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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Ajarn!

    I see you are online. Any thoughts? I know you live near me.


    Ta22, Thanks for the bleeding space tip.

    The only place I use for anything you want is the printer along the soi (left hand side, near beginning of the soi) behind the night bizzare... Left off of Loi Kroh to hit it..

    Found the name: Siam Ratana Printing

    Email: [email protected]

    website: siamexhibition.com

  2. Appears that friends of the Dukes business are trying to gloss over that these are an iffy bunch.

    Why would someone of the oil & gas industry in the United States who should be extremely affluent want to come all the way to Thailand and open a cafe?

    Many farangs that are under pensionable age staying in Thailand are normally into illegal activities, overwise how else do they get their incomes because Thai law is very strict regarding prohibited professions for farangs.

    So far it is kidnapping, what's next? murder and mayhem I wager.

    This guy is a Troll, and people should not feed him or he will keep on with his crap.

  3. What I'm getting at is, is there such a service in Chiang Mai? :D

    I only know of a cctv installer, Topview, phone is 053-288-285..

    I have 4 cameras with tilt-pan, and some sofware that allows me lots of recording options, but the most common is 24hour recording on an 80 giabyte harddrive, and it splits into 4 views on my tv. Paeng noi :o

  4. And you can come on a tourist visa. Immigration will stamp you correctly when you get a legal job.

    Okay, so now I'm confused. So far the consensus seems to be that if you come in on a 30-day VoA then you have to leave Thailand armed with documents and head to Penang, Vientiene etc to apply for a non-imm visa.

    Is it true that you can come in on a tourist visa and trade up to a non-imm visa?

    My brother is considering taking a job here (he's currently teaching TEFL in Rome) and the job ad states 'visa assisted' - whatever that means...

    Advice gratefully received!


    Yes, a minimum 60 day tourist visa is okay for a legal job

  5. If you can find a sponsoring school, then you can apply for a non-imm B visa before you arrive here.

    If you can't, then come here and find a job. Your employer will then send you to a bordering country with a pile of papers to obtain a non-imm B.

    Regardless of whether you have a non-imm B visa or not you will initially work without a work permit (ie illegally). The work permit application by the school to the ministry of labour won't start until you start work and it can take a few months.

    Most of the private schools in Chiang Mai such as Prince Royal's College, VCS, Montfort, Dara Academy... pay around 26K/month to TEFL teachers and 30K+ for subject teachers on an English Programme. Dara actually pay 30K for TEFL teachers, give free accommodation and free food. They also give teachers an all expenses paid vacation with flights to Phuket or somewhere else that's nice at the end of the academic year.

    Government Unis pay around 22K.

    You can earn 250-350 baht/hour teaching in language schools or 'doing' privates.

    Government universities pay 28,500 baht per month...

    And you can come on a tourist visa. Immigration will stamp you correctly when you get a legal job.

  6. Thanks, Ulysses, but with proper respect to Ajarn's more experienced opinion, I may be too negative. My experience is since early 2003. Maybe in the years before that, guys without degrees were advised by their schools to get fake degrees, then put in prison for 3 months, as it happened this year. Maybe back then, visas and work permits were easier. Surely, Shirley, people still work illegally in Chiang Mai.

    It's mostly where you work, and who you are. Universities are generally safe and protective of their employess, even making payment of taxes and work permits with no problem.. Also, if you are old or inexperienced or without a degree or maybe just not so sharp, positions with universities are not usually possible, meaning that your options are now in a more dangerous area of kids, and the kids mangers. Among kids are mostly where any problems are going to occur...

    Off course people still work illegaly in Chiang Mai. They always have, and they always will. Many of the illegal teachers are desperate for anything...

  7. If you have any info , plz lemme know.



    Going out on a limb on this thorny subject I am assuming (always a danger) that you are talking about orange as in the colour of the flower?

    If so then the flower and plant markets (Kamtieng) behind Tesco Lotus on the Inner Ring of the Super Highway between the Ping River and Chang Puak Road is a good bet. If they don't have the particular colour you want at the places that sell roses ask them for Dook Gu Lap See Som and they will most likely be able to get them in for you.

    Good luck


    In the phrase. Dook Gu Lap See Som, I think for the first word, Dawk is better than Dook.... :o

  8. All I can say is that it has been excellent for me. Once you get your feet wet, you'll find someone looking for someone 'intelligent', which in my case was my knowledge and experience here... My suggestion is to go universities whenever possible. I know a few folks who have been doing it for 20 or 30 years and are enjoying their jobs. In any university there are people you'll be valuable to, maybe in another dept., looking for a teacher to teach a special regular course in English, or teaching English to the Queen, or whatever, for a lot more than regular money. There are great places to work here for someone who is serious and smart about working. Don't worry about the immigration bullshit, for mostly a lot easier than Japan. I have 15 years experience here teaching/managing...

  9. Last night, the Duke and I dined at Moxie in the D2 Hotel.

    It is supposed to be East/West fusion food and when I ate there a year ago, I thought that it was OK, but the drinks were vastly over-priced.

    Well, the drinks are still are way overpriced, but the food wasn't as good as before. It is 85 baht for a Coke if that gives you any idea.

    I had a cold Gazpacho style soup for a starter, but made with carrots instead of tomatoes. It was ABSOLUTELY PUTRID! I was really tempted to call out the chef and ask him how he could serve such <deleted>. I know that everyone has different taste, but still can't see how anyone would prefer this garbage to the classic recipe.

    My dinner companion agreed and actually wanted to get up and leave, but we stuck it out.

    The rest of the meal was OK, but nothing special, and for the prices that they charge it should have been. I had Terriyaki Salmon, but it is MUCH better and MUCH cheaper at Fuji, so I wasn't impressed.

    I realize that the soup ruined the rest of the meal, but because of the drink prices and mediocre food, I've pretty much decided not to bother with Moxie again until I hopefully hear some positive reviews in the future. I like what they are trying to do, so I am hoping that it won't be too long, but they still need to bring their drink prices in line with the rest of the city.

    Here in lies the danger in positive restaurant reviews... I have been reading nothing but 'great' reviews about the restaurant! Everyone (with something to gain) had said how delicious and 'not' expensive it is.. But I've known UG for about 15 years, and I trust his words on a restaurants quality much more...(sometimes he's tooo much! :o ).

  10. If I am reading this sentence correctly, the news story is saying Chiang Mai is the worlds 2nd largest producer of opium and heroin.

    I've seen western papers run stories from northern Isaan featuring pictures of golden sandy beaches so this is par for the course. :D

    Yup agreed on that one, duff info thats twenty years or so out of date. Back when the Karen and other hill tribes were cultivating the stuff a lot more then maybe so, but this is 2007 not 1977. The good thing is that the semi-dodgy news report may put off the influx of travellers/tourists into the North of Thailand.

    Feel sorry for the aussie dudes family, something sounds wrong about him drugging himself like that. He rents a condo, then does that? Doesn't feel right somehow and I suspect foulplay.

    I don't suspect any foul play here. It sounds like an Aussie got a pack of heroin that was stronger than he thought it was. Sad story, but no big deal.

    What if it was a "hot dose" (tainted)..Is that still no big deal..I can't believe you said that ajarn. :o

    Because I've been living here for 22 years, I guess.. It's clearly (to me) exactly the way the news have reported it. Not a big deal here at all. Common doings in Thailand...

    Are you angry because you're an Aussie? Get over it, is my suggestion.

    Not angry at all. I guess we should all just believe what we read in the news then.. Thats the easy way out..

    Yes, that's true, but what choice do you have??

    Either what's been reported, or your own fantasy...

    I'll take the fantasy over a Thai news report any day. Remember the Kirsty Jones farce ?? Still no verdict. So i would assume this case will be handled in the same disgraceful manner..

    Thai news reports, if you take them as gospel you really need to start feeling the bumps on your head. I take them all with a pinch of salt because that is what they are simply news reports. Nobody knows what happened here and speculation one way or the other is pointless.

    My sympathy goes to his family.

    Agreed, 100% :D

  11. If I am reading this sentence correctly, the news story is saying Chiang Mai is the worlds 2nd largest producer of opium and heroin.

    I've seen western papers run stories from northern Isaan featuring pictures of golden sandy beaches so this is par for the course. :D

    Yup agreed on that one, duff info thats twenty years or so out of date. Back when the Karen and other hill tribes were cultivating the stuff a lot more then maybe so, but this is 2007 not 1977. The good thing is that the semi-dodgy news report may put off the influx of travellers/tourists into the North of Thailand.

    Feel sorry for the aussie dudes family, something sounds wrong about him drugging himself like that. He rents a condo, then does that? Doesn't feel right somehow and I suspect foulplay.

    I don't suspect any foul play here. It sounds like an Aussie got a pack of heroin that was stronger than he thought it was. Sad story, but no big deal.

    What if it was a "hot dose" (tainted)..Is that still no big deal..I can't believe you said that ajarn. :o

    Because I've been living here for 22 years, I guess.. It's clearly (to me) exactly the way the news have reported it. Not a big deal here at all. Common doings in Thailand...

    Are you angry because you're an Aussie? Get over it, is my suggestion.

    Not angry at all. I guess we should all just believe what we read in the news then.. Thats the easy way out..

    Yes, that's true, but what choice do you have??

    Either what's been reported, or your own fantasy...

    I'll take the fantasy over a Thai news report any day. Remember the Kirsty Jones farce ?? Still no verdict. So i would assume this case will be handled in the same disgraceful manner..

    Yes, I remember that case, and I think that the news reports were fair and accurate to a large degree...That is the point being discussed here, isn't it? I have never made a comment regarding "a verdict" by police...

  12. If I am reading this sentence correctly, the news story is saying Chiang Mai is the worlds 2nd largest producer of opium and heroin.

    I've seen western papers run stories from northern Isaan featuring pictures of golden sandy beaches so this is par for the course. :D

    Yup agreed on that one, duff info thats twenty years or so out of date. Back when the Karen and other hill tribes were cultivating the stuff a lot more then maybe so, but this is 2007 not 1977. The good thing is that the semi-dodgy news report may put off the influx of travellers/tourists into the North of Thailand.

    Feel sorry for the aussie dudes family, something sounds wrong about him drugging himself like that. He rents a condo, then does that? Doesn't feel right somehow and I suspect foulplay.

    I don't suspect any foul play here. It sounds like an Aussie got a pack of heroin that was stronger than he thought it was. Sad story, but no big deal.

    What if it was a "hot dose" (tainted)..Is that still no big deal..I can't believe you said that ajarn. :o

    Because I've been living here for 22 years, I guess.. It's clearly (to me) exactly the way the news have reported it. Not a big deal here at all. Common doings in Thailand...

    Are you angry because you're an Aussie? Get over it, is my suggestion.

    Not angry at all. I guess we should all just believe what we read in the news then.. Thats the easy way out..

    Yes, that's true, but what choice do you have??

    Either what's been reported, or your own fantasy...

  13. The best place to get you car fixed is at Toyota place Niyom Panich on Mahidol Rd.

    I agree with you but I have found that they don't like working on the older models and this one is definitely in that category. Part of their problem is spare parts and the other is that the car is older than most of the mechanics working there.


    Up until 6 years ago, I had an old Toyota and I always took my car to them. Never a problem with anyone there, and never a problem replacing parts...

  14. If I am reading this sentence correctly, the news story is saying Chiang Mai is the worlds 2nd largest producer of opium and heroin.

    I've seen western papers run stories from northern Isaan featuring pictures of golden sandy beaches so this is par for the course. :D

    Yup agreed on that one, duff info thats twenty years or so out of date. Back when the Karen and other hill tribes were cultivating the stuff a lot more then maybe so, but this is 2007 not 1977. The good thing is that the semi-dodgy news report may put off the influx of travellers/tourists into the North of Thailand.

    Feel sorry for the aussie dudes family, something sounds wrong about him drugging himself like that. He rents a condo, then does that? Doesn't feel right somehow and I suspect foulplay.

    I don't suspect any foul play here. It sounds like an Aussie got a pack of heroin that was stronger than he thought it was. Sad story, but no big deal.

    What if it was a "hot dose" (tainted)..Is that still no big deal..I can't believe you said that ajarn. :o

    Because I've been living here for 22 years, I guess.. It's clearly (to me) exactly the way the news have reported it. Not a big deal here at all. Common doings in Thailand...

    Are you angry because you're an Aussie? Get over it, is my suggestion.

  15. If I am reading this sentence correctly, the news story is saying Chiang Mai is the worlds 2nd largest producer of opium and heroin.

    I've seen western papers run stories from northern Isaan featuring pictures of golden sandy beaches so this is par for the course. :o

    Yup agreed on that one, duff info thats twenty years or so out of date. Back when the Karen and other hill tribes were cultivating the stuff a lot more then maybe so, but this is 2007 not 1977. The good thing is that the semi-dodgy news report may put off the influx of travellers/tourists into the North of Thailand.

    Feel sorry for the aussie dudes family, something sounds wrong about him drugging himself like that. He rents a condo, then does that? Doesn't feel right somehow and I suspect foulplay.

    I don't suspect any foul play here. It sounds like an Aussie got a pack of heroin that was stronger than he thought it was. Sad story, but no big deal.

  16. Many years ago I first contacted Visa for info on whether this 3% charge was legal, or not. They replied to me that is illegal to them (Visa office) because the business had a contract with them that did not allow this, and if I could document it (seperated on the bill) then I would be reimbursed for the fee. The problem I had was getting them to write it clearly on my bill, since it seems that they knew the game. Oh well, I only use my card online now, and at some hotels...

  17. I love Burger King Whoppers in the US, but they use tasteless, inferior beef here.

    At least McDonalds covers up their crap beef with "secret sauce". :o

    It all taste the same to me, but according to their website, they tell you that their beef is nearly 80% fat free, which would likely account for zero taste.

    " Meat and alternatives

    Beef, fish, chicken and pork are important to balanced diet because the provide

    protein, iron and other vital nutrients. At McDonald's, our lean juicy beef patties are

    made from 100% pure beef with no additives, preservatives or fillers and are 79.5%

    fat free. Our McChicken Sandwich and Chicken McNuggets are made from quality cuts of boneless, poultry; and Filet-O-Fish is cut from prime white Alaskan Pollock. McDonald's uses only high quality pork for our Samurai Pork Burger. You can enjoy the benefits of calcium, protein and Vitamin B-2 found in the milk and cheese that we use"

  18. and they occaisonally whack the poor animals head with a metal hammer. heartless fools.

    Fom what I've witnessed over the years, they only use those hammers (with a spike) when elephants are around outsiders. With the obvious dangers involved, sometimes they need a head-klonk to stay right. I don't see them using it cruelly at all...

  19. What, are you mad because I'd didn't parrot what you said?? :o

    No, of course I'm not mad. I just think that any real detective or journalist worth their salt would find a shocking story here. I know there are all kinds of folks in the world, but who would try to exploit the old or the ill or the vulnerable?

    Underlying this for me is also an enduring frustration with the KJ case. I just checked the internet. It will be seven years this August.

    Come on Jomama, why respond to the 'safe' question?? Why not respond to my question regarding your accusation of me "trotting out the Thai Bashing term " ?? You said that you've noted it "for years". Please prove it with even just one example. I think it is bullsh&t.

    Please don't be someone who makes empty accusations.

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