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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. In my case, it is often the router 'heating up' which often destroys the signal. Just turning it off for a few moments, then back on, usually makes it work again. I have TOT, too, and I used to call them a lot...

  2. Or maybe don't use credit cards at all until mega companies like Visa come up with the most basic of security. (Requiring you to enter a personal code before the transaction goes through, for example)

    How hard would that be?

    Why aren't they doing it? If I look at your credit card for 4 seconds then I can use the info to order up a storm off the internet.. Is that insane or what? Where else would such non-existing security be tolerated?

    Well, I'd say the US, UK, to start.. To order off the internet, you need at least the current billing address, which ain't that easy to get.

  3. Sorry for being off-topic, but Ajarn, how can you like those pizzas? They are crap!! The concept of cheese on a pizza is something that TPC don't seem to understand!!

    Simply a matter of your opinion vs my opinion...

    One of the many things that make the world an interesting place. As I said in earlier posts I personally don't like Pizza Hut or Pizza Company pizzas but they are obviously doing something right because there are a lot of people, including yourself, who do like them.


    Doesn't make their "pizzas" any better. Thick dough generally uncooked and soggy in the middle with dubious cheap topping seems to be the trademark of both places. Most of their customers are locals who can be excused because they've never been exposed to real pizza.

    I have eaten pizza in many cities, and for over 20 years here. Not once did I ever get a soggy pizza, or one made with cheap ingredients at the Pizza co. I don't think you know what you're talking about...

    Well I guess it's your opinion against mine. :o

    Pizza Hut (Pizza Co for about 5 years) must keep a special Ajarn Pizza on standby just incase you're feeling peckish. The rest of us poor mortals have to accept their standard soggy frisbee.

    Lamphun, you foolish mortal! Why don't you stop eating a crappy (to you) pizza? :D

  4. Sorry for being off-topic, but Ajarn, how can you like those pizzas? They are crap!! The concept of cheese on a pizza is something that TPC don't seem to understand!!

    Simply a matter of your opinion vs my opinion...

    One of the many things that make the world an interesting place. As I said in earlier posts I personally don't like Pizza Hut or Pizza Company pizzas but they are obviously doing something right because there are a lot of people, including yourself, who do like them.


    Doesn't make their "pizzas" any better. Thick dough generally uncooked and soggy in the middle with dubious cheap topping seems to be the trademark of both places. Most of their customers are locals who can be excused because they've never been exposed to real pizza.

    I have eaten pizza in many cities, and for over 20 years here. Not once did I ever get a soggy pizza, or one made with cheap ingredients at the Pizza co. I don't think you know what you're talking about...

  5. Sorry for being off-topic, but Ajarn, how can you like those pizzas? They are crap!! The concept of cheese on a pizza is something that TPC don't seem to understand!!

    Simply a matter of your opinion vs my opinion...

  6. I like the Pizza co. because their pies are thick and delicious and they deliver :o

    I've tried the Dukes and some others, only to be dissapointed with their pies, mostly because they're thin...

  7. After trying a few of the aforementioned I'll go out on a limb and say that a Mickey D's double cheeseburger meal, extra onions, extra mustard, no pickle, large fries and chocolate shake is the best burger experience to be had in CM.

    I have no taste tho'.

    Where is Mickey D's??

    Under the sign of the magical golden arches!

    Except they don't have any shakes...

  8. America/the Dukes versus JJ's farang food in 1991.

    I wonder if there are enough old timers on here that ate in both places to do a poll question on that one? :o

    I'd say, that in 1991, both places were good, wth America a bit better, generally. In the last two years of the America (97-98), when one of the guys left (the one who did the work), leaving it in the hands of the other guy, the one who didn't have a clue.. At that time, I would say that JJ's was clearly the superior place to dine....

  9. After trying a few of the aforementioned I'll go out on a limb and say that a Mickey D's double cheeseburger meal, extra onions, extra mustard, no pickle, large fries and chocolate shake is the best burger experience to be had in CM.

    I have no taste tho'.

    Where is Mickey D's??

  10. Personally, I found the food at Easy Diner to be simply 'okay'. Never noticed anything special... The Mango Tree, in my opinion was mostly crap, with some decent hambugers... For sure, the fancy western dishes there were awful. Tried many things, but only once due to the quality of what was being served. I never ever saw p1p contribute anything to the food or the service.

    Didn't you think the burgers were better at Easy Diner? They reduced the size at the Mango Tree and - being vastly over-weight - I was never quite as happy. :o

    Frankly, they both seemed the same taste, and size...

    tacos, pizza's, steaks, burgers, am sure you are lucky enough to have duke's here. at least you feel like home (san francisco). or actually being in san francisco, definately lucky! (for you)

    I'm from San Francisco, and in my opinion, there are much better hamburger places there than Dukes. It wouldn't be on my 'hamburger list' if I still lived there...

  11. Personally, I found the food at Easy Diner to be simply 'okay'. Never noticed anything special... The Mango Tree, in my opinion was mostly crap, with some decent hambugers... For sure, the fancy western dishes there were awful. Tried many things, but only once due to the quality of what was being served. I never ever saw p1p contribute anything to the food or the service.

  12. How do people feel about the 'under the counter' style of paying fines? I seemed to hear stories of people discretely paying off the fine on the spot more frequently before. A friend of mine once got away with a fine by telling the policeman the bike was new and it would be bad luck for everybody to get fined! Generally being polite to the officers is the best way to go though...

    In my experience, there are only two types of stops; One with an ranking officer present, in such a case lately, I only see them handing out the tickets, I doubt there is much cash under the table... The other kind is a few cops (No ranking officer) out making some money, and in such a case, under the table is the way things happen....

  13. New Mike's Burgers going up near Anusan Market.

    Also, a very prominent resteraunt owner - not Mike, a competitor - claims that burgers at In - an -Out Burger in Hang Dong are TWICE as good as Mike's Burgers are these days. :o

    It sounds suspiciously like a story a restaurant owner would tell you about his place... :D

  14. Though I agree with most farangs here being how they are decribed by you, in my experience with them, they all have been smiling and friendly... It's after I get hooked into being friendly with them that I learn how undesireable they are as friends to me. There is only one farang here I would call a friend. My other friends are all locals.

    Oh well... :o

    That seems a bit harsh Ajarn. I recall when you were rather ill last year the concern and good wishes from so many of the TV contributors indicated that so many of them were friends of yours. Is this a one-way street?

    Of course not. I have, and will continue to wish folks a 'good luck' here, when appropriate. But, since I don't know any of them, at best, it makes them an aquaintence, surely not a friend...

  15. People here on Thai Visa are friendly enough but I'm guessing you have been out since you have been here and I don't know what your experience has been but face to face I have found foreigners to be hostile and extremely unfriendly. I haven't figured it out yet but it's like I'm peeing in their yard when I go to the supermarket. Thais on the other hand are friendly enough and talk to me more or smile and say hello. So, I have lived here for some years and I have one friend from France (funny thing is I'm American) yep we laugh about that a lot but all my other friends are Thai and Chinese. Good luck in your search and I promise if you see me in the street I'll be friendly.

    Though I agree with most farangs here being how they are decribed by you, in my experience with them, they all have been smiling and friendly... It's after I get hooked into being friendly with them that I learn how undesireable they are as friends to me. There is only one farang here I would call a friend. My other friends are all locals.

    Oh well... :o

  16. A lot of REALLY nasty things like this go on locally and have for years. Does anyone remember the Samurai Gang attacking young girls with swords a few years ago?

    There is a reason why our hosts are so paranoid about crime. There are things happening all the time that never get reported in the press. :o

    The Samurai Gang is still around, with news reports of them slashing people and forcing motorcycles to crash at the Mae Jo intersection on the super hiway a couple of years ago. I remember hearing about them when I first came here in 1986. I remember 'them' saying things like that they were mostly kids of rich or influencial families.. One thing I remember being told was, 'Don't worry, they never attack farangs'. That still seems to be true.... Anyway, since they've been around so long, they must get new kids involved, too.

    And, when these kind of things happen, they mostly seem to cover it in the Thai news pretty completely, but not much in the limited English press...

    I never seen any thing live but saw a video clip what shocked me, Please take a look all as this is unbelivable. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/167564/thail...s_as_baseballs/

    Lousy tape because they don't show anyone actually getting hit... Years ago in Songkhla, I witnessed the police using sticks to stop people who refused to stop at checkpoints. I remember feeling glad that they conked a few people. It was pretty wild, late at night, when the kids would come with their loudest bikes and race up and down the street until dawn... They could have shot them, as they do here...

  17. Never personally bought any big ticket items from any of the above. But a few of my long term resident friends here in CM swear by Siam Electronics in the Old Town. I read an article (infomercial?) in BK Post last year about how this independent operator has been able to not only hold his own against the Big Boys, but has actually prospered and expanded. They offer very large selection, immediate delivery and have very competitive pricing. I was in once to shop big screen TVs; they have pretty much every brand in every price range. OP, let us know where you end up buying, and post the results- I'm sure a lot of people will be interested. :D

    Agreed, Siam Tv is the place to go. I've been shopping there for all of my years here. Good sales and service. :o

  18. <BR>Definitely felt it in Chiang Mai.<BR><BR>(Hmm ... this is the BKK forum)<BR>
    I have been sitting, watching tv, and I did not feel anything in chiang mai...
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