant in the area... The Palm trees were slower, but with a similar effect...

  14. I don't have his number handy, but Prathom is an excellent electrician and is listed above in the file.


    I tried to call the numbers listed for Prathom, but both were not working. If you happen to have a current number for him that would be great.

    Cheers man

    The number I have works. 08-170-66939

  15. They are also known as the Samurai Gang because of their use of Samurai-type weapons.

    Can anyone shed more light on this?

    My estranged stepson is a full member of the Samurai gang c/w full samurai tattoo down his back and other tattoos visible on the back of his neck. He's been in jail for one year on a four year term.

    He went in at age 18 yrs.. .

    I was trying to get him to operate a 'kabohk' for/with me....saying that if he wants to be a professional gangster he better get some muscle on him. "Ahhhh, Leung Ken....please, just buy me a gun." was his response. Poor lad ended up with blisters instead.

    The 'strikers' are still fairly young, mid to late teens and still not organized/competant enough to be a real threat, except to other teenagers. Classic 'gai chon' behaviour that attracts young girls and instills fear in rival teenagers.

    I doubt that there is any threat to Fallang unless they are obviously in need of a cultural tune up.

    They are just teenagers with teenage passions/frustrations....but with back up.


    You've got it all wrong Ken....

    As Maejo Man says, these gangs were killing people around Chiang Mai some years ago. There were a number of beheadings by these teenage gangs, some members were as young 16 - 17. The victims were not just other tennagers, they were all ages.

    I remember as recently as 8 years ago a Thai friend in his 40's lost most of his right ear to a sword attack, he was able to avoid the full blow that was aimed at his throat.

    The average age of US soldiers in Vietnam was 19 years, they were trained to kill at 17 - 18 in the "civilized" 1st world. The guys on the other side were a lot younger in many instances and more than capable of killing their enemies.

    These gangs are not an idle threat and their teenage passions/frustrations, as you put it Ken, do not give them the right to go around beating and killing people. In gang mentality the killing of a foreigner would surely earn them an extra feather in their cap and respect from their peers.

    Anyone who thinks the Samurai gang is gone is wrong..

    I read in the Thai news that recently, about two weeks ago, that they were doing the same as they did at the Mae Jo intersection about three years ago, which involved blocking the intersection and attacking some locals on their bikes. A few kids were caught shortly after...

    The Samurai gang is known to attack locals, not farangs.

  16. I know I only have relatively few posts on here, but I am on TV every day. How do I get to moderator status? I have free time and would love to help moderating the CM board. Not interested in SUPER moderator, as I dont really read much of the other threads.


    Can I join the elite?


    I have been asked twice to become a moderator. Both times I said no because I wasn't interested in being a guy who is into rules, and the fact that most (if not all) of the mods are the kind of people who take themselves way too seriously, doing things like deleting posts for no good reason and playing power games with others....

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