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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Except for the bounced check, everything else sounds like items I think are common for most to deal with hotels...No big deal, I say...

    And I don't believe you when you say she said, "We loose face, very bad !!", because it's clear that you don't understand face, but I will say the Thai women does, and she wouldn't have said it at all...

    Makes me wonder what else you made up...

  2. I heard about a new bus to Pai, called the #24 Golden Dragon Half Bus, from the Arcade bus station. I read about it at: http://allaboutpai.com/bus.htm. Anybody know any details on this bus? According to the web site, it is actually somewhat comfortable, unlike the regular buses or minivans.

    Anybody use this bus, or hear anything about it?

    According to the website, it has only one departure daily, at 7:30 a.m. Not sure when tickets go on sale, i.e., can you purchase them in advance, or only the day of? Might have to stop at the bus station tonight and find out, but if anybody has any info, it is appreciated.

    Just so you know, because of the curvyness of the road to Pai, no bus ride is going to be comfortable- you sure won't get a nap :o

  3. I notice that Thais drive even worse than usual when it is hot. Not the time to be helmetless! :o

    i actually thought they drove worse when its raining...

    sunny morning = 30 mins to work

    rainy morning = 70 mins to work

    bad weather = thai driver = no clue = me late for work.

    Always 'somebody else', huh? What about your driving? I always feel that I need to be careful around farang drivers.. :D

    Besides, everywhere I have ever lived, when it rains, people drive more slowly... :D

  4. The dealer on the Hang Dong road has both engine models as test drive vehicles to use.

    Also, you were just unlucky that the vehicle had just been sold... Niyom Phanich used to just DISCONNECT THE odometer/speedometer sensor and let people test drive, then sell the vehicle as new.

    If that doesn't tell you something about them then I don't know what will.

    Sounds like you're making it up... :o

  5. Popping over to LOS for a few days so I won't have much free time to comparison shop for price and quality.

    I understand the washer I bought a decade past has gone to the old appliance shop in the sky. I seek a resonably priced washer with a spin cycle, not the cheap dual tub with a wringer attached to it.

    As my wife isn't coming with me this trip I gotta get it right on all counts or suffer her wrath when she and I return for 6 weeks in Jan. Feb

    Ok her wrath isn't hard to take, but I prefer to hear good job, to you go shopping baba bobo? :o

    Looked around a fair bit - and settled on Tesco a month or two back - offers always changing, but Powerhouse mostly more pricey. What model you get is your choice - all types available - make sure can be plumbed in as well as delivered for you. R

    When has Tesco ever done delivery or plumbing?

    Stick with Siam TV as others have suggested. In my experience, they have the best sales/service in Chiang Mai.

  6. The reason it rains 'more' near and in some mountains is due to the warm air rising up some mountains which then come in contac with the cooler clouds above... There is no way to tell if Pai gets more rain than the areas around Chiang Mai because it is the same situation happening in both areas...

  7. At what stage of disassembly do you want it. Bamboo furniture normally comes assembled otherwise you'll have miles of bamboo.

    I wanted it at the stage just prior to slapping it together....What I want to do is stuff a container of the furniture and ship it. I'm thinking that as you pay by the cubic meter a person may want to optimize the container.

    Thanks for your help!!!!! :o

    Mostly I see the small factories making the stuff only a bit at a time.. I don't see them making parts for more than one piece of furniture at a time.. Sorry

  8. I have never seen 'good' bamboo furniture at a reasonable price anywhere in the North...

    Mostly, it looks nice but the construction is crap.. Sofa price starts around 10,000 baht..

    The price of bamboo can't be compared to the price of any wood, yet it's overpriced in furniture, in my opinion.

  9. Why not put up gutters? They are available here in vinyl and galvanized. I think the Malay grass is most suited for here.

    Japanese grass does quite well, but it needs to be taken care of...

  10. bump bump.

    Thought it better to bump a thread on the subject rather than creating a new one.

    Just wondered if anyone knows of any other online ordering & home delivery site for takeout than just the pizza company. On the rare occasions i order in, i prefer to view whats available online, order online, get it delivered via an form online and then either pay the guy or pay ...online!

    Cmon..if im gonna be lazy, i like being super lazy...and doing it all online rather than over the phone generally saves fuss and error..i think.

    Anyway..know of any pulez? :o

    p.s: Moddies, any chance of taking the good links, placing them in a thread, and pinning them?

    I'm sure private pizza joints will only deliver downtown or close by to themselves.

    I heard that Paradise Pizza delivers, and besides the mentioned Pizza Company, there is always Pizza Hut 1150...

    I'd suggest you make direct contact with anyplace you like, and if they got someone who wants some money, then make a deal with them...

  11. Is there any way to combine Chiang Dao and Pai or are they too far apart?

    Well, you can actually continue past Chiang Dao cave and keep going until you hit Huay Nam Dang national park, which connects back to the road to Pai & Mae Hong Son. That's through the hills though, and while it's very scenic, I'm not sure the road is paved all the way, meaning it would be, well, interesting, in the rainy season.

    So it's probably faster to just go back South from Chiang Dao along the main road, then take the main road to Pai; it's not that much of a detour.

    From my recent experience, that road goes about 35 k past the cave before it hits a town. A far as I can tell, that's where it ends. No road out to anywhere from there... I looked carefully both times I was there.

  12. Sbk - if you mean Nai Yang Beach, then it's still there (!) and still pretty quiet. There are various restaurants, bars etc, but much quieter than Patong etc.

    Coincidentially, I own the hotel nearby which was constructed to be accessible for wheelchairs. But the OP asked about a house and a seaview, so I can't really help. My hotel is about 500 metres from the sea and only has a nice view of the swimming pool :o


    Well, it doesn't have to be a house. Any kind of nice place with a good water view...I have numerous gardens, and a pool, at my house to view, but no ocean.. :D

  13. I personally prefer to turn left at Lampang and go to Phitsanuloke via Den Chai (Phrae) and Uttaradit. It's a bit shorter and a bit more interesting on the bike or in the car with the hills and winding roads.

    Spot on! Forget Tak, it's going out of your way. Get to the main highway lights in Lampang, and go straight over onto the newer highway #11 then on through Den Chai. Far less traffic and better scenery.

    As Boksider said head for Wang Tong as soon as you see the right turn to Phitsanulok and just keep going. A nice scenic stop for coffee etc. when you get to the top of the mountains. Have a good trip.

    The last time I went straight ahead, I remember it qickly turning into a 2 lane road with trucks, people passing, all the way to the intersection where you turnright to Den Chai... I prefer the left at the first crossroad, and then a Right, about 2-3 km up...which goes to a fairly new, very 'fast, no problem', kinda road for a ways...

  14. My current boyfriend reminds us that if you break down en route, you might not get much assistance

    Why's that? You mean something that 100 baht wouldn't solve for someone to go fetch a mechanic from the nearest village?

    (And most likely would be free, even)

    Agreed. A few years ago, my 750 Honda got a rear flat on the Pai/MHS road. In the next 10 minutes, 2 cars drove by. One going in the right direction (Pai) stopped, even though I hadn't signalled him to stop. Anyway, he had a small pickup, and we shoved my bike in the back (for free) for the ride into Pai. He dropped me & Bike at a mechanic who could do the work I needed, and waved me goodbye. :o

  15. If you don't speed and drive safely, I'd say the road is fine for anyone on a bike or car. Some of the uphill and downhill parts you must be careful on. Very nice drive if you can relax.. :o

  16. The other day I was at the new Dukes near the night bazaar. I was not very impressed. First of all it's a rather smallish place with all the tables very close together, and an open kitchen. That means it's quite noisy. Not the perfect place for private conversations. I agree it's noisy all over Thailand, but in the case I have to pay THB 700 plus for a steak, I expect something better than that.

    About the food, It's true they serve large portions of meat. But I'd rather have less, but a better quality. This place can be recommended for lumberjacks, but anybody else should think twice about it.

    By the way, I was there with my 7 seven year old daughter, who had one of the children menus. She didn't like it at all. Afterwards I had to treat her at the Mc Donald next door.

    If I was there with any ANY seven year old, I'm sure they would choose Mcdonalds over any other restaurant! :o

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